The Truth of Magic

Chapter 451 Home Visit

Chapter 451 Home Visit

"Zhao Xu, it's Chinese New Year, the house is so busy, why don't you go out?"

At this time, Zhao's mother was preparing for tonight's new year's Eve dinner, and saw that Zhao Xu was about to go out just after brushing his teeth and washing his face.

Even on this rare holiday, she couldn't help but mutter, "I'm addicted to games at home every day, and it's going to be hard to see you until Chinese New Year, and now I have to leave again."

"Mom, isn't Dad going out today too? Don't worry, I have an appointment with a classmate, and I'll be back soon tonight." Zhao Xu responded.

At this time, Mother Zhao looked at Zhao Xu and couldn't help shaking her head, "He went to that company today to give out year-end awards, can it be the same?"

But as soon as she finished speaking, Zhao Xu had already gently closed the anti-theft door of his house, and opened the elevator door a few seconds later to go to the first floor.

To be honest, Zhao Xu himself didn't really want to go out.

It's just that this time, it happened that his high school friend came back from abroad. Because he had been in the game last night, the other party called him four or five times in a row.

It wasn't until Zhao Xu took a shower that he realized what happened.

Half an hour later, after taking the subway to transit, Zhao Xu arrived at a restaurant specializing in morning tea.

With the arrival of the new year, many shops opened by foreigners on the side of the road have already pulled up the iron gates at this time, and after posting the notice of the date of returning to the city next year, they will go home directly.

And Zhao Xu naturally lost his childhood memories of "going back to his hometown" and "babbling" on the railroad tracks on the train because of the reason that a big family came to settle down.

However, on New Year's Eve, the tide of returning home has long passed, and there are still shops on the street, most of which want to do the peak business of the New Year.

The teahouse where Zhao Xu went to make an appointment this time continued to open morning tea because of the New Year's Eve dinner.

"Hey, brother Xu."

Suddenly, an exclamation resounded throughout the lobby of the restaurant. The guests enjoying morning tea at the other tables glanced at the noisy side, then turned their heads and didn't pay any more attention.

In a hurried city, there is often such an indifferent attitude towards getting along.

Relying on this exclamation at this time, Zhao Xu immediately located several of his high school buddies, walked straight through several round tables, and walked over.

"Young Master Xu, long time no see." At this time, Zhao Xu's classmate Liu Feng came directly to put his shoulders.

"Yeah." Zhao Xu said with a trace of nostalgia, "Yeah, long time no see."

"I'm going, your eyes will make me think you have bad intentions for me." Liu Feng couldn't help laughing, sat down and handed over the menu, "Come on, let's order Bo first, look Look at Supplement."

Zhao Xu naturally didn't explain much.

In Liu Feng's eyes, they only met last winter vacation.

But in Zhao Xu's memory, the last time they met was a chance encounter in a tavern five years ago.

At that time, Liu Feng himself was very energetic. Although he entered the game late, his outstanding ability made him flourish very quickly.

Within two years, he married a local aristocratic woman in Arthur, and combined with his priesthood and father-in-law's reputation, he became a powerful class in the city.

He even directly organized and recruited a team of well-known adventurers.

At that time, Zhao Xu, who met again in Jianghu, was only a few years away from his family being ruined, and at the same time, the "Battle of Demon Sealing" in the entire Northland was just reaching its peak.

Zhao Xu, who was full of vicissitudes at that time, met the high-spirited Liu Feng again, and the two high school buddies who were similar in age seemed to be ten years apart.

After Zhao Xu glanced at the "Honey Sauce Chicken Feet", "Steamed Pork Ribs", and "Char Siu Buns" on the menu, he selected a "Char Siu Rice Roll" and handed it to the waiting waiter. Said: "Okay, thank you."

At this time, the open transparent glass basin also turned to his eyes. Zhao Xu directly unpacked the tableware in front of him, put them in and ironed them one by one.

The "Liu Feng" sitting next to him took the ap international class to study abroad after high school, while the other two friends, Hong Qiwei and Hou Tiansheng, were admitted to the university step by step like Zhao Xu.

Hong Qiwei and Zhao Xu were both in the same university town, so after traveling through Arthur, they were still quite close to each other because of the geographical relationship.

Although Arthur is the last harbor after the destruction of the earth, there is no doubt that the vast majority of people, without convenient means of transportation, are basically bound by the towns they live in all their lives and never leave.

Only adventurers like Zhao Xu and the others were able to travel far and wide during their adventurous travels, to see the customs and customs of various places, and to have the opportunity to get acquainted with the local earth.

"Brother Xu, I'm really sorry, I took too long to come back this time. Instead of wine, I would like to offer you a glass of tea."

After everyone clinked glasses together, Liu Feng didn't feel uncomfortable throughout the whole process, and started chatting directly, and didn't focus on his own experience of studying abroad. Instead, he talked about some online fun, and immediately brightened the atmosphere of the table.

Zhao Xu looked at Liu Feng with emotion.

No matter on Earth or Arthur, it is Liu Feng who can get acquainted with everyone more often than not. Even "homeboys" like him and Hong Qiwei would not bother to attend this kind of class reunion without Liu Feng's connection.

"Brother Xu, have you played 'Arthur'?" Suddenly, his friend Hou Tiansheng asked. He and Hong Qiwei were both game fans, and they brought Zhao Xu some games into the pit when he was in junior high school.

It was only after he went to college, without this kind of atmosphere, that Zhao Xu started to play less and slowly retreated.

"Just played a little bit, so I'm not very good at it yet." Zhao Xu said with a "shy" smile. Compared with Antinoya and the others, he was indeed not very good at it.

Zhao Xu didn't try to pretend at all, or thought about how to steer the topic in this direction.

At this moment, he seemed to be really an outsider, not the current number one Arthur player.

"Then hurry up, I think this game will definitely become a big hit in the second half of the year and become the number one game." Hou Tiansheng said, "I have re-registered three accounts for Arthur, and only then have I figured out some basic links. Now, relying on playing gold, I don’t need to spend my family’s money when I go out with my girlfriend every month.”

After Zhao Xu listened, he smiled silently.

Countless people in the previous life took advantage of the popularity of Arthur's game and exchanged the game gold coins for RMB, and they were extremely complacent at the moment.

It was only after a few months of time travel that he beat his chest and stamped his feet, and found that what he got in exchange was nothing but illusions, but he lost the opportunity of the game.

"It's obviously a monkey, you betrayed our FFF group, you can see that you have lost your money." Hong Qiwei thought about his stomach, grabbed a basket of tea with barbecued pork buns that had been prepared, and said while eating: "I made money in the game. , put it all into weapons and equipment, and I don’t know how nourishing it is.”

"I really don't know why you players with girls are complaining about suffering and tiredness every day."

Hou Tiansheng immediately turned his face away, "Oh, the fun of adults, how can you understand it. Arthur's game blocks all 18X functions. In reality, you can still vent yourself to Little Butter. The game Can you still go to heaven?"

Hong Qiwei, who immediately insisted that the three-dimensional dimension is heresy, started arguing again.

On the other hand, Zhao Xu silently picked up the teapot and filled it up for several people. In fact, among all the people present in the previous life, Hong Qiwei, the fattest mathematician, had the highest rank.

Zhao Xu had also met the wife he married in his previous life, and she was completely ladylike.

It can only be said that this wave of time travel brought many game-addicted nerds to a day when their lives turned around. Those like Zhao Xu who barely got into the car were not left behind.

"Listen to you, the Arthur game feels pretty good. But it hasn't opened a server abroad, and I'm sure I'll be stuck playing the national server now." Liu Feng sighed.

Suddenly, Zhao Xu came to his senses.

The former foreign server will be launched in half a year and nine weeks in sequence.

If it is really according to what Antinoya said, the time travel will be eight months after the service is opened, it will be around June and July.

Then for these national server players, it may not be so obvious that 12 months has been shortened to 8 months.

However, foreign server players have been shortened directly from 6 months to 2 months. For some professions, they have not even had time to complete the training.

And those who opened the server in the ninth week of the month disappeared immediately.

In his previous life, Liu Feng was enticed into Arthur by Hou Tiansheng in such a teahouse breakfast.

Now, he has lost the crucial four-month game cycle, can he seize the opportunity to marry a beautiful woman and rise up like in his previous life?

"Monkey, sharpening the knife is not the same as chopping firewood. If you think this game has great potential and can have a life cycle of several years, shouldn't you invest gold coins to strengthen yourself now? If you are stronger like this, as long as you can grasp the first Echelon, you can earn more money."

Zhao Xu exhorted Hou Tiansheng.

At this time, the other party was slightly dazed, because in his eyes, Zhao Xu had never been interested in games, and even if he played, he would join them in the pit, which was equivalent to finding a common hobby.

"Oh, then I'll turn around and pay attention." Hou Tiansheng didn't know why, he felt that when he met Zhao Xu this time, he was both unfamiliar and familiar, and his words seemed to be more convincing.

"As for Liu Feng, hey, forget it, I'll act as your agent later, you should be able to play the national server abroad with that accelerator," Zhao Xu said.

"Hey, Young Master Xu, didn't you not play much before?" Liu Feng couldn't help but look surprised, almost thinking that Zhao Xu in front of him was just pretending.

"Because I saw something different in this game." Zhao Xu said confidently at this moment.

And Liu Feng also became serious and nodded.

"Fatty, look at Brother Xu, who is so rigid, has been dragged into the pit by this game. It seems that Arthur is really fierce." Hou Tiansheng couldn't help but said in an ambiguous tone at this time, "Brother Xu, you Maybe it’s because I fell in love with the characters in the game.”

As he spoke, he pointed to the outside poster with his finger.

At this time, on the mobile communication building outside, the huge poster depicts a resolute woman with blond hair in silver armor, brandishing a sharp knife and staring straight ahead.

"For example, this female knight in silver armor?"

Suddenly Hong Qiwei was stuffing his mouth full of glutinous rice chicken, and directly retorted, "Go away, Ms. Vivienne belongs to our players, and you are not allowed to blaspheme her in three dimensions."

"Vivienne?" Zhao Xu didn't realize it.

How did others know it?

Didn't she just come to him from Wu Yue's men?

"You don't know? Just look at the 'gossip area' of the forum. Since these game posters were posted some time ago, Vivienne's popularity has immediately rushed to the top."

"According to the official statement, these characters are all real NPCs in the game, so the forums are all guessing which city this 'Vivienne' is in, and the threshold will definitely be overwhelmed by then."

"But how do you know her name is Vivienne?" Zhao Xu was a little taken aback.

At this time, his eyes also looked out the window, as if they were looking at Vivienne's eyes on the poster.

"Brother Xu, the game official has given basic information." Hong Qiwei said, "Brother Xu, you know our goddess, right?"

"Well, she's under my command." Zhao Xu nodded.

"Haha, brother Xu, I give full marks to your joke." On the contrary, Hou Tiansheng couldn't help but burst out laughing, but there was no sign of ridicule.

For these buddies like them, this was a bragging joke.

"Jingle Bell."

Suddenly, Zhao Xu's cell phone rang and looked at his mother's home network number.

He raised it up to answer without saying a word.

"Zhao Xu, where are you messing with women? A beautiful girl came to your house to look for you."

"Who?" Zhao Xu thought that when he was in school, he was at two o'clock and one line in the game dormitory, so where did he get the time to mess around.

"She introduced herself as Antinoya. Is this a friend you met online? You post-XX people also use the network ID to talk in real life?"

At this time, Zhao Xu's face was almost stiff.

"Mom, treat her well first, and I'll be back soon."

"Hey, Zhao Xu, you must have made people's stomachs bigger by this battle. Let me tell you, if you can do this kind of thing at a young age, I can, I can—"

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