The Eighteen Hells of Jiangnan City are located in the middle fog area to the north of the city.

From a distance, this is a black cave leading to the ground. The entrance is not big, with a diameter of only more than ten meters, and black and red clouds are lingering on it.

Jump into this cave and you can challenge the second turn.

The second turn challenge cannot be completed in a team, but can only be completed alone.

"There are a lot of people."

The three people of Kaihang Hao came to this area and found that there were many people staying around.

Looking around, their levels are basically Lv30.

Xu Kai rested his hands on his arms and smiled.

"Of course, the second job challenge is very difficult, and it is divided into three levels.

Some people, even if they have completed the first level of challenge and can make the second job, will not upgrade, and want to improve the job transfer level.

Anyway, if you die in the Eighteen Hells, you will be teleported out, you will not really die, and the injuries you suffer in there will be recovered."

Song Gua has done his homework in advance on this point.

As the name suggests, there are eighteen levels of hell to challenge.

After completing the sixth level of challenge, you can make a normal job transfer.

The name of the profession remains unchanged, the talent effect remains unchanged, and the second job transfer function is enabled.

The second job transfer function includes pets, the basic attribute points obtained by upgrading are increased to 20 (people with growth 1.0 get 20 for each upgrade, and 2.0 gets 40), growth +0.5, and the qualification to enter the Glory City.

After completing the twelfth level of challenge, you can make an advanced job transfer.

There will be two or three different job transfer routes to choose from.

This is the real job transfer, because the name of the profession will change, and the talent will change and enhance according to the selected job transfer route.

Of course, the second job transfer function will also be enabled.

If you complete all eighteen levels of challenges, you can not only perform advanced job transfer, but also improve your job level!

Not only will your talent be enhanced, but you will also add a talent for the route you choose!

Undoubtedly, passing the eighteen levels of hell is very tempting for professionals.

Apart from anything else, the job level upgrade is too tempting.

Who doesn't want to be an A-level or S-level profession?

Will an S-level profession become an SS after completing the eighteen levels of challenges?

No, there is no SS profession.

But it only shows S on the panel, and the talent strength has exceeded the S-level standard.

Ordinary job transfer, advanced job transfer, and job upgrade job transfer!

Let alone the latter two, the first one can stump many people.

There are requirements for equipment quality, equipment enhancement, equipment gems, skill levels, consumables, and logistics supplies.

In other words, if you don't have money, you can't do a second job.

At this time, the benefits of going to college are reflected.

For students who have reached level 30, the Professional University will lend them a set of fully cultivated level 30 equipment to help them with their second transformation.

However, it is not that you can pass the challenge just because you have reached the combat power. The Eighteen Layers of Hell are not just combat challenges.

"You guys have challenged almost ten times! You still can't pass the sixth layer! Do you want to graduate?"

At the entrance of the Eighteen Layers of Hell, Song Gua saw a middle-aged man in his fifties, lecturing six or seven young people at level 30.

They should be from a professional university in Jiangnan City.

After taking a look at their equipment, although the information was hidden, it is not difficult to guess from the surface gloss that they are all rare quality, enhanced +10, and high-cultivation equipment with all gem holes filled!

In fact, Song Gua also made some small preparations.

The two artifacts, Dragon Ring and Mysterious Boots, must be worn.

Anyway, with Miwang around, others can't view Song Gua's equipment information, and Miwang can also modify the gloss of the equipment surface, making it impossible to judge the quality.

Don't worry about exposing the identity of the bandit leader by wearing the artifact dropped by Thorn.

Both artifacts have been enhanced to +5, two gem holes have been opened for each, and the level of the gems inlaid are all above level 5.

——The higher the quality of the equipment, the more gem holes can be opened, one for flawless, two for rare, three for epic, four for legendary, and five for artifact.

Because the artifact has the "artifact characteristics" entry, enhancement, gem upgrade, and gem hole opening will not fail, so Song Gua is willing to spend resources on it.

However, the resources required for each level of enhancement +5 and gem Lv5 and above are extremely exaggerated.

And the improved attributes are not proportional to the resources required.

So Song Gua still transferred the resources to other armor and accessories, and raised their training degree to improve the overall combat power


In fact, even if Song Gua's two artifacts are not enhanced or gemmed, the combat power they provide is already better than those high-level equipment forged by universities over the years.

"Then we will accompany you next to this challenge monument."

Xu Kai and Yu Wenhao stood in front of a nearly three-meter-high stone monument.

There are 18 grids on the monument, each grid represents a challenge.

There are many names on the grid, indicating the professionals who are currently challenging in the corresponding layer.

When Song Gua enters the first floor later, his name will appear in the first grid.

People outside can only see this change.

Just when Song Gua was about to jump down, the teacher who had just lectured the students came over.

"Is it... classmate Song Gua?"

Song Gua was startled.

"I didn't expect that I'm so famous in Jiangnan City."

"Oh, it's you! You've broken the record so many times by yourself. Many students in our Jiangnan Professional University admire you! You... are level 30?!"

"Well, let's go to the second level."

The teacher pointed at Song Gua and said to the students: "Look, look! He hasn't even graduated from high school yet, but he's already challenged the second level! You guys, you've been in college for three years, and you're only level 30!"

Professional University has only three academic years.

The poor students of Jiangnan University grumbled.

"He must have some special rewards for breaking the dungeon record, so he leveled up quickly."

"Maybe the profession in the job transfer gold medal he got is the kind of profession that leveled up very quickly."

"Even if not, there must be a big force that won him over and gave him treasures. If I had those experience-boosting props, I would level up quickly."

"Level 30 is level 30, and he may not be able to pass the second level challenge."

The teacher was very disappointed with them.

"Still making excuses! You are the worst class I have ever taught!"

Song Gua pointed to the big hole in front.

"If nothing else, I will go to hell."

"Then you go first."

Song Gua jumped down in one step, and his name appeared on the first grid of the challenge monument. The name of this grid is: Tongue-Pulling Hell.

The teacher of Jiangnan University said.

"You guys, why not compete with Song Gua, just to stimulate your fighting spirit. I don't ask you to pass more levels than Song Gua, just pass the sixth level and graduate successfully!"

Several poor students couldn't resist the provocation and instantly became excited.

Especially some nearby professionals, after hearing Song Gua's name and coming to watch, were even more aroused to win.

"Let's compete!"

The teacher of Jiangda said to Xu Kai and Yuwen Hao: "Song Gua is usually honest?"

The two looked at each other, "He is quite trustworthy, what's wrong?"

"The first level, Tongue-Pulling Hell, the more lies the challenger usually lies, the more enemies he will have, and the stronger the enemies will be. People who don't like to lie will find it much easier to pass this level."

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