The story is about the beginning, but the story is about the end.

[The plot of the online game story at the beginning is only a little bit! A little bit! It is inevitable due to the subject matter.

There are a lot of comics and extras created by readers in this book circle, which shows that readers who see the later part like it very much! Don't be discouraged by the early plot! This is a book that starts low and ends high!

Believe in Liuzi! Believe in the Zuwangdao who scored! 】

Blue Star.

Yunshan Juvenile Labor Education Center.

The big iron gate slowly opened, and a handsome short-haired boy walked out of it, carrying a bulging handbag in his hand.

"Damn, I've been using the sewing machine for three months. Is there anyone as unlucky as me?"

The day before the crossing, the original body was imprisoned in a labor camp for fighting.

After the crossing, Song Gua sat directly in front of the sewing machine.

Until today, he was released from prison.

"Ah! This is the air of freedom!"

"We can finally run! Jump! Do a beautiful inverted hook in this new world!"

"New world? I think it's not much different from the previous life."

"People here can change jobs! Can upgrade! Can fly!"

"Can you live forever?"

"It seems not."

"Can you be invincible?"

"That has nothing to do with which world you are in!"

These chirping sounds are Song Gua's clones, now superimposed on the original body.

More than three months ago.

Song Gua crossed from Earth to this Blue Star world where the game is integrated with reality and everyone changes jobs.

Became a student who just entered the third year of high school.

Three months before the crossing, Song Gua found that he was different from others.

He would have one more avatar every day!

He wanted to wait until he had enough avatars to do something big, achieve financial freedom, have many wives and concubines, and reach the peak of his life.

Unexpectedly, on the way to visit the ninth technician, he was hit by a mud truck and brought to this world.

Song Gua, who had no worries, quickly accepted the crossing.

He liked a world where he could upgrade and become stronger.

He wanted to do something bigger here.

As of today, Song Gua has exactly 200 avatars.

"Huangmao, you idiot, you said you would come to pick me up for a job change, why haven't you come yet? If I miss today, I will have to go to a job change at my own expense."

Just when he was getting impatient.

"Old Song! Your godfather is here to pick you up!"

The man had blond hair, a black school uniform, a thin figure, and rode an old 28-bar bicycle.

His name is Yuwen Hao, Song Gua's best friend.

I like to study those works with simple plots and scenes and only two actors.

"Why did you ride this thing to pick me up? No wonder you were late. Where's your bike?"

"How can I have a bike? Who do you think I am? Tall, rich and handsome! Get on quickly. The Temple of Careers is about to close."

Song Gua got on this old bike, which made noises everywhere except the bell.

"What's in your bag? It's so heavy?"

"This is what I gained in the three months I was in there."

"You feel happy in jail."

"Correction, this is not called jail, it's called reeducation through labor."

"You are even more stubborn than a dead duck... By the way, when we get to the Temple of Careers, be careful. I saw Ma Feng there too, with a few followers. I guess he wants to mess with you again."

Ma Feng, like Song Gua, is a student of Yunshan No. 5 Middle School.

It was he who caused the original body to be sent to the reeducation through labor camp.

Do the two have any grudges?

Judging from the original body's memory, it's not.

To be honest, it's jealousy that's to blame.

People on Blue Star can detect how much growth they will have as professionals in their teens.

The so-called growth is the attribute point multiplier that can be obtained for each level up after the job change.

A first-time professional with a growth of 1.0 can gain 10 attribute points for each level up.

2.0, that's 20 points.

2.0 is the limit of natural growth.

Song Gua is 2.0, a top talent, as long as the awakening career does not go astray, there is no limit to his future.

Ma Feng's growth is 1.8, second only to Song Gua in school, and can also be listed as a genius.

He is often compared with Song Gua by others.

However, Ma Feng is inferior to Song Gua in every way, and he is nicknamed the eternal second.

He is resentful and often makes trouble for Song Gua, trying to prove that he is better.

Three months ago, Ma Feng deliberately humiliated the original body in public for being an orphan.

The original body was furious and fought back, beating Ma Feng up.

In this way, the original body was sent to a labor camp.

As for Ma Feng

, he got along well with the children of a local big family, and the other party kept him safe.

"Ma Feng dared to provoke me, I don't mind beating him up again."

"You may not be able to beat him. This kid awakened his profession yesterday. Combat system, warrior sequence, S-level, wind swordsman."

"What? Then let him go and never come back!"

"He is the only S-level among the freshmen in the city this year.

In addition, after you entered, the principal gave him all the funding and recommendation quotas promised to you.

This kid is so proud of himself that his butt is about to stick up to the sky."

"A scumbag principal who changes his attitude according to the situation."

During the chat, Song Gua saw that the corner of Yuwen Hao's school uniform was untied.

He took out the needle and thread skillfully and sewed it in a few strokes.


"No, Lao Song, I treat you as a brother, why are you..."

"I'm having a professional disease... Ride faster, the Professional Temple is about to close!"


Professional Temple.

The administrator asked loudly: "Are there any students who haven't awakened their profession? If not, today's job transfer ends here... I can finally get off work, I'm so tired."

There were not many people in the hall.

The temple was open for free for two days, and all the graduates from high schools in the city had completed their job transfers.

Just as everyone was about to leave, Song Gua strode in.

"And me!"

Yuwen Hao followed behind, carrying Song Gua's heavy package.

Song Gua's growth of 2.0 made him a celebrity in Yunshan City a long time ago, and many students present knew him.

"This person looks like Song Gua."

"That's him! I've seen him on the news. When he was detected to have 2.0 growth, it caused a sensation!"

"He looks much more handsome in person than on TV! He's still handsome with a buzz cut, that's what real handsomeness is!"

"Don't be crazy about him, he's a labor camp inmate. Look at his buzz cut, I'm afraid he just got out today."

"Been in jail? No wonder he looks so domineering! I like him even more!"

The occupational holy stone, emitting a faint golden light, floated above the hall.

Song Gua came to the platform below the holy stone.

I'm finally going to change my job. I wonder what job I will awaken?

The job is divided into three major systems: combat system, logistics system, and life system.

Five levels: D, C, B, A, S;

The combat system has a total of twelve sequences: warrior, mage, shooter, assassin, treatment, control, guard, summon, all-round, dragon blood, commander, and sage.

The last four are upper sequences, and the jobs below them are born with two talents.

The first eight are basic sequences, with only one professional talent, even if it is S-level.

Accompanied by a dazzling beam of light, Song Gua's job transfer is complete.

A huge information panel appears in front of the professional holy stone.

[Name: Song Gua]

[Age: 18]

[Level: 0 (0%)]

[Profession: First transfer - Bound [A, Combat System, Commander Sequence]]

[Professional Talent:

- Simple and unpretentious: The damage caused by ordinary attacks is regarded as real damage, but weapons cannot be equipped.

- Power of Unity: As long as the other party agrees, you can superimpose other people's attributes on yourself and use some of their talents and skills. The effect lasts for 1 minute and cools down for 5 minutes, but the other party will fall into a weak state where they cannot move for 1 hour.

The current level can be superimposed on 5 people at the same time. 】

【Weapon Specialization: None】

【Armor Specialization: Light Armor (Specialization attribute not activated)】

【Strength: 20】

【Constitution: 10】

【Spirit: 10】

【Agility: 20】

【Growth: 2.0】

【Skills (4/5): Serious Punch (Normal, Lv1), Eight-Section Punch (Excellent, Lv1), Wind Punch (Excellent, Lv1), Breaking Limit Punch (Flawless, Lv1)】

【Equipment: None】

In the hall, there was a lot of discussion.

"It's a bonder! I've heard of this profession, it's very strong! Team nuclear bomb! One-punch man!"

"Why did I hear that this is a useless profession?"

"This profession can be very strong or very weak, it mainly depends on whether there are people willing to follow it, the true commander sequence."

"Forget it! This profession can't be transferred to the second or third level, it's a useless profession!"

"Why can't I continue to transfer?"

"Because the challenges to be completed in the second and third levels are all single-player battles, who can the bonder borrow strength from? He will have no professional talent at that time, and he is not as good as a D-level profession."

The bonder is a useless profession for others, because the single-player challenges of the second and third levels cannot use the "Power of Unity" talent, so they cannot be completed.

But for Song Gua, who has a clone, this profession is too perfect!

With a clone on him, what single-player challenge?

What does not exist, always in justice


At this moment, Song Gua's clones have also awakened their professions!

"Brother has awakened the Mage Sequence! Call me daddy!"

"I am an assassin sequence, I can be invisible! Hehehe..."

"My profession is also an assassin sequence, why don't I have a stealth skill, damn it! I want to restart!"

"I have awakened the healing sequence, is there any geigei who wants to heal? It's super big~~ roar~~"

"I am a control sequence, a thorn warlock! Look at my mother's entanglement!"

"You have already found a way to die!"

The clones are also growing at 2.0.

The higher the growth, the higher the probability of awakening the combat system, and the greater the probability of a high professional level.

So the clones don't have a single life system.

185 combat systems, 15 logistics systems.

The lowest professional level is B-level, very few, less than ten.

The rest are all A-level, and 1 S-level upper sequence!

So many professions, so many talents, so many skills!

As long as Song Gua uses the "Power of Unity" talent of the bonder, he can borrow it at any time!

The shortcomings of the bonder's talent do not exist in Song Gua at all.

Will you be weak after borrowing power?

It doesn't matter!

There are many clones, take turns to borrow!

What bonder, this is a full-time master!

"Old Song, don't listen to other people's nonsense, I think your profession is awesome, let's go and level up!"

Since the job transfer is successful, upgrading is naturally the top priority at the moment.

However, to level up, you have to go out of the city, and you need a pass to go out of the city.

"Administrator, my pass?"

After the job transfer is successful, you can directly get an ordinary pass to go out of the city.

"Today is too busy, we have asked volunteers to help issue passes. Go over there to find Ma Feng, I'm going to get off work first!"

After saying this, the administrator got off work at the speed of light.

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