The True Young Miss Is A Spoiled Boss

Chapter 706 You will always be worthy of me

Lu Zhichen was caught off guard by being issued a good person card, and he was still a little stunned.

He continued to hold the little girl and asked, why would he be so sure? What if he's not a good brother?

The little girl asked him back, asking if he was a bad person and would hurt her.

Of course he said no.

It's too late for him to like the little girl, how could he hurt her!

However, she really wanted to abduct the little girl into her own home.

Then the little girl spoke, saying that her intuition was very powerful, and brother Jiu Nan must be a good person.

Still a super good looking good man brother!

Lu Zhichen didn't know for a while, whether the little girl liked him because of her face, or the so-called intuition that she was a good person.

Xing Jiu'an came over and didn't want Lu Zhichen to continue to hold her. She pushed Lu Zhichen, and Lu Zhichen backed away and sat beside her.

But there was still some strong hold on the little girl's waist in his hand.

Xing Jiu'an's coat was taken off by Lu Zhichen, and Lu Zhichen's coat was also taken off by himself. The two were wearing sweaters of the same color. Xing Jiu'an leaned against Lu Zhichen and asked him to lean on her. She was tired and asked rest for a bit.

Lu Zhichen didn't move, and let the little girl lean on him.

The room was still a little dim, and only the small lanterns emitted a warm yellow light that was not very bright.

But it made the atmosphere extraordinarily seductive and ambiguous.

Xing Jiu'an didn't rely on it for too long. She looked at the huge heart shape placed by the gift box, and curiously asked Lu Zhichen what it was.

Lu Zhichen led her over.

"There are eighteen gift boxes here..." Lu Zhichen hugged Xing Jiu'an from behind and put his chin on her shoulder.

"I gave it to my fiancee, a birthday present from one to eighteen years old."

"Jiu'an, I'll be with you every year for your future birthdays, okay?"

Xing Jiu'an held Lu Zhichen's hand on his waist, his voice was very soft, but he couldn't hide his affection, "Okay."

"I will spend your birthday with you in the future."

Lu Zhichen chuckled softly, "Do you want to open the present now?"

"No, I will take it home and dismantle it."

"it is good."

"Are you preparing for this all these days?"

"That's right." Lu Zhichen felt a little aggrieved. "A certain little girl thought I was doing something bad and said she didn't want me anymore."

Xing Jiu'an thought about what would happen if her intention was like this, but she was treated like this by the other party.

She quickly concluded, be angry!

Must be angry!

You will also feel embarrassed.

She turned around quickly, Lu Zhichen didn't let go, Xing Jiu'an turned around in the arms trapped by Lu Zhichen's hands.

"I'm sorry." She admitted her mistake quickly, her eyes full of guilt.

"It was my fault."

"Can you forgive me?"

Lu Zhichen was frightened by the little girl's posture.

This time, he still didn't know what to do.

He was just teasing the little girl, but he didn't expect the little girl to apologize to him so seriously.

He was silent for a while, and then kept Xing Jiu'an, "I'm very happy."

Xing Jiu'an looked at him suspiciously, "Jiu'an, I'm glad you like these gifts, but you don't need to say sorry to me."

"You will always be worthy of me."

Xing Jiu'an watched him for a while, then leaned up and kissed his lips.

"You will always be worthy of me. The two of us were born together."

"It's a match made in heaven."

Lu Zhichen was very happy that the little girl said such words, and the two kissed for a while.

He originally thought it was the little girl who was coaxing him, but he didn't know that this was the little girl's inner thoughts, and it was true.

It's the two of them that Master said, a match made in heaven!

If the expectation for love in this world is to win the heart of one person, never change, meet until the end, live up to eachother, a promise is a lifetime...

Well, they will do it.

Even if they are in love for the first time, like someone for the first time, and fantasize about the future for the first time...

However, it doesn't matter when or how many times.

Met the right person, a promise, two people, is a lifetime.

As promised, they will spend a lifetime for each other's birthdays.

Later, Lu Zhichen turned on the light and went to the kitchen to cook for Xing Jiu'an. Xing Jiu'an looked around in the living room, took pictures of eighteen gift boxes, and kept them in his album.

She thought that no matter how long it was, she would still feel romantic seeing this again.

Romance is not about looking at the situation, what a grand and spectacular scene.

In the past, there were also many people who arranged very beautiful scenes and said they liked it with Xing Jiu'an, but Xing Jiu'an never felt anything.

What romance, with her, it's better to do a difficult problem or find a fun task.

Lu Zhichen's romance is not outstanding, but Xing Jiu'an still feels romantic.

Maybe it's because she likes it herself, so she likes what Lu Zhichen does for her.

She likes this romance because she likes Lu Zhichen.

Lu Zhichen was cooking, Xing Jiu'an stayed in the living room for a while, and then went to the kitchen.

Lu Zhichen didn't let her do it, so he made a fruit platter and handed it to Xing Jiu'an, and put a beautiful little fork on her.

Then, he was worried that Xing Jiu'an was tired from standing there, and he moved a chair to let Xing Jiu'an sit down.

After it was done, he continued to cook.

Lu Zhichen, who is cooking, is also very handsome. He seems to be able to do everything with ease. Only when facing Xing Jiu'an, he occasionally feels nervous.

Xing Jiu'an sat there eating fruit and fed Lu Zhichen from time to time.

Lu Zhichen cooked this meal for more than half an hour, but he also cooked five or six dishes, and the aroma of the food filled the whole kitchen.

Xing Jiu'an already wanted to eat.

Lu Zhichen took out a small bowl and let her eat some first. He set the meal, and the two of them could start eating.

After today, the identities of the two people are different.

Lu Zhichen still kept the red rope well, saying that it was their token of love, and when they got old, they would have to look at it with Xing Jiu'an.

Xing Jiu'an said with a smile that it should have been broken by then.

Lu Zhichen said no, he would take good care of it.

Xing Jiu'an felt that this was a little pitiful, but it wasn't that she couldn't prepare a new and better gift for her fiancé.

Maybe it was because he could see what Xing Jiu'an meant. Lu Zhichen said that gifts were not important. It was a gift from Xing Jiu'an when they were together when they were young, especially when he said that it was a token of love.

Therefore, this gives a very important meaning to the ordinary red rope, and it is also a very good expectation.

He kept the red rope for so long, why didn't he think so!

Hope all wishes come true.

He didn't have any wishes, only the meaning represented by this red rope turned out to be what Lu Zhichen looked forward to most in his life.

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