The old man was buried in a grave, and the old man was buried.

Yunshan City, Wenjing Community, Building 9, 701.

This three-bedroom apartment was bought when Song Gua's parents were alive.

Downstairs of Building 9, Song Gua saw Yue Sheng, the captain of the law enforcement department of the Professional Association, wearing a black windbreaker.

"Captain Yue, why are you walking in this old and dilapidated neighborhood like ours?"

Yue Sheng looked at Song Gua and said lightly: "Actually, I used to live in this neighborhood."

"Oh? Captain Yue is from Yunshan City?"

"I lived here before I went to Beijing to study at the Professional University."

"You came to our neighborhood to reminisce. I saw you looking at my house all the time, and I thought you were looking for me."

"I came to see you by the way."

Song Gua felt alert.

A few hours ago, in the first-level dungeon area of ​​Yunshan City, Captain Yue had used the True Vision Eye to look at his panel.

He knew that he was still a bonder and had not changed his job.

Although returning to the city was relatively safe, it was only relative.

Song Gua did not want others to know that his job had not changed.

In that case, people with ulterior motives would suspect that he still had a job change gold medal on him.

As the saying goes, you don't worry about thieves stealing, you just worry about thieves thinking about it.

Song Gua didn't want to live in fear and sleep uneasily.

Song Gua began to ask questions to test the captain's purpose.

"By the way, I haven't thanked you enough for covering for me in the dungeon."

Yue Sheng smiled and said, "It's a small matter. I don't want a good seedling to be ruined by those rats."

"Are you speaking on behalf of the official?"

"Only myself, the official... The official in this world is only the Blue Star Federation. This behemoth will not care about a little genius in a small city."

"Then why did Captain Yue help me?"

"Just think of it as a friendship between fellow townsmen. I am proud to see such an outstanding newcomer in my hometown."

"Is it that simple?"

"Otherwise, do you think I am someone like the Zhao family and want to win you over? Even if I want you to follow me, it won't work. If you want to be my team member, you have to go through layers of selection and many assessments, and you have to start from the local law enforcement team and slowly make meritorious contributions before you can be promoted."

Captain Yue Sheng is quite humorous. Song Gua smiled and felt that he really didn't mean any harm.

"By the way, I'll give you something."

Yue Sheng took out a badge-shaped object from his backpack.

Song Gua used the information viewing function and took a closer look. The information of this object was displayed in front of him.

[Secret Treasure Information]

[Name: Confusion]

[Quality: Legend (Gold)]


——You can selectively display your own information, or hide it completely, which can isolate any reconnaissance methods.

——When hitting the damage number, you can choose the display type among physical damage, magic damage, true damage, shield loss, etc. 】

Secret Treasure.

A special kind of equipment.

It does not occupy equipment slots and has no wearing requirements.

It does not provide any attributes, skills, or passives, but it will provide some special effects.

The Eye of True Vision that I have seen before is a kind of secret treasure.

Secret treasures are only produced in high-level dungeons, restricted areas, or large BOSSes such as wild BOSS and world BOSS, and the probability is very low.

Legendary secret treasures are even rarer.

Yue Sheng was so generous that Song Gua was a little overwhelmed.

"Captain, this is..."

"You need this."

"I do, but I can't afford it."


Yue Sheng smiled and threw the badge on Song Gua.

"I'm giving it to you. I hope it will help you grow. That's all I can do. You still have to rely on yourself to decide your future path."

Song Gua touched the badge on his chest. It was of great quality and was indeed a legendary treasure.

Wearing it, others can't even see his level.

However, Song Gua didn't plan to hide his level.

That would make people suspect that he had something so good that it could even hide his level, which would attract covetousness.

"Captain, I'll accept it."

"Don't be polite. Don't think too much. This thing is very precious to you, but it's useless in my hands. Just think of me as a favor."

It's impossible for Song Gua not to think too much.

Even the clone knows that there is no kindness without reason.

He may be kind, but there must be a reason.

Just because when he was a child

Hou also lives in this community?

That's ridiculous.

Song Gua and Yue Sheng exchanged a few more pleasantries.

Although the two are more than 20 years apart in age.

But because Song Gua's real age is not young, and he has lived two lives, they actually chatted very speculatively.


Let's talk about two things.

In the old city of Yunshan City, near the slums, there is an open-air roadside food stall.

A stack of banknotes fell on the stall owner's apron, which was stained with oil because he was too busy to wash it in time.

"Just this little money?! You want to get rid of us brothers?!"

A man with a purple-dyed Shamatte hairstyle, with his hands on his hips, shaking his chin from side to side, staring at the stall owner with his eyes wide open.

The boss frowned in grievance, "Brother Qiang, business is not very good recently. The fire department and urban management have come to fine us twice. I really don't have money to honor the two bosses."

Brother Qiang grabbed the hot barbecue and pressed it on the boss's face.

"Stop making excuses!"


The temperature of the barbecue is nothing for Brother Qiang, who is already level 19, wearing a set of high-quality equipment and belongs to the combat profession.

But for the boss, who has never been upgraded and is a life profession with bare hands, it is painful.

Although life professions can gain experience as long as they do things related to their profession.

But on the one hand, this upgrade is extremely slow.

On the other hand, not everyone's profession for making a living is the counterpart of his own life profession.

When awakening a profession in the professional temple, 70% of people are life professions.

Among them, most of them cannot match their profession in this life.

Therefore, there are many people in the crowd who are zero level all their lives.

The screams here attracted the attention of the diners in the food stalls.

There is also a man with green shamat dyed next to Brother Qiang. This is his younger brother, let's call him Brother Qiang.

Brother Qiang held an empty beer bottle in his hand, pointed at everyone, and screamed at the top of his voice.

"What are you looking at! A bunch of single-digit life-related trash! Are you looking for death?"

The diners were in no mood to eat, so they left their money and ran away.

Brother Qiang was not polite, and went up to collect the money.

"Fifty thousand yuan! Not a penny less!

My brother and I will be level 20 soon. If you don't give me money to buy equipment, how can I play the level 20 dungeon?

Where can I get better equipment if I don't play the dungeon?

Without better equipment, how can I protect you from being bullied by other professionals?!"

Brother Qiang emphasized to the owner of the food stall again his great career of collecting protection fees.

The owner covered the burn on his face and shook his head helplessly, "Even if you kill me, I have no money to give you."

At this time, the owner's daughter came out from behind the shed.

"How can you be so lawless?! Aren't you afraid that the deacons of the law enforcement department will arrest you and send you to the abyss to fill the pit!"

Brother Qiang laughed, "The law enforcement department of the Professional Association? Hahaha! Fool! This is a world where the strong are respected. Whoever is strong is the law and the heaven! You weak people should support us! Otherwise, when the abyss invades, who will protect you?!"

The boss's daughter said coldly: "I'm afraid it's not scum like you."

Brother Qiang was hit in the soft spot, and he grabbed the boss's daughter's neck and lifted her up.

"Dare to scold me? I'll send you to see the King of Hell!"

Brother Qiang pressed Brother Qiang's arm down.

"It's such a waste to kill her. Look how beautiful this girl is. Let's take her back to have some fun first, and then sell her to Sister Xiang. I'm sure we can sell her for a good price. A set of level 20 excellent equipment for each person shouldn't be a problem, right?"

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