The True Young Miss Is A Spoiled Boss

Chapter 641 She Thinks It's Fake

"You?" Lu Mingxi sized her up, then couldn't help laughing, "Just wait and eat."

"I can help." Xing Jiu'an was not convinced.

"I didn't say you couldn't help, just wait and eat, just leave this tiring work to us." Ou Qi also said.

Xing Jiu'an was not unhelpful before.

Help wash the vegetables, wash the vegetables to rot.

Helped to cut vegetables, and my hands were bleeding.

Help hold a plate, the plate is broken, and my hands are hot...

It's's kind of amazing in retrospect.

Xing Jiu'an also had such a stupid time!

Xing Jiu'an still wanted to struggle, but Lu Zhichen also said softly, "Jiu'an, go to the living room and wait for a while, and it will be done right away."

Xing Jiu'an looked at her boyfriend, then at Ou Qi and Lu Mingxi, and determined that they really didn't want to take him, so they could only withdraw helplessly.

How can she fail once and not give her a chance to start over?

She is not convinced!

But I don't even think about whether I only failed once!

Lu Zhichen left after eating.

Xing Jiu'an received news from Su Yize in the evening, saying that the party was in the past two days, and asked Xing Jiu'an if he had time.

Xing Jiu'an said there was time.

She has quite a bit of time all this time.

Su Yize said that he made an appointment to send a message to Xing Jiu'an, and then chatted with Xing Jiu'an for a while before saying goodnight to Xing Jiu'an.

Xing Jiu'an looked at the phone for a while, and then prepared to swipe the international task list.

She has some memories of many people who have been put on the task list, and can see some of them.

It's not all based on her memory. Before, Mu Qing took her to show her some more dangerous characters.

She is asked to watch it almost every year, because the task list is updated very quickly, and Mu Qing is worried that Xing Jiu'an's task object is too powerful, causing her to be injured.

Although it is said that on the way to become stronger, injuries are inevitable, but Xing Jiu'an doesn't need to be so powerful, and she is already very powerful, and she is spoiled by her master, brothers and sisters, so she can live a carefree life.

Mu Qing doesn't want Xing Jiu'an to take over the task by himself. If the four of them are together, he can protect Xing Jiu'an more.

But Xing Jiu'an has always had her own ideas. She wants to become stronger and independent. Mu Qing spoils her and hopes to give her what she wants.

Although he is not at ease, he is also willing to watch Xing Jiu'an keep his feet on the ground and become better and better step by step.

Every time before talking to Xing Jiu'an about some more dangerous people, Mu Qing made a lot of preparations.

But he doesn't pay attention to the task list all the time, and it is impossible for all dangerous characters to know.

There will always be some that have not been found in advance and need to be screened by Xing Jiu'an.

Xing Jiu'an starts from ordinary tasks.

There are a lot of people on the task list, and some don't even have an avatar, only some small hints.

Xing Jiu'an originally planned to just take a look at the ordinary list, but he didn't expect to see an S-level task.

That person Xing Jiu'an still had an impression, and Mu Qing gave her a list that needed to be cautious.

She didn't expect that it would appear on ordinary tasks.

If someone who can only take ordinary tasks does receive this task, the consequences... are unimaginable.

When Xing Jiu'an was watching, this task was suddenly taken over.

Xing Jiu'an saw the task list light up, and then the 0 behind it became a 1.

This is a small reminder. There is not only one person who can take a task, the upper limit is ten, and the person who will get the reward in the end is the person who handed in the task object.

However, for the sake of fairness and to protect everyone's privacy, whoever takes the task cannot be seen by others.

Xing Jiu'an frowned, something has happened, why hasn't the international suspended this place to accept the task, and then resume after everything is dealt with.

In this case, I don't know how many people will fold in.

Originally, everyone was scruples about their own strength to choose the task that suits them.

When the quest is no longer suitable, the quest you take may not necessarily match your own strength, and the changes that will be brought about are huge.

Xing Jiu'an couldn't do anything, she looked at the task that became 1 and sighed softly.

Later, she went to see the tasks in other prices.

In addition to ordinary tasks, there are also S-level tasks in other-level tasks.

It's like a gamble. If you are lucky and choose a task that was originally a common task or a task of A-level B-level C-level in the S-level task, it will be very easy.

If you choose other levels of tasks in the ordinary tasks, it will not be easy.

Only depends on luck.

Xing Jiu'an doesn't know all the task objects here, and she hasn't taken the task for a while, and there may be a lot of new tasks that can't be distinguished.

She closed the site, ready to take a break.

This time, she was dreaming again.

But this time the dream was different from the others, and Xing Jiu'an felt a little strange.

She obviously never imagined that she had lived in the Huo family since she was a child and was spoiled as a little princess, so why did she dream of it?

Xing Jiu'an held her chin and watched her five- or six-year-old wearing a beautiful little princess dress, chasing butterflies in the backyard of the Huo family's old house.

She felt so fake.

When she was a child, she obviously liked to climb trees, and sometimes she liked to go to the river to catch fish, just like the saying that she would run where the danger was, the skin was not good.

How could she do something like chasing butterflies?

To chase is to chase Xing Xiaolang!

That was probably the mother Huo when she was young, with delicate clothes and a gentle smile, "Yanyan slow down, don't fall."

"I know mom, Yanyan is very careful."

"Yanyan wants to catch a butterfly and give it to her mother."

Xing Jiu'an listened to Xiao Xiao herself saying such words, and the childish little voice made her sound fake.

She caught birds so fast, how could she still not catch a butterfly?

She didn't even think about what happened to this dream, she just held her chin and watched. Since she couldn't wake up, she thought of watching a movie.

Looking at her silly appearance when she was a child, she actually found it a little interesting.

After watching it for a while, Xing Jiu felt at ease, why didn't he fall, bad review!

Master always said that her center of gravity was unstable, and she was like this when she was a child, and it was easy to fall.

In the dream, Xiao Xing Jiu'an ran for so long without falling, which is really bad!

"Mom, Yanyan didn't catch the butterfly." In the end, Xiao Xing Jiu'an gave up and walked to Mother Huo dejectedly, her voice very dull.

Mother Huo quickly comforted, coaxed for a while, and coaxed Xiao Xing Jiu'an.

"Brother should be leaving school soon, shall we go to the door to pick up my brother?"

"Okay." Xiaoxing Jiu'an shouted happily, "Pick up my brother home!"

She was running in front, and Mother Huo shouted to slow her down and followed her in a hurry.

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