After lunch, Qi Lei still had a class in the afternoon. He originally wanted to stop going and stay here with his sister, but Xing Jiu'an asked him that he would never lie to Xing Jiu'an, so he still said that he had a lesson in the afternoon. one class.

After I finished speaking, I wanted to say a few more words for myself. For example, he studied very well, and it was okay not to go to a class. It was okay to call the teacher in advance to ask for leave.

In the end, he acted like a spoiled child, begging Xing Jiu'an to let him stay.

Qi Lei rarely acts like a spoiled child, but it's not that he can't act like a spoiled child.

After all, Xing Jiu'an is soft on the people he cares about, not hard.

After he learned to act like a spoiled child, he could still be spoiled several times in Xing Jiu'an.

Sure enough, seeing Qi Lei acting like a spoiled child, Xing Jiu'an had no choice. She reluctantly agreed and asked Qi Lei to call and ask for leave.

In fact, she didn't think about it. After she was directly promoted to the university department at the original Mongolian school, she almost never attended classes. Most of the time, she went to the end of the semester to take exams or write a thesis.

Now that Qi Lei is here, she is very strict.

But Qi Lei was also happy to be in charge of her.

In the afternoon, the people of the country came again.

They came over and said a few words to Xing Jiu'an, and told her that they would give her a medal this time...

Xing Jiu'an didn't pay much attention to these, she said, "My mission this time is considered completed."

Most of the people who are familiar with her know that she cares 100% about the completion of this task, and they don't know why, maybe because it sounds good.

Those people were all removed by Xing Jiu'an. Of course, she completed the task, and the hostages were rescued intact. Not only did she complete the task, but she also made a great contribution!

They smiled and told her that her task was still 100% complete, and Xing Jiu'an was happy for a while.

Things on the Internet have been suppressed, but people will still mention it, especially for Xing Jiu'an. On the live broadcast, netizens watched helplessly as Xing Jiu'an was stabbed.

Xing Jiu'an didn't know what to do. She was lazy at first, but now she is injured and her spirit is not very good, so she is even more lazy.

She didn't say much, and she didn't quite understand it anyway.

However, if you don't care, you should be fine.

Netizens can't always keep an eye on her.

Her opinion was finally adopted, and it has been suppressed for more than a day. If you do something else, it will make people think more.

Fortunately, Xing Jiu'an was fine this time. If something happened to Xing Jiu'an, they really didn't know what to do.

It was the little girl they were looking for, and it was such a dangerous task, especially since the little girl had a lot of family members, almost all of them were bosses, and they were especially protective of the younger sisters. If something happened to the little girl, they would all I don't know how to deal with it!

They didn't bother Xing Jiu'an much and left soon.

Xing Jiu'an was lying on the bed and fell asleep in a daze.

Seeing her falling asleep, Lu Zhichen made her a quilt, and the room became quieter.

Xing Jiu'an slept for almost two hours this time. When he woke up, he was dazed like a newborn beast. He rubbed his eyes and wanted to sit up.

Then, the pain in her stomach woke her up all of a sudden.

To be honest, she looks pretty good during the day. If it weren't for the fact that her stomach hurts to remind her that she has an injury, she might be able to run a few kilometers in minutes.

Xing Jiu'an woke up, and the people around him naturally paid attention.

Qi Lei was the closest, holding Xing Jiu'an and letting her sit up slowly.

Mu Qing came over with a water cup, "Just wake up and drink some water."

Xing Jiu'an took it over and stopped drinking after two sips.

Mu Qing did not continue to ask her to drink water, but brought the water cup over again, "Does the wound still hurt?"

Xing Jiu'an originally wanted to scream in pain, but seeing that everyone was looking at her with special attention, she touched her chin, "It doesn't hurt."

"If it hurts, speak up, don't hold back." Lu Zhichen said softly.

Xing Jiu'an covered his ears and didn't want to listen!

Then she realized that it was Lu Zhichen, not someone else. Lu Zhichen was not familiar with other people. She would be embarrassed by her like this.

She immediately put down her hand again and nodded, "Okay."

Lu Zhichen didn't care about Xing Jiu'an's attitude, but he couldn't help but smile when he saw her.

It's just that the little girl who was laughing at him was so cute!

In the evening, Su Yize came.

He ran to Xing Jiu'an's side, very sad, "Little Senior Sister."

"What's the matter?" Xing Jiu'an raised his eyebrows, but he was still arrogantly familiar.

Su Yize frowned and looked at her sadly for a while, "Little Senior Sister, do you hurt?"

Xing Jiu'an smiled, "Little fool."

Su Yize sat aside, Qi Lei looked at him, thinking of competing for favor.

That is, seeing his sister feel unwell now.

Otherwise, there will be a fight.

As for Lu Zhichen, he was just a little dissatisfied with this man's pursuit of his sister. In Qi Lei's heart, no one was worthy of Xing Jiu'an.

But Su Yize was different.

Su Yize is the younger brother who was spoken out by Xing Jiu'an, and the two of them have a good relationship.

Su Yize has the same identity as him, and he is the younger brother here in Xing Jiu'an, so of course he will be wary of Su Yize.

However, Su Yize is the same.

The little sister is just one.

He couldn't grab the master, he couldn't grab the senior brother, he couldn't grab the senior sister, and he couldn't grab an outside brother!

Both of them disliked each other.

Su Yize heard from his family about Xing Jiu'an's injury, so he was sent to him at that time.

Looking at Xing Jiu'an like this, he felt sad and wanted to stay here for one night, and then was sent away by Xing Jiu'an mercilessly.

Xing Jiu'an can't keep so many people here at night, and there are still many inconvenient places for men.

In the end, what remained were Ouqi and Lin Ling who came over.

Mr. Genn also sent someone over to let her take care of Xing Jiu'an. It was a housekeeper who had been with Mr. Genn for a long time and knew Xing Jiu'an's identity.

She takes good care of her, and she is very clear about Xing Jiu'an's hobbies. Lin Ling and Ou Qi are useless at all, not to mention that Xing Jiu'an is very worry-free and does not need to be taken care of.

At this time, on the training camp side, the pot exploded.

If one person knows about Xing Jiu'an's injury, everyone will know.

They anxiously asked Chu Feng and the others how Xing Jiu'an's injury was serious...

In fact, they want to know, and the three of Chu Feng also want to know.

So, Wang Nan sent a message to Xing Jiu'an.

Xing Jiu'an happened to be playing with his mobile phone, and after seeing the news, he replied that it was okay.

The people over there were still worried, and they asked Wang Nan to ask a few more questions.

Xing Jiu'an: "It's really nothing, I'll be back to training camp soon."

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