The more you play, the more you will lose.

Song Gua compared his attributes with some netizens who posted their data online.

"Without a weapon, the panel is indeed quite different, but fortunately I have grown to 2.0, which makes up for it."

It is not without reason that people in the circle call the bonder a useless profession.

Even though there are four pieces of defense, for an output profession, the impact on combat power is not as good as one weapon.

Fortunately, the talent of unity can be used at any time.

As mentioned earlier, the higher the level of the dungeon, the more thoroughly its records are brushed.

For the record of the 10th level dungeon, this feeling is not very obvious.

When Song Gua opened the 15th level dungeon, he saw the problem.

The records of the two level 15 dungeons, the Boneyard and the Lake of Hellfire, were all reduced to less than 20 minutes.

These two records were created just a few years ago.

One of the creators is the Long family, the largest family in the Huaxia administrative region, and the other is the Yanhuang Guild, the largest guild.

The strategy is still top secret.

"Currently, only Brother Xuezi and I have reached level 15. With more people, we should be able to break the record of the level 15 dungeon, but there may be casualties."

The monsters in the level 15 hell-level dungeon are all level 20, and they are elite or above.

The non-main clones have not reached level 10 yet, and the gap is too big.

If the clone is injured, it will basically be useless.

And you can't go to the hospital for treatment.

The professions in the treatment sequence treat blood volume.

Professionals can't handle physical injuries such as broken arms and blind eyes, and they still have to rely on doctors.

Song Gua decided to lead the team to go to the level 15 dungeon to test the strength first. After he was confident, he would attack with all his forces tomorrow.

When Song Gua came out of the dungeon, he saw a familiar scene again.

Xu Kai was giving money to those who won the bet.

"Brothers, if you all bet on Song Gua to break the record, it would be boring. You should learn from Brother Zhao and insist on betting on something that cannot break the record!"

Xu Kai did not make any money this time, and even lost a lot.

Because these boring professionals have learned to be smart.

Most of them bet on Song Gua to break the record.

As soon as Song Gua came out, Zhao Can rushed over.

"Song Gua! How could you sell me the job transfer gold medal of the Life Department!"

"I didn't say what department it was, you were 'determined to get it' and didn't even give me time to introduce the product."

"You don't have time to explain? You don't even plan to explain! Give me back!"

"Haha, Master Cai, you are joking. We have reached a voluntary trading relationship. You can't unilaterally break the contract."

After saying that, Song Gua no longer paid attention to Zhao Can. He flashed to the entrance of the 15th level dungeon burial ground and stepped in.

Seeing Song Gua enter the dungeon again.

Someone who was curious shouted, "Song Gua has entered the 15th level dungeon, Master Xu, are you not going to open the market?"

Xu Kai sat on the ground, lit a cigarette, and said in a bored tone, "You all must have bet that he can break the record, it's boring."

"You don't want to play anymore, Master Xu, don't you have enough pocket money to pay?"

"Hey! I hate people provoking me the most, let's continue to open the market!"

This time, Zhao Can came over as soon as the market opened.

"I bet five million, Song Gua can break the record!"

Xu Kai teased, "I didn't expect that you, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, are not determined anymore?"

"I have to get some money back! Stop talking nonsense! Write it down for me!"

"Okay, okay, today I will treat it as a red envelope for everyone."

In the woods not far away.

The bearded man from the Berserker Guild, who had previously offered 100,000 to buy the job transfer gold medal, was gathering with two professionals of the same level 30, and lowered their heads to discuss.

"This Song Gua has broken the record again. He just came out and didn't say he was going to sell the job transfer gold medal, which means that he still has a gold medal in his hand now!"

"Did he use it himself again?"

"Are you stupid? Who would repeatedly waste such a good thing?"

"Brother Niu plans to..."

"When Song Gua comes out of the dungeon, we will do it!"

"Our Berserker Guild is a serious guild. If the news of murder and robbery spreads, I'm afraid we won't be able to recruit people in the future."

The bearded man took out a few cloth hoods with patterns such as 30,000 and a barrel embroidered on them.

"This is..."

"Recently, a group of bandits appeared in Yunshan City. Have you heard about it? There is a ruthless person among them who can make people lose levels. Many people have been caught."

"I heard that it's a hot topic. The Special Bureau and the Public Security Bureau are both wanted, but they can't catch them."

"No one knows

Who are these guys who always wear masks? We can pretend to be them, right? Hehehe..."

"But there are so many people in the dungeon area. If someone comes to help, we three may not be able to deal with them."

"I have a way. ”

More than 20 minutes later.

Song Gua came out of the Lv15 Bone Burial Ground.

His hair was messy, and there was some black unknown liquid on his body, which made him look a little embarrassed.

The level 15 dungeon with hell-level difficulty was indeed difficult to fight.

Song Gua just summoned out only the main force this time, to be precise, the main force among the main force, all of which were A-level professions.

He was worried that those small clones of several levels would be killed by the monsters' AOE skills.

The battle just now also proved that the monsters in the Bone Burial Ground were indeed powerful. Even the big three had several times when their health was almost at the bottom.

Fortunately, the clones in the treatment sequence were powerful and controlled their health very well.

The large group of professionals outside the dungeon were dumbfounded when they saw Song Gua coming out.

"Why did you come out like this?"

Song Gua was puzzled.

"How else can I get out?"

"Where's the record? ! Why didn't you break the record? !"

"Do you really think I'm a god? I can break every dungeon record? ”

“What?! I bet 200,000! !”

Xu Kai was stunned.

I wanted to pay for happiness.

But now 99% of the bettors have lost all their money.

All the money went into Xu Kai’s pocket.

“I accidentally made a fortune?”

The most depressed person at the moment was Zhao Can.

He was now thinking about how to explain the 10 million today when he returned.

The Zhao family is indeed rich, and the children of the Zhao family are also very extravagant.

But, the surface work must be done well.

Otherwise, how can you fight for your position in the family.

If the elders above think that you spend money excessively, let alone compete for the throne, your pocket money will be controlled in the future.

“Song Gua, fuck…”

Zhao Can wanted to curse and hit someone at this moment, but when he was out, he had to consider his image as Mr. Zhao.

Ma Feng patted his back, "Master Can, calm down, a little money, a little money..."

Hua Xiangrong shook her head, she thought Zhao Can was stupid, but Song Gua, the more she looked at him, the more she liked him.

He broke records one after another, and he didn't look like a real person.

But now, seeing that there are records that he can't break, I feel that he is actually an ordinary person, but he has his own wisdom.

Song Gua didn't stay at the entrance of the dungeon for long, and turned around and entered another dungeon of level 15, the Lake of Hellfire.

Xu Kai glanced at everyone.

"Brothers, let's... continue?"

Everyone's spit flew over.

"Don't come on! You and Song Gua have colluded!"

"Pig-killing scheme!"

"Your Xu family's industries are usually cutting our leeks, and today the sickle is extended here, right! "


Everything that just happened seemed like a conspiracy.

Breaking two records first makes people think that Song Gua will definitely continue to break records.

When everyone invests a lot of money, he can't break it.

Xu Kai smiled bitterly. He really can't wash himself clean even if he jumps into the Yellow River.

But he doesn't worry about his own safety.

After all, he is a member of the Xu family. No one dares to do anything to him publicly.

Not long after Song Gua entered the dungeon, suddenly a figure ran over anxiously from a distance.

"Brother Niu! Brother Niu! Wild BOSS! Wild BOSS! Wild BOSS appeared in the Wild Wolf Plains, the level 20 leveling area!"

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