The True Young Miss Is A Spoiled Boss

Chapter 700 This person investigated me and followed me

However, their awake time is too short.

Moreover, in the previous dream, Huo Jinqi tried to wake up with pain, but he still recovered quickly, they should be out of control in some aspects.

And Xing Jiu'an.

She is even more out of control.

She was rational and calm, always thinking that she was abandoned by her biological parents. If there was no master, she might have starved to death, or been eaten by the wild beasts on the mountain as food.

Even at such a young age, she has long understood life and death.

How could he leave with the Huo family when they came.

So, before the Huo family came to the door, she was already being targeted.

After that, she enjoyed all kinds of treatment, and within a few months she turned herself into a lunatic with no reason and no self-esteem.

Then, everything is out of control.

Thinking of that time, Xing Jiu'an suddenly felt a little scary.

If everything is as Huo Chulan sits, and, in the end, nothing changes.

Could it be that when she died, she was really abandoned by the whole world.

Master and brothers and sisters will not want her too?

even hate her.

When she was bored before, she had read some inexplicable novels. During that time, Huo Chulan was really like the kind of role-playing that people liked. People are madly infatuated with her.

Just like Wu Lin.

Xing Jiu'an came up with a cold sweat for himself.

But fortunately nothing happened in this life.

Huo Chulan is dead, and Wu Lin is also dead in prison.

Xing Jiu'an figured it out and continued to eat breakfast.

Lu Zhichen knocked on the door almost when Xing Jiu'an finished eating.

Ouki went to open the door for him and came in.

Lu Zhichen saw that Xing Jiu'an was about to wash the tableware and chopsticks, and quickly stepped forward to take it from her hand.

"You clean up first, I'll wash the dishes for you."

"But I..."

"The water is cold, it's not good to touch cold water in winter."

Okey heard that and rolled his eyes.

This dog food is sprinkled...

Bah, Bah, she's not a dog!

However, Lu Zhichen was relieved that Xing Jiu'an was so good and took care of her.

Although I don't know what it will be like in the future, after all, no matter what kind of relationship, no matter how deep love is, it will always pass by with time.

They still have to walk slowly.

But now Lu Zhichen is really good.

Satisfied enough.

Xing Jiu'an had nothing to do, just watch Lu Zhichen wash the dishes.

Lu Zhichen noticed her gaze, looked at her sideways and smiled, "What's wrong?"

"The boyfriend who can do housework is so handsome!" Xing Jiu'an praised him.

"Then do you like me a little more?" Lu Zhichen continued to ask her with a smile.

"Well... of course there is." Xing Jiu'an answered firmly.

"I like you a little more every day."

Fortunately, Ouki didn't hear it, otherwise she might not be able to stay in the living room.

These two people, even if they show affection, will not look at a single person next to them!

Lu Zhichen dried the tableware and chopsticks, "Why are you so good at flirting today?"

"I've always been good at chatting?" Xing Jiu'an didn't understand.

"We usually talk too."

"..." Well, it's not the first time that the little girl has low emotional intelligence!

"I didn't mean that." Lu Zhichen was helpless.

"You mean so much, and I don't know what you're talking about."

"...Little girl."

Xing Jiu'an looked at him blankly.

Lu Zhichen washed his hands and wiped them dry with a paper towel, then threw them into the trash can.

"Little girl, why do you like to insult me ​​so much today?"

"What did I do wrong again?"

"You just say whether it's good or not, and I'll change it."

"Absolutely no opinion."

"...I'm telling the truth." Xing Jiu'an touched the tip of his nose, "Is it very embarrassing?"

Lu Zhichen hugged her and kissed her lips gently, "No, I'm joking."

"Okay, you actually lied to me!" Xing Jiu'an broke away from him.

"You lied to my feelings, and I decided to ignore you for a minute."


Did he coax people and make a mistake?

Lu Zhichen looked helpless.

"Then can you forgive me as soon as possible?"

"A minute is too long."

"I beg you."


I have to say that Lu Zhichen is really good at acting like a spoiled child.

But in the same way, Xing Jiu'an is also very resistant to his coquetry.

Xing Jiu'an was unmoved, and deliberately took the mobile phone and set a time for Lu Zhichen.

Lu Zhichen watched the countdown to that minute and could not fall into silence.

However, why is it a little funny!

How cute is the little girl!

A minute later, Xing Jiu'an responded to Lu Zhichen in a decent manner.

The little one is so cute!

Then, the two were ready to go out on a date.

They go to play whatever they want like ordinary couples, and then go to the movies in the afternoon and evening.

Xing Jiu'an didn't like watching it very much, but it was fun to stay here with Lu Zhichen. She sat there, ate popcorn and drank Coke, and then slept for half an hour.

When she woke up, the movie was almost over.

Lu Zhichen originally wanted to say that if Xing Jiu'an was very sleepy, he would send her back now.

But after waking up, Xing Jiu was refreshed and even able to run ten kilometers.

Lu Zhichen took her to the store that had been reserved before.

The two often eat Chinese food when they come out, and Xing Jiu'an doesn't like food like steak and burgers very much.

Today is no exception.

Xing Jiu'an and Lu Zhichen went out for a whole day, and they were sent home by their boyfriend after having dinner with satisfaction.

The two said goodbye to each other, and Lu Zhichen watched Xing Jiu'an go upstairs.

He left.

When Xing Jiu'an was waiting for the elevator, suddenly there was another person beside him.

"Miss An Yi, you really made me sad last time."

Xing Jiu'an looked sideways, his eyes were very cold.

It was the young man who secretly followed her last time.

"What are you doing here?"

"I managed to find Miss An Yi's place, won't Miss An Yi invite me to sit down?"

Xing Jiu'an hooked his lips, "I can send you to the International Court of Justice."

The young man paused, "Isn't it, Miss An Yi can't even make a funny joke?"

Xing Jiu'an didn't want to pay attention to his yin and yang, and she didn't like talking to strangers very much.

Rather than talking, she prefers to deal directly with such people.

Pressing the person to the ground three or two times, "Why are you investigating me?"

"I didn't investigate you, Miss An Yi, you believe me, I just want to be your friend."

"Why should I trust you?"

"Miss An Yi, you can let me go first, and I'll explain it to you slowly, okay?"

Xing Jiu'an was just about to speak when suddenly two more people came here.

"Jiu'an?" Lu Mingxi shouted in surprise.

"Jiu'an, what happened? This is..." Mu Qing also asked worriedly.

"This person investigated me and followed me." Xing Jiu'an complained directly.

The eyes of Mu Qing and Lu Mingxi instantly cooled down.

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