The fire of destruction itself is of rare quality, which means that after it is upgraded to the forbidden spell version, it is extremely powerful!


As expected.

One after another, the world-destroying fire pillars that seemed to come from the ground, with the disaster mage Nanfeng as the center, broke out of the ground in all directions and rushed straight into the sky!

The movement was huge!

Even though the front line in the city had retreated thousands of meters, the loud noise was still clearly heard and the terrifying fire pillar could be seen.

Forbidden spells, even if they were cast with the 20th-level attribute, would definitely be a disaster for the surrounding elite monsters with levels between 20 and 40.

Death at the first touch!

"Fuck! Good guy! I used one skill and my experience was exhausted! Hahaha! Too powerful! Too powerful!"

Nanfeng stood in the pillar of fire, laughing like a madman.

With one skill, he cleared a charred open space of 200 meters in the army of monsters all over the mountains.

The deep pits were covered with shiny dropped items.

A group of bandits swarmed up and quickly divided them up.

They picked them up while cursing.

"Fuck! I almost got burned!"

"Control it! The wild is not a dungeon, teammates can't avoid being hurt!"

"It's too hot! The game experience is too bad, you are worse than Brother Huozi's skill!"

When Nanfeng reacted, the ground around him was already clean.

"Leave some for me! I don't even have all the accessories, how can you do this! Robbery! Robbery!"

Nanfeng's skill has a long cooldown time.

After a moment of splendor, he could only curse and turn to the back, riding a giant summoned creature and using some small skills.

Inside the city wall, in the devastation, Dao Youming, Zhao Yingxiong and other surviving professionals were all shocked by the commotion caused by the bandits outside the city.

The battle between the bandits and the summoned creatures outside the city prevented a whole round of monsters from entering the city.

Either died or were blocked.

The professionals in the city were greatly relieved of pressure.

"Bandits, they actually blocked a whole wave of monsters!"

"That was a forbidden spell, right? There are three-turn people among the bandits?"

"They just used Walker's Fa Tian Xiang Di card, that's right, didn't the bandits rob the wild BOSS Walker last time, of course they have this card."

"Who is using that card? That card should only be level 30, and it can fight against Walker, who is level 60, and still have the upper hand, which means that the user himself is also very strong!"

"Aren't the bandits all rookies at level 10? How can there be such a big guy?"

Compared to being shocked by the strength of the bandits.

The people on the front line were more shocked that the bandits actually joined the war.

And they didn't come to slack off or go through the motions, they really took on a wave of pressure!

There were at least 400 hooded figures outside.

The bandits may have attacked with all their forces!

At this moment, in everyone's mind, the image of the bandits was much taller.

They could have hidden in the wild to avoid being hunted by the Special Bureau.

But when Yunshan City was in trouble, they came back to help without hesitation and fought to the death!

Yunshan No. 5 Middle School, on the playground.

Although the picture was not clear, the bandits' iconic weird dress can be recognized at a glance even if the picture is blurry.

Seeing Walker being thrown like a chain ball.

Seeing the bandits of such a low level but able to use forbidden spells.

And the thousands of undead dinosaurs and giants that were full of momentum, terrifying and majestic.

The students were excited, and many even jumped up excitedly.

"Tai Ku La!!"

"Live as a hero, die as a bandit!!"

"I heard that the bandits are not high-ranking, they must be students, I want to be their girlfriend, oh~~ so safe!"

"Obviously, the masters of those big guilds also use forbidden spells, why do I feel that the bandits use forbidden spells, and I am more excited!"

"With the power of the bandits, maybe we can really hold on until Captain Yue comes to rescue us?!"

The principal, who was ready to flee to the noble school for refuge, couldn't help swallowing his saliva after seeing this scene on the big screen from afar.

"The bandits are so powerful? Do I have to run away?"

After thinking about it, the principal came back, picked up the microphone, and spoke passionately.

"Classmates! The bandits are here! Yunshan City has a clear sky! The bandits are here! Hope is here! Hope is something as precious as diamonds in our era!"

No one cared about the principal's repetitive words.

Everyone stared at the big screen

The blurred picture on the screen was focused on the next move of the bandits.

Yuwen Hao tugged at the corner of Song Gua's clothes.

"Old Song, the bandits are a group of heroes. They are generally only more than ten levels strong, but they broke into the enemy's rear and fought against the world boss army. If this is not a hero, what is it? Why does the government want such a group of people?"

The stand-in Song Gua curled his lips.

"Why do dogs like to eat shit?"

"Dogs like to eat shit naturally."

"Then why are you asking me."

"You said bandits are shit?"


The southern defense line of the city.

Because the bandits were fighting outside the city, a wave of offensives was blocked.

The professionals in the city were able to catch their breath.

Wang Miao, who fell in the ruins, woke up slowly, and felt a sharp pain all over his body. When he looked at his condition, his blood volume was almost at the bottom.

He quickly took out a high-quality life potion and took it. After getting up, he walked towards the temporary medical station on the battlefield.

"Team leader!"

Ever since Wang Miao was knocked away by the world boss's magic wand, Wang Miao's team members have been looking for him.

Now they finally found him.

"Team leader, your locator is broken, we can't find you, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, how's the battle going? Why is the density of monsters around you getting lower?"

"It's the bandits, they came from outside the city, went straight into the enemy's rear, blocked a wave of monsters, and led Walker away!"

"What? Bandits? Aren't they stealing holy stones in the city?"

The team member called Xiaochen said confidently: "Team leader, don't you understand? Someone pretended to be a bandit and put the blame on them!"


"We have been searching intensively in the city for so many days, and there is no trace of the bandits. How could they suddenly appear in the professional temple?

At this moment, the bandits fighting the monsters outside the city are the real bandits!

They have been hiding outside the city, so we can't find them!"

As Xiaochen spoke, his nose was sour.

"It's hard to imagine how they did it when they were only at level 10 or 15. I'm afraid they blew themselves up again."

The distance was too far to check the information.

So no one knew that most of the more than 400 bandits were actually level 20+.

Level 20 is not a low level.

Think about it, the director of the Public Security Bureau is only level 29.

It takes a lifetime of hard work for a professional to upgrade. After all, this is not a game where you can kill 999 with one sword and reach the maximum level directly.

The experience bar is getting longer and longer, and the time of experience fatigue is getting longer and longer.

There are only a few people who can persist in leveling up and challenge the way of gaining experience that is not limited by experience fatigue in order to upgrade faster.

Wang Miao sighed.

"If we can get through this, I'm afraid the policy towards bandits will have to change again."

"Team leader, if there is a chance to catch these bandits outside the city, we..."

"We can't do it. It will anger the public. The people who were rescued by the bandits will eat us alive. Let's wait for orders from above."

Xiao Chen showed a happy expression.

Not catching bandits, great!

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