The True Young Miss Is A Spoiled Boss

Chapter 552 Li Ting's Wish

Li Ting and Xing Jiu'an talked for a while, and Lu Zhichen came over.

He looked at a man who suddenly appeared in the room. He didn't know why, but he didn't think much about it. He thought it was Xing Jiu'an's senior brother.

There are many brothers and sisters in Xing Jiu'an, and it is impossible for Lu Zhichen to know them all.

Just as he was about to ask a question, the other party spoke up.

"Cub, this person..." Li Ting looked at Lu Zhichen for a while, and had a bad premonition.

He doesn't like this man very much.

Intuitively it is.

It's like the other party wants to grab something from him...

Looking at Xing Jiu'an again, he felt that he understood.

No wonder he is not pleasing to the eye!

"It's Lu Zhichen." Xing Jiu'an said, "Lu Zhichen, this is Li Ting."

Xing Jiu'an briefly introduced them to the two.

Lu Zhichen looked at Li Ting a little bit wrong.

Xing Jiu'an's senior brother wouldn't call her that. He thought about such a close name for a long time, but he couldn't think of seeing this person when he was a child.

But it may also be that Xing Jiu'an met later.

When he saw Lu Zhichen, he felt that his pursuit might have to add a lot of resistance.

The look in his eyes now is very wrong.

However, Lu Zhichen didn't want that much anymore.

Anyway, except for Xing Jiu'an who has a good impression of him now, he doesn't care about others.

It's not that he doesn't care, there are too many people, and he can't care about it.

Li Ting didn't stay here for a long time, he and Xing Jiu'an said a few more words, and told her that he had something to do, and he would come to see her later.

Xing Jiu'an nodded and said yes.

Li Ting really has something to do.

He made a new type of weapon and prepared to hand it over to the relevant departments of China. After that, he would often walk around China and meet Xing Jiu'an more.

Although he is relatively famous internationally, no one who is more famous than him is as dangerous as him.

His research in weapons and chemistry is very extensive and very powerful, otherwise there would not be so many people who would want to capture him and get rid of him if he can't be used by others.

He alone is more nervous than dozens of agents.

However, although he has done some bad things, he kills people who deserve to be killed. He was trained as an all-around agent at the beginning, but he has more outstanding weapons and chemical talents.

The weapons he made before were captured and coerced and lured him were not completely finished products, and they could be used for a short time. Because of this, there were many people who chased and killed him.

He hasn't appeared for a while, and some people have forgotten his existence. Therefore, after the bloody storm of the world this time, there are more people who are jealous of him.

In fact, he took these things into a large organization, and that organization could protect him for a lifetime even for his talents.

However, this was not what Li Ting wanted.

He wants to come to Xing Jiu'an, and Xing Jiu'an will stay in China, and he also wants to be the same as Xing Jiu'an...

To be able to show up in the place where Xing Jiu'an lives, get along with her, and occasionally chat with her, or do a task together, that's what he wants.

I have raised such a child in my life, and I just want to see her well, safe and healthy, and happy and happy in her whole life. This is enough.

However, Xing Jiu'an will also be in danger. He doesn't trust others, so of course he can only watch it himself.

At this time, I have to be thankful, fortunately, I still have the opportunity to accompany her.

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