The Truth of Magic

Chapter 431 Explosion at a Hundred Kilometers

Chapter 431 Explosion at a Hundred Kilometers

I saw that the master of the four elements immediately fell into an inexplicable traction, and the originally huge, tens of meters high super-giant body became blurred, as if scribbled by an invisible pen in the void.

Among them, the master of the wind element, which turned into a tornado and rolled up Zhao Xu, was more affected and suppressed, as if disturbed by another reversed wind circle.

At this time, the notebook that Zhao Xu took out was in its eye.

All of a sudden, the wind knife and air blade mixed in the tornado seemed to be weakened and blunted, and they no longer had that incomparably sharp sense of cutting.

Zhao Xu slowly felt that he was lifted by the powerful air current, and he would never lose his balance, but he couldn't fall either.

"Their eyes have changed, and the notebook really—"

Lux was somewhat surprised by this change, otherwise she would have directly told Zhao Xu to take out the notebook that could have upgraded him from the beginning.

At this time, Zhao Xu also hurriedly captured the information on the scene, and seized the opportunity to work out the details in order to arrange the next layout.

He found that the position of the pupils of those extremely powerful elemental masters was emitting a deep blue light, like a shaking phantom, casting a dark cover in front of Zhao Xu's eyes, the notebook that had evolved twice.

This notebook was brought out from a mysterious tomb by the group of seven back then, but looking at the subsequent development, they all encountered disasters.

Up to now, Zhao Xu had obtained the notebooks inherited from each other from the three major families that the group of seven had chosen to return to Mystra, and merged them into one.

All this seems to have little to do with elements.

However, there is a clear and special pattern near the entrance of the mysterious tomb where the notebook is hidden.

The thunder struck the ground, and the water rolled up the flames.

It pointed out the three elements of earth, water, and fire. As for the absence of the air element, Zhao Xu had seen the picture and knew that it was not easy to draw the invisible and transparent air element.

Or, the thick smoke from the thunderbolt also refers to the air element.

That's why Zhao Xu knew that he was so decisive, thinking that this notebook involved the secrets of elements.

Especially this mysterious pattern, which he had seen with Fleur, the daughter of Tang De, the leader of the Northern Alliance.

It was also heard in the dictation of the dead in the desolate ruins on the way from the city of Lucca in the Principality of Xiluo to the town of the Northern Alliance this time.

Even the other two notebooks are also in the Northern Alliance, as if the sky above this area is shrouded in a layer of fog.

Zhao Xu knew that this must be an extraordinary secret.

He was also sure that Antinoya knew a thing or two about this, but he refused to mention it to him in detail, but silently let him accept the power of the notebook and upgrade it.

You know, Antinoya graciously took him in for a walk around even the lost heritage of the Yitel dynasty.

Even told him it was actually a fake vault version of Ernest's Vault.

It is not an exaggeration for Antinoya to treat him like a son, and she will never hide anything from him because of conflicts of interest.

There is only one situation that can explain everything.

That was this notebook, and Antinoya thought he could not touch the secrets inside.

Maybe he won't be eligible to know until the day he completes all seven volumes.

For a moment while Zhao Xu was thinking, the masters of the four elements fell silent and did not move at all, as if they were waiting for new knowledge.

Zhao Xu wanted to make a move, but waited silently.

He seems to be a chess player who knows that the opponent's next move is about to end the game, thinking about the last chance to break the game, and dare not move.

In the whirlwind just now, the negative state that made him unable to maintain peace of mind and cast spells when he failed his saving throw frightened him.

To break this situation, either he can pass the reflex save with difficulty level 60 or 70, or he can suppress this negative state.

Reminiscent of the risk of the "anti-magic field" area mentioned on the forum that was opened after they triggered it, if he was also outside at that time, he might have given up and not waded into this troubled water.

Perhaps "Strength of Iron" needs to be on his agenda.

Especially the Northern Alliance, there is a distance from the Eastern Land Empire where the Nine Swords inheritance is located, but it is also an area that can be reached by manpower.

He is bound to go.

"Master, why don't you try to come down?" Lux felt that dragging it down was not an option.

At this moment, although the masters of the four elements are all frozen and unable to move, no one knows how long the delay can be.

At this time, Vivienne also looked at him nervously.


As Zhao Xu spoke, he controlled his body to turn sideways. After grabbing the notebook, he was immediately turned away by the tornado because he deviated from the eye of the wind.

Slowly and steadily descending along the vortex, the wind blade that was just as frosty as the scorching sun is no longer on the body.

Zhao Xu also slowly landed on the island bit by bit.

Only then did he notice that his two legendary golems had been damaged a lot in this brief moment of confrontation.

In front of him, the two golems with defensive power above forty ranks are still like paper in front of the masters of the four elements. The extremely fierce punch was blocked by his star cloak relying on the magic mechanism. However, the golems of magic immunity can only eat hard.

The lord of the four elements actually possessed legendary power in his attack, and by the way, also penetrated the damage reduction of these golems.

Sure enough, above the legend, even if the monster is directly, there is an obvious gap in strength.

Realizing that the two legendary golems didn't seem to last long, Zhao Xu directly issued an order to bring them back.

"They all seem to feel some kind of will, and they can't move." Vivienne still held the long sword in her hand and leaned towards Zhao Xu. Even if she was only consciously controlling the golem, she was sweating profusely at this moment. His face was a little pale.

She was somewhat confident that she could protect Zhao Xu.

It's just that this scene where she was always a legendary monster made her somewhat frustrated, who thought she could accompany Zhao Xu to grow up slowly.

"Something seems wrong." Suddenly, Lux's tone was a little anxious, and she didn't even add the usual honorific title to Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu also noticed that the four elements, which had been somewhat blurred and lost their center of gravity, seemed to start to fission.

The thick elemental power of their whole bodies is peeling off little by little, and slowly spread out, as if they have lost the core's attachment power.

Like a complete candle, it suddenly turns into candle tears.

It was clear that Zhao Xu never let go of the "exile" and "expulsion", but the masters of these elements seemed to be expelled.


Seeing this, Vivian couldn't help but exclaimed.

In front of them, the masters of the four elements have all evolved into the original four transmission light gates.

These are the four passages leading to the inner elemental planes.

Since the birth of the Arthur plane, these four element planes and the positive and negative two energy planes have been attached to survive.

At this moment, these energy channels began to exude an aura that made Zhao Xu feel grand and solemn, as if they were about to cast a broad road.

Zhao Xu even saw the state of the air element plane inside through the light door of the air element incarnation closest to them. Above was the sky, and below was also the sky. The door blows out.

However, in this comfortable atmosphere, Zhao Xu felt waves of thunder from the hometown of this flying creature.

He even saw some mysterious and quaint cloud patterns floating in the past.

"It's the power of the elemental gods in the ancient times." At this time, Lux also felt the power of will, "I knew that they didn't really die. No wonder the later gods only lived in the outer plane."

"Elemental glory is only temporarily wiped out, but it will not fall forever. One day, they will return at the moment when order and chaos merge."

Vivian's whole body suddenly fell into an ethereal state, and she silently read this sentence without beginning and end.

"You have to sigh when you go back, and then slowly sigh, and let's talk about running for your life now."

Zhao Xu muttered to himself, because he had already seen that the four elemental gates in front of him officially connected the four inner planes.

In an instant, the power of elements representing the four inner planes poured out immediately.

Instead of turning around and spreading towards Zhao Xu, they formed a bridge and a channel for mutual communication. Slowly, the light gates of the four elements got closer and closer.

Gradually move towards amalgamation.

"Oops, we got into trouble, and it actually led to this. I underestimated that notebook, and even more underestimated the power behind the checkpoint in front of me. What I attracted was not an ordinary-level element master. It's beyond our imagination." Lux shouted in Zhao Xu's mind.

"Run away, there is only one result when the power of the four elements is unified."

"Represents the destruction of the birth of the world."

Just as Lux was speaking in a panic, Zhao Xu had pulled Vivienne and continued to fly away.

"The scale of this light gate is at least capable of destroying an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers." Lux couldn't help frowning, "It's too late, master, you should open a rainbow light ball or something like a gamble here. "

This time Lux suggested that the voice was a little weak.

However, Zhao Xu was chanting a spell into the distance at this moment - advanced teleportation.

[Adventurer Zhong Xia, you failed to cast advanced teleportation. 】

[This place is affected by the effect of the dimensional lock, and all astral projections, flashes, any doors, transfigured spirits, wandering spirits, gates to other worlds, mazes, alien teleportation, shadow walking, teleportation, and other similar spell-like abilities and psionic powers. 】

In an instant, Zhao Xu almost lost his balance and flopped blindly in the flying void.

"Let's bet." Lux's tone became more eager, but she was not sure.

"This kind of elemental power can dissociate even the soul. At that time, master, you may not even be able to return the soul."

"How much gain means how much risk. Master, I hope you will remember this sentence in the future."

At this moment, Lux's voice suddenly became weak.

From the beginning, she realized that this land cannot be teleported.

At this moment, Zhao Xu could already feel the moment before the nuclear bomb detonated behind him, and the energy that was slowly scattered and overflowed made the hairs on his back stand up.

At this moment, ultra-high-density energy has been soaring in the condensate of the four elemental gates behind him.

"It can annihilate souls, why do you think the rainbow ball can stop it, Lux?"

According to legend, the rainbow light ball has seven layers of effects, the sixth layer can prevent all spells, and the seventh layer can destroy all spells and effect energy fields.

If you want to conquer it, you must either use the mage's disintegration technique, or dismantle it layer by layer with the corresponding spell.

"Naturally, there is no way to do it, but master, don't underestimate Lacus. As long as my will is integrated, it will become a divine rainbow light ball." Lacus said stubbornly.

"So, at the cost of your will, how long will you have to lie down this time? Or may you never wake up?"

Zhao Xu's tone became cold, and he had already seen something.

This time, Lux's voice did not come again.

"Lax, don't you think it's too sensational for you to disappear for a long time, and then say goodbye within a few minutes after you came out?"

Zhao Xu said in a brisk tone as much as possible at this time, but his face was full of determination and confidence.

"The explosion range is about 100 kilometers, right?"

"Huh? That's right, but it's too late, there are less than ten seconds left, master, you can't even fly the distance of this island." Lacus said helplessly, this is exactly what she was struggling with and couldn't solve.

"Hold on to me," Zhao Xu said, but his voice was directed at Vivienne.

At the same time, Zhao Xu gently took out the rosary necklace in his backpack and activated the "Fashion rosary" in it.

On the spot, both he and Vivian were affected by the seven-ring spell "Walk in the Wind", and both of them turned into cloud-like mist, as if they were changed by the gasification form of the third ring.

"It's useless, even if the speed of the wind-riding spell is so fast, it will take you an hour, master, to fly out of the explosion range of hundreds of kilometers." Lux's voice was already tinged with despair.

"No, Lux, this spell is for protecting me, not for flying."

Then Zhao Xu turned his head and glanced at the expanding circle of light behind him. It hadn't exploded yet, but everything it went was annihilated, and the center circle of the entire island had even been hollowed out.

On the other hand, Zhao Xu continued to pray the incantations that were extremely cold and had no breath of life in his mouth.

He knew that the loopholes of these few spells could be corrected by the will of the world every time they were used.

It will work!

Zhao Xu gritted his teeth and thought.

"The spell lasts - the pace of the gods."

Spell Duration: 14400 rounds.

God's Step can be improved by dissipating the remaining duration like the Oracle Eye.

And when God's Step dissipates energy, every remaining round of the duration can get an additional 1.8 (full speed 7.2) km/h boost.

Zhao Xu looked at the deep, invisible, and even borderless distant sky.

That's it, flap your wings and fly.

"Energy dissipation."

[Adventurer Zhong Xia, you end the magic step of God, and in the next 6 seconds, you will gain a speed of 25,000 (full speed 100,000) km/h. 】

6 seconds.

166 kilometers.

There will be another chapter later.

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