The truth is, the truth is that the truth is true.

Song Gua listened with his ears erect.

Hearing this, he took a breath.


Now all the speculations can be confirmed.

She is 99% Miss Butterfly.

As for the 1%.

It is possible that they are extremely bloody twin sisters.

But Song Gua still didn't understand why she came to Yunshan City. It couldn't be that she stayed here specifically to be the financial sponsor of the bandit leader and the rescuer in case of emergency, right?

The fat girl smiled and said, "You said he was a damned guy, but he is actually your good friend, otherwise why would you help him so much?"

Hu Dilisha said very seriously, "We are not friends, but I have to help him."

"Why? Do you owe him money?"

"He owes me more or less... Actually, helping him can also help myself, and there is no particularly big conflict of interest. Let's go eat. I heard that the cafeteria of No. 1 Middle School tastes very good."

The two girls, hand in hand, walked towards the cafeteria happily with small steps.

Sure enough, there is no kindness without reason.

Miss Butterfly gave money and props, and came to the rescue when in danger. She must have an intention against the bandit leader.

Song Gua felt that there was a 90% chance that she was greedy for his body.

Another 10% was related to the dark holy artifact.

If it was the latter, there were some twists and turns here, and Song Gua was still a little confused.

In fact, Song Gua asked as a smart person, but Miss Butterfly's answer was all crazy and stupid.

What? This is a simple cooperation. The bandits are looking for the dark artifact, and she pays. That's it. Don't think too much.

But this Hu Dilisha in front of him looks like an undercover agent in human society. It's hard for Song Gua not to think too much.

"Who is she? Their technological level seems to be higher than that of Blue Star. Aliens? She said she is from the Avengers. Could it be that the Avengers is a spy organization of aliens on Blue Star? So it is the second most wanted organization in the world?"

The college entrance examination continues.

The two-day cultural exam ended quickly.

It was noon on June 6th.

The bandit headquarters.

The bandits are opening champagne to see off the ten avatars who are taking the college entrance examination.

Nine of these ten people are undercover agents of the intelligence department, such as Daniel Wu and Edison Chen.

The other one is Song Gua's substitute.

"The martial arts exam is in Jiangnan City. I don't know how it will be compared, but no matter how it is compared, Brother Gunner, you can help me get the first place. Wear your confusion and play freely."

Brother Gunner, a new avatar that was born recently.

He was called Gunner Brother because he was a gunner for Song Gua to take the exam. His profession was not a gunner.

He was born at level 30, and after going through the assembly line, he directly became an S-level professional muscle fighter.

Competing with a group of peers of average level who were not even level 20, Gunner Brother was strong enough even if he wore a blank suit.

Besides, how could Song Gua let the person who took the exam for him wear a blank suit? He was given a set of rare equipment, which was quite good.

He had to hand it in to the warehouse after the exam.

This morning, the last subject was taken.

In the afternoon, all combat professionals among the candidates in Yunshan City will be picked up by a special car to the airport and fly to Jiangnan City by a special plane.

Song Gua said to the clone of the intelligence department.

"Although the eight of you are temporarily undercover in the eight major guilds in Yunshan City, once all of us have reached the second S-level, those eight rotten garlics will no longer be worth being undercover.

In the future, you will be undercover in more advanced organizations or forces, acting as our bandits' eyes and ears!

This includes official organizations!

The higher the official position, the higher the educational requirements.

So, you all have to get good grades, go to a good university, and get a diploma from the best university to lay a solid foundation for a greater undercover career in the future!

The best professional university in Huaxia Administrative Region is Zhenhua University in Shangjing City!

We will gather there!

The nine of you The face of the students is different from mine. During the martial arts exam, it may not be convenient for me to exchange positions with you and fight for you, so you must be serious!

If you can't get into Zhenhua University, report to the cannon fodder group!"

Brother Edison said arrogantly: "Who knows my family? I have traveled through another world, and there is still pressure to go to college."

Yanzu is more practical and said with a fist: "Don't worry, boss, I will definitely get into Zhenhua University! Wang Miao also told me that where the university is, the special bureau I will join in the future is likely to be there. If I get into a bad school, I will most likely be assigned to a remote small city like Yunshan City in the future. "

Yanzu has already received a special

Qualification for internship in the Special Bureau.

After he enters university, he can do some internship tasks in the local Special Bureau.

After graduating from university and joining the Special Bureau, people who have interned will enjoy priority and extra points.

Song Gua gave these clones who went to take the college entrance examination a set of good equipment, and I think the scores in the martial arts exam will not be low.

As for the literary exam, it is likely to be close to full marks like Song Gua, after all, they share memories.

At this point, Yanzu's cell phone rang.

"Wang Miao is looking for me."

"Why is he looking for you?"

"He wants to give me a farewell party."

"You really have Wang Miao's trust now, very good, keep it up."

Song Gua put Yanzu away, exchanged positions with a clone in the city, and then let him go to find Wang Miao.

Song Gua was not interested in taking the martial arts exam and bullying his peers.

However, he was very interested in messing with the Zhao family.

"We are idle anyway, let's plan how to bring down the Zhao family."

The bandits in Yunshan City will not disappear, no matter where Song Gua goes in the future.

This will be the rear base of the bandit organization, and it is also an area with very stable resource acquisition. After all, the eight major guilds no longer want to fight the bandits, and the bandits will dominate sooner or later.

However, the Zhao family is determined to destroy the bandits, and Song Gua is sure of this.

If the Zhao family is allowed to push forward the Tianbing plan, in case they can't handle them later, the Zhao family will counterattack and sweep the bandits, and this rear base will be unstable.

Don't think about putting away all the clones and running to other cities to grow up if you can't beat the Zhao family.

It's a bit mean, but it doesn't necessarily mean you can grow up.

Judging from the appearance of artificial deformed beasts in Jiangnan City before, the Zhao family has a way to teleport deformed beasts everywhere. If they really want to fight the bandits, running away will be useless.

Just do it!

So a few months ago, knowing that the Zhao family was arranging their men to hunt down the bandits, Song Gua decided to overthrow the Zhao family as the guiding ideology.

"Really? Has the investigation team from Shangjing City come?"

Yanzu provided a key piece of information.

Just three days before the college entrance examination, the imperial envoy that Wang Miao had been thinking about, the investigation team of the Shangjing City Special Bureau, finally came to Yunshan City.

"Wang Miao should have reported it, but this investigation team seems to have not taken any action these days. On the surface, it is still investigating the incident of the real and fake bandits robbing the deformed beast last time. Is it because the evidence is not sufficient and it is not convenient to directly take action against the local family..."

Song Gua took a sip of the red wine handed over by Brother Xuezi and thought about it.

Dacongming asked from the side: "Boss, have you thought of a good idea?"

"I thought of it."

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