The Truth of Magic

Chapter 404: Interest-Free Loan (2/5)

Chapter 404 Interest-free Loan (25)

Zhao Xu was calm when he heard it.

Unlike Earth, Arthur is free to deposit and withdraw cash.

Even with the intervention of the forces of the Temple of the Goddess of Commerce, it is still difficult to transfer wealth from place to place.

What is done now is to open a specific regional account, and generally only through the guarantee of a large chamber of commerce or a large force, can you be eligible to open it.

He had previously entrusted Archbishop Sos of the Temple of the Goddess in Winter City to cash in the "Mithril Crystal" for him based on the battlefield credits of the Battle of Falling Star Lake into a mine vein.

As a result, after a silver mine mixed Mithril, it was refined and sold by the Mineral Association, and the monthly share was actually 50,000 gold coins.

Moreover, Archbishop Sos also thoughtfully arranged for him to open a "mineral sharing account", and at the same time directly attached to his magic association's identity phylactery.

In this way, Zhao Xu was able to withdraw the money through the Mage Association in the entire Northern Alliance.

This made Zhao Xu feel impulsive. The next time he meets a goddess, he will definitely pat Archbishop Sos on the shoulder and say something like "Sos is a good comrade."

Even if ordinary silver mines can extract mithril, the output of mithril is still low and scarce.

Even Zhao Xu's large silver mine, which could be distributed because of his contribution to the Falling Star Lake battle, would only produce a few thousand gold coins a month if he died.

In his previous life, he was the sheriff of Falling Star Lake town, and he also received a share of 50 gold coins as a mine share, so he knew exactly how much the silver mines produced.

This year's 600 gold coins is still his status as a small town sheriff, which can be regarded as the treatment that only the chief of the public security bureau at the county and town level can have. In addition to the fact that there are too many bosses stared at by the mine veins, it is not at all possible for him to get involved as a sheriff.

The rest is also because most of the mine veins, the added value of the silver mines produced each month, and after deducting the mining costs and refining costs, most of them are between a few hundred to one or two thousand gold coins, which is better than stability. There will be a fixed output.

But now it can soar to 50,000 gold coins a month, and naturally 90% of them come from the power of the "Mithril Crystal".

In conversion, nearly 600,000 gold coins a year.

And this is still the kind of uniform and long-lasting mining, the power of that Mithril crystal can be fully released.

According to Frank, the nine-ring mage who is an advanced emerald star master.

As long as the mineral veins have a good composition and they are patient enough to mine, it will not be difficult to eventually produce tens of millions of gold coins.

This mithril crystal is enough to support consumption for about 20 years, and after that, it is estimated that it will fall to the point of producing thousands of gold coins per month.

In any case, this vein is indeed a good deal that will benefit future generations.

At the beginning, Frank probably used the "Mithril Crystal" as an advanced material, and wanted to leave it to his wife, so he was naturally reluctant to put it in the mine and exchange it for gold coins.

For legendary powerhouses, they basically have everything they need, and they can't find anything they want in these black markets.

"Then I have an extra 100,000 budget?" Zhao Xu asked back.

Vivienne also looked at the badge and the chip sandwiched on it respectfully handed back by the other party.

100,000 gold coins, that's enough for their demon clan to deceive many humans, and it's enough to buy a lot of them for their lives.

For Vivienne, this is a huge sum of money.

Ordinary adventurers, at the level of a small town boss like level 5, may not be able to carry more than 5000 gold coins for their equipment.

"more than."

Sarazi hurriedly explained, "My lord, you don't know something. The share of the Mithril vein can be said to be a first-class hard currency."

As he spoke, he sneaked a glance at Zhao Xu, "To put it bluntly, as far as I know, the Mithril vein in Falling Star Town itself is divided by countless powerful forces from the Northern Alliance, although Falling Star Town is occupied by earth adventurers , but basically the turned-in share has not changed much, and the part owned by the original mine owners has been redistributed.”

Speaking of which, Sarazi lowered his head even more. There is no doubt that the men in front of him are the group who were reassigned two months ago.

Moreover, the veins that can produce 50,000 gold coins a month are probably the most elite, and the veins that produce mithril with a very high rate of mithril.

Even when the other party came here, he didn't even think about extracting this wealth first.

Among them, Tongtian's background and ability made Sarazi dare not guess any more.

"hard currency?"

Zhao Xu immediately understood the meaning of this.

In the late Qing Dynasty before China on Earth, tariffs were used as collateral for those arrears.

And if the silver mine production is stable, it is also an extremely strong mortgage.

"How much can you mortgage?" Zhao Xu asked immediately.

Sarazi's eyes lit up immediately, knowing that the other party was also a knowledgeable person, which saved him the trouble of explaining the stakes.

Thinking to himself that he could get a share of the handling fee, he became even more excited.

"Mr. Zhongxia, you can overdraw 600,000 gold coins from your mine vein here. Then you will deduct the silver mine harvest every month, and the one-year period will expire. If the share is insufficient, you will have to make up for it yourself. If you don't make up in time, you will be charged according to one Interest charged at 10 points per year."

Speaking of which, Sarazi raised his forehead and looked at Zhao Xu for a few seconds, "Master, if you want a higher amount, you have to go for a long-term mortgage in person. The time limit must be longer, and more fees will be charged." Interest."

Zhao Xu nodded silently when he heard it, to show that he understood.

This is actually equivalent to giving him an interest-free loan of 600,000 gold coins, and then paying him in installments.

No interest, this is probably the "face" given to him by the other party after seeing "Shining Mithril".

Even if he makes an application, millions of gold coins may be able to be overdrawn with the collateral of the silver mine.

If there are short-sighted players, it is impossible to directly borrow a huge sum of money right now, emptying the value of this silver mine.

Then convert it into RMB, breaking the exchange rate between RMB and Arthur Gold Coin.

In the end, when the whole people crossed, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

But Zhao Xu didn't expect that on earth, he didn't bother to do the kind of small loan business that was a child's play before time travel.

As a result, in Arthur, he was given such a chance instead.

"Should be enough, just take me to the VIP area." After Zhao Xu thought about it, he decided to let go of his mind, and it wasn't that the legendary intelligence turban with +12 intelligence was placed in front of him.

It is not necessary to be greedy for millions and give up tens of millions of long-term benefits. "

After having a quota of 600,000 gold coins, Zhao Xu was led directly into a dark hall with glass cabinets inlaid on the walls, in which were piled up all kinds of magical items that looked extraordinary.

At the same time, a bald middle-aged man with the appearance of a monk followed closely beside them with his hips akimbo.

Compared with ordinary adventurers, the opponent's whole body was dressed in a very primitive way, with bare hands and not even a protective glove, and there was only a gray wooden stick pinned to his back.

Zhao Xu looked at the monk with the mysterious tattoo on his face for a while, but didn't say much.

"There are no less than three targets around us that are stalking us." Vivienne communicated telepathically, her scouting ability was unambiguous at all, but she was immediately attracted by the dazzling array of magic items.

"Sorry, Mister Zhong Xia, this is the rule." Sarazi explained with an apologetic face.

"Poverty oath?" Suddenly Zhao Xu interjected.

The tattooed monk's eyes suddenly burst into light, and he said with a smile, "Mr. Mage, according to the rules, you can't guess our identity and ability."

"Sorry." Zhao Xu smiled.

It's really an extremely powerful chicken-and-egg specialty.

Vow of Poverty is a "Exalted Feat" that can only be taken by good characters. Once obtained, each subsequent level can gain abilities from it.

If you choose this feat from level 1, then until level 20, you can get a total of 15 levels of defense improvement, four attributes get +8 to +2 enhancement bonus, ten sublime feat rewards, all energy type resistance 15 Points, 10 points of damage reduction, saving throw +3 resistance bonus, true knowledge effect, fasting, freedom of movement, regeneration, turtle breath and other special abilities.

Among them, the ten admirable specialties are immeasurable.

If Zhao Xu had it, he would become invincible on the spot by relying on Chaos Double Wash one by one to become other specialties.

It's a pity that if you take the "Poverty Oath", you will never be able to use magic items again, and you can't keep any gains from the adventure.

So Zhao Xu could only reluctantly give up this ability.

Arthur, that is, "priests" and "monks" who are less dependent on equipment will tend to the genre of the vow of poverty.

And this warrior monk was able to make a vow of poverty, which showed that the other party was also a kind character, which somewhat made Zhao Xu put down his guard, at least he didn't have to worry about a pitfall.

The good monk will accept the security task of the black market, and afterwards the black market will give wages for the other party to use for charity.

But they will never cooperate with the black market to deceive adventurers, because this will make them lose their "exalted expertise".

However, Zhao Xu also found that these kind characters who could not wear magic items were really the best candidates to guard these magic items.

In addition to not stealing or robbing, it can also give them a safe reverse guarantee.

At this time, Sarazi respectfully handed over a parchment "inventory", "Mr. Zhongxia, this inventory records the magic items that exist in this hall, and the last few pages of the inventory also record some magic items that are not stored here. .”

"This includes damaged legendary items." Saraki said with an envious and untouchable look.

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