The True Young Miss Is A Spoiled Boss

Chapter 579 Who taught you to act like a spoiled child

If you don't like it, you don't like it, if you like it, you really like it.

When Xing Jiu'an saw his boyfriend alone and lonely, he felt pity for him.

"Why don't you talk to them?" Xing Jiu'an sat next to Lu Zhichen and asked him softly.

"..." Lu Zhichen thought funny, the little girl probably didn't know that he was very unwelcome here.

Lu Zhichen didn't care that others didn't welcome him, he already knew the result.

Xing Jiu'an didn't get along with him very much before, and the brothers and sisters were already very unhappy, not to mention that the two of them are together now!

"Isn't it boring to wait for me here?" Xing Jiu'an's voice was a little soft, looking at Lu Zhichen's eyes focused and serious, with a smile in his eyes.

If it wasn't here, Lu Zhichen would really like to kiss her.

But he can only think about it, if he really kissed the little girl, it would be a provocation for everyone except them.

Although Lu Zhichen had already chased people down, he still wanted to change the way the little girl's family knew about him.

At least don't be so hostile to him.

"How come." Lu Zhichen shook his head, "It's not boring at all."

Instead, he was happy.

Lu Zhichen and Xing Jiu'an chatted happily here. Others noticed it and were not happy when they saw the two chatting with a smile.

His eyes were both angry and helpless.

Angry, Lu Zhichen caught up with their little girl.

And unfortunately, this is what Xing Jiu'an really likes. They can't always do something like a mandarin duck.

They don't want to do things that make little girls unhappy.

Therefore, I can only endure the discomfort and watch the two chat intimately!

In fact, they weren't that close either. There was a small table in the middle of the place where they were sitting. Neither of them touched their hands.

In fact, there is nothing to arrange. It has been arranged before. They pretend to be busy, but they just don't want to pay attention to Lu Zhichen.

Who knew that he sat there for a while, and the little girl who finished the phone went right over.

Really... careless!

A careless group of people can only watch the two of them chat!

Although it is said to be a birthday, but almost all of them are family members, and there is no special event, just the decoration is better, and it will be a birthday to have a meal together.

The Shimen usually eat a relatively light diet at night, so their big meal is eaten at noon.

Lu Zhichen was not idle this time. Went to the kitchen and cooked several dishes that Xing Jiu'an liked to eat.

No one bullied him, and he would still help where he should.

When Lu Zhichen cooks vegetables, there will also be special people who wash and cut vegetables.

There are twenty or thirty people in total, and everyone wants to do their best on Xing Jiu'an's birthday, so no one escapes from work.

Some people set up the scene, some people wash the vegetables, some people cut the vegetables, some people cook the vegetables, some people carry the plates, put the tableware and chopsticks, and finally clean up the hygiene...

After a series of things were done, even Mr. Gern and the housekeeper helped to place the tables and chairs.

There was nothing to do in the whole process, only one Xing Jiu'an.

Xing Xiaogai is also babbling to everyone!

Xing Jiu'an didn't find work for herself, there was nowhere to use her, she just sat there, watching everyone so busy, so busy...

It feels so good!

Xing Jiu'an felt that she was very bad. Seeing others busy, she was happy to be idle here.

But she didn't want to do anything, and continued to sit there and watch everyone busy.

Xing Xiaogai occasionally comes to Xing Jiu'an to play with her here.

Xing Jiu'an held Xing Xiaojiao, who had gained a lot of weight, and felt that it was a little heavy.

"Xing Xiaojiao, you are so heavy!" she said.

"Meow~" Xing Xiaogao wasn't angry either, her little nose rubbed against Xing Jiu'an's hand, and her big round cat eyes were full of love.

It hugged Xing Jiu'an's hand trying to rub its head again, and called to her softly and squeamishly.

Xing Jiu'an smiled and said, "Why are you so coquettish?"

"Who taught you this?"

She was just teasing Xing Xiaojiao, but she didn't expect Xing Xiaojiao to look straight at her after saying this.

Xing Jiu'an was stunned for a while, tilted her head, Xing Xiaojiao's eyes moved with her, just looking at her, she looked quite serious.

"Jiu'an, I think Xing Xiaojiao meant that it was learned from you." Ou Qi happened to pass by and laughed when she saw this scene, and solved the puzzle for Xing Jiu'an, who was dazed.

"..." Xing Jiu'an retorted, "I didn't."

Ouqi smiled and nodded, "Yes, yes, you didn't, it just learned from you, you didn't teach it."

"I'm so handsome, how could it possibly learn to act like a spoiled brat from me!" Xing Jiu'an looked arrogant, "I don't even act like a spoiled brat!"

Ouki was about to burst out laughing.

"Yes, yes, you are right!"

"Jiu'an is cool and handsome, but he doesn't act like a spoiled child!"

Xing Jiu'an also nodded with such an expression on his face, "It was."

Ou Qi held back her laughter and walked away, she was afraid that she could not help laughing out loud and embarrass the little girl on her birthday, that would be bad!

Xing Jiu'an looked at Xing Xiaojiao's kitten face again, "Xing Xiaojiao, who did you learn to act like a spoiled child?"

Xing Xiaojiao seemed to be helpless to her, and licked her fingers, as if she wanted her to stop talking.

Xing Jiu'an pretended to be sad, "Xing Xiaojiao, you don't love me anymore."

Xing Xiaojiao's cat face can see great doubt and shock!

I'm not without you, don't talk nonsense!

It seemed to kiss Xing Jiu'an's hand helplessly, and looked up at her with a very serious expression.

It's like saying, I don't dislike you, I like you very much!

Xing Jiu'an was stunned by it, rubbed Xing Xiaojiao's head, and smiled happily!

"By the way, Xing Xiaolang will occasionally come over at noon these days. You go out and have a look. I think it should come today." The senior brother was busy when he suddenly remembered and called Xing Jiu'an quickly.

"I see." Xing Jiu'an responded, put Xing Xiaojiao on the ground, and went out to pick up Xing Xiaolang.

I don’t know if it’s because the animals have been raised for a long time. Although Xing Xiaolang has returned to live in the wild for a long time, he will come over every year for Xing Jiu’an’s birthday, and he will not be absent once.

It seems to know which day Xing Jiu'an's birthday is, and every time it arrives at that time, it will come over.

He will also bring gifts to Xing Jiu'an.

Sometimes pretty little rocks.

Sometimes oddly shaped leaves.

Another time, he came over with two live little rabbits in his mouth. I don't know how it came from so far away with two live food. When it was given to Xing Jiu'an, the two little rabbits were not injured.

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