Mr. Xu can also be said to be Xing Jiu'an's teacher, and Mu Qing was very polite to him.

After arriving home, Mr. Xu ate some noodles and went to sleep in the room that Ouqi had packed.

He went to collect medicine before dawn, and then took a car and a plane for surgery, and communicated for an hour. He was already a little tired.

No matter how good his body is, he is a little old after all.

Xing Jiu'an did not intend to go to the hospital to see Mr. Huo.

Although she was very concerned, the Huo family was all there, so she didn't need to go there.

She still didn't really want to see them.

I still can't get past that hurdle.

Lu Zhichen stayed in the hospital for a long time, and it was almost five o'clock in the afternoon when he came out.

At this time, Mr. Huo had woken up and was in good spirits, but he was a little disappointed that he didn't see Xing Jiu'an.

When Huo's father told him that Xing Jiu'an and the old gentleman invited by Xing Jiu'an saved him, he was happy again.

This means that the little girl is very worried about him.

They also want to get along with the little girl, but Xing Jiu'an always avoids them, and it can be seen that he doesn't want to get along with them.

They had no other choice but to follow Xing Jiu'an's wishes.

However, if there is an opportunity, I don't want to let it go.

However, it can also be seen that Xing Jiu'an's attitude towards Grandpa Huo and Grandma Huo is still very good.

Probably because of respect for the old, or because she is not so hostile to the two old people.

Huo's parents and Huo's mother also thought about whether it was because Xing Jiu'an was abandoned by Huo Chulan's biological parents that she could only think of bad about the word parents.

But there was no way they could make time come back.

If everything can be repeated, let this time become when Xing Jiu'an was not born, they are willing to pay no matter how much.

There is no need for the little girl to be forced to "take the wrong" when she was born. She seldom sees each other for several years, and even she was deliberately abandoned later. I don't know how much she suffered before being picked up.

Unfortunately, there is no time to come back.

Just like regrets, you can only regret.

Some things, there is not even room for retention.

When Lu Zhichen came out of the hospital, he called Xing Jiu'an.

He said that Mr. Huo has woken up, and his mental condition is also good. He has cultivated well and can be discharged from the hospital after a while.

Xing Jiu'an said he knew.

She didn't ask deliberately, but Lu Zhichen could also guess that she would be worried.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have rushed over so early and specially asked Mr. Xu to come over.

The matter between Xing Jiu'an and the Huo family is not something that can be said clearly in a sentence or two, nor can it be solved easily.

No one knows what Xing Jiu'an thinks.

He chose to stand on Xing Jiu'an's side and would not ask.

Maybe for the little girl, this is a very unacceptable thing to her.

Because Xing Jiu'an suffered, no one knows.

Moreover, the Huo family easily believes in the so-called life-changing. If the warlock is really successful, Xing Jiu'an's life may be lost.

If Xing Jiu'an's past and present life was known to Lu Zhichen, he might know the more accurate reason.

But Xing Jiu'an didn't plan to tell others.

For the proud Xing Jiu'an, she didn't want to recall or let others know about this past.

She is a proud Xing Jiu'an, and she just wants to be a proud Xing Jiu'an.

After sleeping all afternoon, Xing Jiu'an knocked on the door when it was time for dinner. Mr. Xu just woke up, washed his face after hearing the voice and went out.

"I slept quite a long time this night." Looking at the dim night outside, he smiled.

"Maybe it's because I'm too tired." Xing Jiu'an followed him to the restaurant.

"I don't know if your taste has changed, but Ou Qi and Lu Mingxi cooked a few dishes." Xing Jiu'an said with a smile.

"That must have not changed. I am a long-term lover, and I have never changed what I like to eat for most of my life."

The old man had a wife, but before the two had been together for three years, Mr. Xu's wife died of illness.

Mr. Xu once told Xing Jiu'an about this matter. Since then, he has studied medicine harder and never married again in his life.

Several people have met Mr. Xu before, and Mr. Xu has also eaten the meals made by Ou Qi and Lu Mingxi, and he likes the cooking skills of both of them.

Xing Jiu'an thought, wondering if Mr. Xu would like to eat Lu Zhichen's food.

"When I come back this time, will I go out again?" Xing Jiu'an asked.

"Of course, I haven't seen the world outside yet!" The old gentleman looked serious.

"Then stay here for a while."

"Let's talk about it again."

"It's hard to come back, can't you stay with me more?" Xing Jiu'an said unhappily.

"To accompany you, to accompany you." Mr. Xu coaxed helplessly.

No way, get used to it.

Xing Jiu'an began to study with him at the age of ten, and at the age of seventeen, he was a naughty bag, but also squeamish.

"I have a plan. In the plan, I won't be here in the capital in another month or two."

"I'm going out this time, and I'll be back in a month or two. When that time comes, should I stay in the capital for a while longer?"

"Then you said it yourself, don't go back!"

"I don't regret it, when did I never believe what I said?"

Xing Jiu'an originally wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, it seemed that the other party had never lied to her, and she did what she said every time.

She snorted, "You agreed anyway."

"Well." The old man smiled helplessly.

I have no children and no daughters in my life. I didn't expect to find a heir who is as big as my grandchildren when I get old.

After eating, Xing Jiu'an and Mr. Xu walked in the backyard for a while.

Neither of them said much, and they were quiet, pausing from time to time.

"There is no moon and there are almost no stars. It shouldn't be a good weather tomorrow." Mr. Xu sighed.

"How can the weather be accurate." Xing Jiu'an said indifferently.

"The moon I saw in the wild was very bright, and the stars were beautiful..."

"Where the moon is bright and the stars are beautiful."


Mr. Xu took a deep breath, "Do you just want to slap me?"

"I don't." Xing Jiu'an retorted sternly.

Mr. Xu didn't want to talk to her.

"You said so much, is there any point?" Xing Jiu'an asked again.

Saying such things is not like Mr. Xu!

Mr. Xu thought for a while, "How have you been over the past two years?"

"Very good." Xing Jiu'an smiled, "By the way, I haven't had a drink yet and told you, teacher, I have a fiancé."


The old man didn't know what to say for a while.

Before, the old man said that Xing Jiu'an could call him master, but Xing Jiu'an said that he had a master, so the old man asked for the next best thing, saying that Xing Jiu'an could call him teacher, or it was okay to call him Mr.

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