Although he wanted to let Xing Jiu'an coax him well, he also knew that there were more important things to do now.

He still has to explain.

In fact, it's almost done, but Lu Zhichen is still not at ease and wants to take a look at it one last time.

After that, he can propose marriage.

He even had the ring ready for a long time.

But now there are no surprises.

He appeased Xing Jiu'an, sent a message, and was relieved to know that the flowers he had just ordered had been delivered.

"I'll take you to have a look, okay?" He squeezed the little girl's fingers and asked softly.

Xing Jiu'an snorted lightly and didn't say if it was okay.

That's all right, Lu Zhichen took the person directly into the car.

Xing Jiu'an asked twice on the road, Lu Zhichen didn't speak, Xing Jiu'an didn't ask.

Always know anyway.

Lu Zhichen parked the car at his residence.

He thought about where to set the scene for a long time, and finally chose here.

It's a really nice place to be here.

On the one hand, both of them have to be in the training camp on the side of City C, and they shouldn't be able to go back during this time.

If it is arranged in the capital, he will have to run back and forth, and it will be troublesome, and the time will not wait. Xing Jiu'an does not necessarily have to stay in C city for long.

After thinking about it for a long time, I'm still ready to be here.

He didn't choose any romantic western restaurant either, with music to set off the atmosphere or something.

However, these days, he has been struggling to tidy up his home.

There is not much time for him every day. During the day, he and Xing Jiu'an are at the training ground or on a date. At night, he has to go to bed early because he has to get up at five or six o'clock the next day. If he sleeps very late every day, Xing Jiu'an will make him It seems that his mental state is not very good.

Moreover, every night there will be some documents from the capital that he needs to see.

However, with his efforts, the scene of the marriage proposal was quickly set up.

The time he originally chose was tomorrow, but he didn't want Xing Jiu'an to think too much. Today is actually no different.

It has been done, and he is quite confident in his proposal.

The two of them were wearing couples outfits today, with one black and one white jacket, and the sweater inside was bought by Lu Zhichen.

Off-white sweaters of the same color, one with a small letter x embroidered on the neckline, and the other with an l.

When Xing Jiu'an saw it before, he also said that it was a coincidence that it was so similar to their two surnames. Lu Zhichen said that this was a couple's costume that he specially made.

Xing Jiu'an looked at the two small letters again, and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Lu Zhichen covered Xing Jiu'an's eyes when he got on the elevator.

"What are you doing?" Xing Jiu'an grabbed his hand and didn't push it away.

"It's a secret, I can't read it now." Lu Zhichen answered in a serious voice.

Xing Jiu'an thought it was funny, but he didn't take his hand away again.

Lu Zhichen later took out an eye mask directly from his pocket.

"I'll put this on for you."

Xing Jiu'an was speechless for a moment, "As for what?"

"Of course!" Lu Zhichen snorted softly, "This is a secret."

"Okay, okay." Xing Jiu'an took it directly and put it on by himself. His movements were not gentle at all, and he even raised his hair a little.

There are also some playful and cute.

Lu Zhichen arranged her hair gently. Although Xing Jiu'an didn't care, he also enjoyed Lu Zhichen's excellent service.

After getting off the elevator, Xing Jiu'an was brought out by Lu Zhichen's hand.

Xing Jiu'an was blindfolded by a blindfold and could only be taken away by Lu Zhichen. This feeling should be quite strange, as if he had given everything to Lu Zhichen.

Lu Zhichen took a deep breath and opened the door.

The curtains have been drawn, and the room is dark, but the road can be seen clearly.

Lu Zhichen held Xing Jiu'an's hand so that she couldn't take off the blindfold, then took her to the sofa and helped her sit down.

"wait for me a while."

Xing Jiu'an nodded blindfolded.

Lu Zhichen went to light up the lanterns that had been arranged.

He didn't choose colorful ones, all the small lights were warm yellow, which looked very gentle.

The bouquet of roses had already been sent, and he didn't make anything else on it. It was a simple bouquet, but it was also very beautiful.

The corners of the table and table next to it have also been carefully made with many small decorations.

There is a huge heart shape placed by a square gift box on the ground...

When Xing Jiu'an was taken off the blindfold covering his eyes, he was still a little dazed.

Then, she saw Lu Zhichen kneeling in front of him on one leg.

He was wearing a pure white down jacket, with a gentle smile and a serious expression, but Xing Jiu'an could see the rare nervousness in his eyes.

The red roses in his arms are bright and beautiful, but they are not as bright as the shining stars in Lu Zhichen's eyes.

"Jiu'an, you said that when you grow up, you will be my bride... So, can you marry me?"

Xing Jiu settled down and couldn't help laughing.

"Are you threatening me to keep my word?"

Lu Zhichen just looked at her and didn't speak, but the tension in his eyes was clearly visible.

He has prepared for so long and arranged so many things, but in the end, saying such a sentence seems to have exhausted all his strength.

I just want to look at her and wait for her to nod.

The ring box Lu Zhichen took out was very beautiful, but as soon as the ring box was opened, Xing Jiu'an's eyes were attracted by the ring.

The ring is very beautiful, but Xing Jiu'an has designed this type of ring, and it can be seen that it is a little rough, but it is not very obvious.

"Did you do it yourself?" Xing Jiu'an asked softly.

Lu Zhichen didn't get an answer and was very nervous, but he also answered Xing Jiu'an's question seriously.


Xing Jiu'an hugged him and kissed his lips, "It's beautiful, put it on for me."

Lu Zhichen was stunned for a moment.

He didn't know whether he should kiss first or put the ring on the little girl first.

But obviously it was immediately discovered that it was more important to wear a ring to the little girl.

He put the bouquet beside him, took out the ring and put it on Xing Jiu'an.

Xing Jiu'an's hands are very beautiful. After wearing the ring, I don't know if it is the ring on her hand or the ring on her hand.

After putting the ring on Xing Jiu'an, Lu Zhichen hugged her and continued the kiss just now.

He is so happy that from now on, Xing Jiu'an will really become his fiancee.

Everything he said when he was a child became reality, and he was so excited that he didn't know what to do.

Xing Jiu'an was pressed on the sofa and kissed by him, and his coat was taken off, but it was not cold in the room.

Lu Zhichen's actions were strong, and Xing Jiu'an could only be pressed on the sofa by him all the time, passively enduring his excited kiss.

She was a little dazed, and she didn't even have the strength to push Lu Zhichen in her hands.

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