Chapter 64

Most of these mages prepare several fixed spells, so that they can be fired towards the fixed targets in the underground plaza.

The freezing rays and magic missiles they released were basically spells that Zhao Xu knew and understood.

This made him a little confused, he could barely recognize it without even using the skill of spell recognition.

"Teacher, I feel something is wrong." Zhao Xu couldn't help but bring it up after all.


"For example, I heard a certain spell, which is a spell I know. Then I also know what spell the other party cast. Even to be straightforward, the other party chanted that spell loudly in front of me. For example, the identification technique takes an hour It's impossible for me not to recognize the spellcaster."

He has studied magic, in fact, he has been trained in the ability of "spell recognition", but this is not to be able to recognize spells without shooting.

"Naive." Antinoya mocked, "You don't want to challenge the practice of countless people for thousands of years with your intelligence of less than 16 points."

"That's called recognition, not recognition. Only after your spell recognition has condensed into a skill level of level 1, you will know that recognizing spells is an instinctive passive behavior."

From active to passive?

When Zhao Xu heard these words, he felt a certain touch in his heart.

"It's easy for a mage to cast spells, but what about seven or eight mages casting spells at the same time? My intelligence can handle it, but your current intelligence can handle it?"

"I asked you to come here to train spell recognition because you basically mastered all the spells they released. You are equivalent to the ability of spell recognition. The progress bar of level 1 has reached 90%."

"It depends on when you break through the last 10%. Otherwise, your ability to rely on the 90% progress of level 0 alone will not be able to compare with others' real level 1 spell recognition ability."

Hearing this, the strings in Zhao Xu's heart seemed to snap.

Suddenly, everyone in the entire venue was abstracted into coordinate systems in his eyes, and those spells were the curves of each coordinate system.

Zhao Xu fell into this absent-minded state.

"Huh?" Antinoya felt something was wrong with Zhao Xu.

She directly waved her hand and cast the spell of "Rainbow Ball" to isolate all interference from the outside world.

At this moment, compared with the iridescent magic ball full of seven-color glazes released by Leian at that time, Antinoya's spells did not have any traces, as if they were invisible.

No one in the room noticed that there was a completely invisible rainbow ball spell covering the two of them in a corner of the square.

Not even the management personnel who were in charge of tracking the safety of the novice mage not far away didn't notice the movement here.

Fortunately, Antinoya and Zhao Xu chose the position on the stage at the beginning, otherwise the novice mage accidentally touched the enchantment of the rainbow light ball, and would have been counterattacked by the seven forces of the enchantment and died on the spot.

At this moment, Zhao Xu, who was in the middle of the game, only felt that the light spots in his mind representing the three major fields of priests were slowly brightening.

The power of the magic domain slowly emerged and poured into his whole body, and even the power of the other two domains also seeped out and poured on him.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Antinoya immediately activated his mysterious knowledge and religious knowledge skills, and began to make association checks.

Her terrifying knowledge level series, which is far beyond ordinary people, is directly connected to the deepest part of the "origin of knowledge" after being blessed by magic equipment.

No matter how difficult the check was, with Antinoya's lucky points and insight bonus that day, it was raindrops under the scorching sun, which would disappear as soon as they were exposed.

In the end, Zhao Xu slowly came to his senses.

I saw his information panel, as long as he heard and saw spellcasting, it would automatically turn into a recognition test.

[Spell recognition for the mage 10 meters ahead, the result of the test is 7+D20=7+10=17, which exceeds DC16, and the spell identification is "magic missile". 】

[Spell identification was performed on the mage 7 meters in front of the left, and the result of the test was 7+D20=7+2=9, which was lower than the exemption difficulty test and failed. 】

The rest of Zhao Xu had no time to take a closer look.

Because he noticed that on his character card, in the skill list, the level of spell recognition was level 4—reaching the upper limit of the skill level of a level 1 character.

He looked at Antinoya blankly, "Teacher, my spell recognition has become level 4."

Even after Antinoya knew the ins and outs of the situation, she was still a little touched when she heard Zhao Xu's definite answer.

She nodded, "Then you saw the check on your information panel?"

"Yes, my spell recognition skill bonus is 7, of which 4 points come from level 4 skills, and 3 points come from intelligence bonus. Why is this?" Zhao Xu asked in an unbelievable tone.

Why does his spell recognition directly reach level 4?

Normally, shouldn't it only be level 1, and then slowly practice up?

Why does his information panel automatically identify other people's spells?

"Knowledge and spell recognition are the few abilities that are connected to the source." Antinoya said softly, "After you have the level of spell recognition, your character card system is connected to the source of magic in this world."

"You can see other people's spells based on your experience. This is your understanding. But your understanding of each spell is different, which is very abstract."

"But after you have the 'Spell Recognition' level here, you can automatically recognize the spells around you by relying on the power of your source. Even if you haven't learned or heard that spell."

Hearing what Antinoya said, Zhao Xu finally realized that the mysterious spell recognition that he had been talking about before was actually such an ability.

It's just that most of them are used according to the system, and they don't know the details like Antinoya.

"Then what is the standard for identification failure?" Zhao Xu asked.

"Add 15 points to the spell level, which is the difficulty of identification. If the test result exceeds the difficulty, it can be identified."

At this moment, Zhao Xu turned his gaze to the mages who were casting spells in the venue.

He has a 7-point bonus to Spellcraft, and these wizards have a DC 16 difficulty to cast 1st-level spells.

As long as his identification check 7+D20 can be greater than 16, he will automatically see through the true colors of those first-level spells.

For him, the origin of magic is 55% automatic recognition of first-level spells.

The higher his skill level and intelligence, the higher the probability of automatically identifying these spells.

It's no wonder that professionals have overwhelming advantages over civilians, from attribute points, to the character card system, to the existence of this connection to the source.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xu looked at Antinoya and said, "Teacher, then my knowledge and skills, the extra background knowledge I can get after successful checks, is also due to this connection?"

"That's for sure. The result of the check is the feedback given to you by the 'Knowledge Origin'. Every check you make is a connection attempt. I just relied on the knowledge check to know what's going on with you."

It was only then that Zhao Xu realized that he still had one question that he didn't ask Antinoya, why did his identification skills go directly to level 4.

It's just that Antinoya grabbed his collar and led him to the venue.

The position where the two of them appeared was next to the administrator, and there were several novice mages around them who were also training to identify spells.

"You, release the'Magic Missile' at him." Antinoya directed a female novice mage and said.

"To me?" Zhao Xu looked at Antinoya and the female mage she ordered in surprise, but didn't react for a while.

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