The past few days of experience fatigue, not only the clone is busy.

Song Gua is also busy.

Busy with social events.

Today he is the president of Lingyun Guild, tomorrow he is the president of Xu Heavy Industry, and the day after tomorrow he is interviewed by Yunshan TV.

His schedule is full.

Who made him a big celebrity in Yunshan City now?

The two words "Song Gua" now represent traffic.

All the major guilds in Yunshan City have sent representatives to invite Song Gua to join.

These major guilds usually do not accept professionals who are not second-level professionals.

Song Gua is a newcomer in his teens. They can be so embarrassed to invite him actively, not for the strategy of the dungeon record.

If any guild could get this strategy, it would be very likely to dominate the rankings by controlling the speed.

How glorious that would be.

The guild leaders would wake up laughing in their dreams just thinking about it.

Song Gua saw through their thoughts, so no matter how generous the conditions they offered, he declined them all.

This bamboo stick cannot be exploited.

Because he really couldn't give them the strategy.

If he took the benefits from others and couldn't play his value in the end, they would not let him go.

In this blue star world shrouded in fog, it is impossible to escape, and it is too troublesome to go to other cities.

So Song Gua didn't want to make enemies everywhere in Yunshan City - at least not the main body, but the clones didn't matter.

Yunshan City has four local big families, which control important livelihood areas such as medical care, real estate, finance, and industry in Yunshan City.

The Zhao family is one of them.

They have the greatest control over medical care.

Almost all the hospitals, medical institutions, and medical research institutes in the city are theirs, so naturally all the rules and pricing are also decided by them.

Zhao's Medicine, although Zhao Can had already sent an invitation when Song Gua was out of the dungeon, and was clearly rejected.

But in the past few days, they have been sending people to recruit like Lin's Bank, Xu's Heavy Industry, and Ponzi Real Estate.

Unlike the guild, although the family forces also look at the rankings, their main purpose is to win over talents to fight with other local chaebols and families.

The big family is more direct than the guild, and they want to buy out Song Gua with money on the spot.

After failing to negotiate with the other party whether it would be okay to just take the money and put a name on it without doing anything for them, Song Gua decisively refused these dirty money.

Working for others, what's the point.

Song Gua wants to be the boss himself!

Speaking of which, the official has no movement for this newcomer who broke the record of more than a hundred years of silence.

Except for the media interview.

No one from other official organizations contacted Song Gua-Yue Sheng doesn't count, his behavior is a personal behavior.

Perhaps it was just as Yue Sheng said, the Blue Star Federation would not pay attention to a small character like him.

Breaking the dungeon record was a big deal in the eyes of the guild and the family.

But it was something that the Federation could not see.

The forces in other cities did not show up either.

Because of the fog, transportation was inconvenient and it was not easy to make a trip.

What if the local forces had already won over Song Gua after he arrived, and he would have made a wasted trip, so he simply did not come.

A week of experience fatigue finally ended.

The discussion about Song Gua gradually calmed down.

But the name hanging high at the top of the two speed rankings still made countless people admire him.

The various forces in Yunshan City did not give up recruiting Song Gua, but they were always rejected, and began to think of other ways to start, and did not bother him for the time being.

Song Gua heard that there are now some fan groups of his own on the Internet.

Unfortunately, when he joined their group chat with his own social account.

And when he directly revealed his cards, "I am Song Gua", he was kicked out of the group chat on the spot.

Forget it, fans and such are not important, we are not promoting products.

"'Mahjong Knights, roaming the night, punishing evil and eliminating evil, Yunshan City citizens are full of praise', hehe, brothers, look, we are famous, the newspapers are all praising us!"

In Song Gua's home, Monkey Brother, who is already level 11, is lying on the sofa with his arms and legs spread out, reading the newspaper.

In the past few days, Brother Xuezi has committed crimes against the wind and continued to gain experience from those evil people who oppressed the civilians, and has gained a lot.

Song Gua is already level 14.

Brother Xuezi is even level 16.

On the side, Brother Huozi picked up the remote control, turned on the TV, and tuned to the news channel.

"That's not what the official said."

In the news screen, the fat and big-eared director of the Public Security Bureau said seriously to the camera.

"Urban security is closely related to each of us!

We never advocate the use of violence to punish crimes, such as the gangsters!

Now, we have issued a formal wanted notice for all gangsters. We hope you will surrender and confess the recent violent cases!

If a vicious incident occurs around you, you should report it to the Public Security Bureau immediately. Our sheriff will...

Hey, don't smash it, don't smash it!

Who threw the rotten eggs! Weren't the ones thrown before fresh! ? "

The news screen was in chaos.

The protesting people rushed forward, and all kinds of rotten vegetable leaves and rotten eggs overwhelmed the head of the Public Security Bureau.

Many sheriffs nearby were happily picking up these things, muttering that they had extra food today.

Brother Xuezi held a glass of red wine, looked at the outrageous picture on TV, and shook his head.

"This world is much crazier than our original world."

Song Gua summoned more clones to hold a meeting together.

"People call us Mahjong Knights, and the official calls us bandits. What do you think our banner should be called in the future? ”

The clones chattered.

“Based on our outfit, we are obviously from the Zuowang Dao.”

“What Mahjong Hero? Bandits, so rustic! We should be called Rocket Boys, and debut here, brothers!”

“Why not call us the Song Family Army!”

“Send the Family Army? It’s unlucky, I feel like I’m sending my head away.”

Song Gua wrote “Bandits” and “Mahjong Heroes” on his left and right hands, and said to the clones.

“When in Rome, do as the Romans do. If people call us that, we’ll just pick one. If we use a new banner, wouldn’t the publicity on TV and newspapers about us be wasted?”

An clone asked.

“Why do we need to determine the banner?”

“Which organization doesn’t have a banner or a name?”

“Why do we want to set up an organization?”

“To make money!”

“Are we such a great organization, and we’re just doing such vulgar things?”

“Nonsense! I have spent two or three million these days. If I don't make money, you will support me!"

"What?! Where did you spend it? Did you go to Tianshang Renjian to call a princess without telling your brothers? ? "

Song Gua gave this guy a brain slap.

"How can I hide it from you?"

Before, he blew himself up and planned to buy 200 books, but the clones came into the store one by one and pretended to be rich, bought all the books, and didn't bargain. In the end, they bought more than 300 books.

Directly killed more than 400,000.

Recently, as the main players have been trained to level 10 one after another, Song Gua fully armed them, and each of them has a set of excellent quality equipment.

Song Gua himself and the three big three are even more flawless.

Except for accessories.

Although there are outputs of low-level accessories, most of them are white, and higher ones are too rare. , can't buy it.

This wave, killed millions again.

Level 10 equipment is not expensive, but everyone fully equipped, the quality is acceptable, tens of thousands are still needed.

There are also acquisitions of materials to level up the logistics department profession.

These logistics department clones, there are not many people, but they are awesome at spending money.

They have 15 people, and they directly burned more than one million in four or five days.

If it weren't for the long cooldown time of skills such as making scrolls and making potions, Song Gua felt that he couldn't afford to support them.

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