The old man was very angry.

When Song Gua came out of the dungeon again, there were more people in the dungeon area.

It was so crowded, like a large army approaching.

Zhao Can hadn't given up yet, and was still standing closest to the entrance.

"Student Song, I sincerely invite you to join..."

"Not interested."

"I haven't finished yet."

"I'm not interested in anything you say."

Zhao Can gritted his teeth.

"I shouldn't have offended you, right?"

Song Gua smiled meaningfully.

"Whether I have or not, don't you know it?"

The bald guy who came back last night and wanted to bully me because of my low level and kill people and rob me.

He is in the same group as Zhao Can and the others.

If Zhao Can said he was unaware of his actions, would Song Gua believe it?

Zhao Can seemed to have remembered this incident, and his face changed slightly, but he still wanted to try.

"How about this, let's make a deal, I'll give you three times the market price."

"What do you want to buy from me?"

"Of course it's the job transfer gold medal, you just broke the record again, you got another gold medal, right?"

The professionals around him looked at this newcomer who was only Lv11, and their eyes were almost overflowing with envy.

Two job transfer gold medals are trivial.

The key is that he is already the first in two rankings at a young age.

When he gets older, how much reputation will he have accumulated?

Professionals who have been to the Abyss Front and Glory City know that reputation is extremely important.

"Sorry," Song Gua said with a smile, "I also used up the job transfer gold medal I got in the spider cave."

Zhao Can's eyes widened.

"You used it again? Didn't you use the gold medal you got in the Monkey Mountain dungeon?"

"Are job transfer gold medals not usable only once in a lifetime? I'm not satisfied with the profession in the Monkey Mountain gold medal, but I like the Spider Cave one."

"How can you squander it like this?"

The Zhao family also has job transfer gold medals - this thing is not only available by breaking records, there are other channels, but it's also difficult to get.

Song Gua disagreed.

"It's just a job transfer, what's the fuss about it."

The onlookers were amazed.

"Using two job transfer gold medals in one day, the young patriarch of the Long family, the largest family in our Huaxia Administrative Region, can't be so extravagant!"

"That's a job transfer gold medal, not a new job experience card!"

"Versailles competition."

"Damn, he pretended to be so!"

In the crowd, Yue Sheng applauded.

"Although these are two lowest-level dungeons, no one has been able to break the record for more than a hundred years, but you found a way. A hero emerges from youth."

Song Gua looked at Yue Sheng and felt that he looked familiar. He might have seen him on the news.

The windbreaker on Yue Sheng was actually the uniform of the Law Enforcement Department, with his official title on it.

So Song Gua could see that he was an official, and he should have a high official position.

"Do you want to buy a guide?"

Yue Sheng smiled.

"No, I don't want to. I just passed by and happened to see that a dungeon record was broken, so I came to see who the talent was.

It turned out to be the genius of Yunshan City Growth 2.0. I heard that you awakened the bonder profession.

That is indeed a not very useful profession.

I didn't expect that you would change your profession by breaking the record. It's a different way."

At this time, several men and women in black leather windbreakers, dragging the light and shadow of the accelerated state, rushed over quickly.

"Captain, the target has been captured!"

Yue Sheng nodded.

"Let's go to Yunshan City to rest."

Before leaving, Yue Sheng had a lantern-like item in his hand.

An eye opened on the item, and a red light shone on Song Gua.

Someone shouted.

"Eye of True Vision!"

Song Gua's heart tightened.

This item can ignore the operation of hiding personal information and see other people's occupations, equipment, skills and other details.

A character panel appeared in front of Yue Sheng, which only he could see.

Of course, it was Song Gua's.

"Captain, what do you mean by this?"

Song Gua felt a little resentful.

This man actually played a sneak attack.

I didn't use any gold medals for job transfer.

He is still a bonder.

The reason why he said this in public is to prevent being guilty of possessing a treasure.

A mere item that increases experience is worth the risk taken by the bald man last night - even if he just suspected that Song Gua had it, he was not sure.

Not to mention the job transfer gold medal.

Song Gua didn't want to be killed before he could even leave the dungeon area.

Yue Sheng smiled and said, "I just want to see what your new job is. Yes, it's a very powerful job. I believe it will help you get a good score in this year's college entrance examination."

After that, Yue Sheng and his men left.

His men were very curious and asked repeatedly, "Boss, what is that kid's job? The jobs in the job transfer gold medal are all unique. If it's a combat system, it should be very strong, right?"

Yue Sheng's voice came from afar, "This is someone's privacy, don't ask too much. Anyway, it's stronger than your S-level job, and should belong to the S+ level."

In Song Gua's mind, the clones talked about it.

"He is helping the main body to conceal the old thief."

"This guy named Yue Sheng is a nice guy."

"He did it on purpose."

"Why? Is there an intention?"

"Maybe he is kind-hearted."

"There is no kindness without reason in this world."

"Are you suffering from paranoia?"

Song Gua didn't understand.

Although Song Gua did not have the job transfer gold medal.

But the words he just said to Zhao Can would still make those who covet the gold medal suspicious.

After Yue Sheng helped him to cover up, he was undoubtedly much safer.

It is not advisable to stay here for a long time, it is time to go back.

As soon as he entered the spider cave, Song Gua reached level 11 without killing many monsters.

After level 11, he received a reminder of experience fatigue.

The efficiency of gaining experience is getting lower and lower.

After the dungeon is finished, fatigue will directly reach 100%, and you must rest for a week before you can continue to gain experience.

It's okay.

Song Gua has reached level 11 only two days after changing his job.

Those who have money to hire a power leveler, such as Zhao Can, are only level 6.

Everyone is equal in the face of experience fatigue. Others will also enter a fatigue state after continuously gaining experience for a certain period of time.

In other words, those who fall behind will always fall behind, but not too far behind.

"Hahaha! Brother Gua! I think you might as well change your name to Brother Gua! Two records in one day, you have to treat me to a meal? Come on, go back and celebrate, I just bought two return scrolls, one for you and one for me!"

Yuwen Hao came over with a smile and stuffed a scroll directly into Song Gua's hand, hinting him with his eyes to leave quickly.

Yuwen Hao was also very shrewd. He probably guessed that Song Gua did not use both gold medals.

In order to prevent someone from taking action, Yuwen Hao was helping Song Gua evacuate.

Song Gua stuffed the scroll back.

"I have it."

Under the stares of the crowd, Song Gua and Yuwen Hao used the scrolls to return to the city.

Light blue beams of light slowly rose from around them and rose to the sky.

Because it was a scroll of ordinary quality, the pre-swing time would be longer, up to 2 minutes.

Zhao Can came over again.

"Song Gua, since you have used up all the gold medals for job transfer, it's fine. You can always sell the strategies for these two dungeons, right? If you are willing to sell them to me, I can give you a high price to buy them out!"

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