Although the woman was honest, she took out the artifact she was going to use as a reward and asked Brother Xuezi to check the information. [Equipment Information]

[Name: Artifact·Dragon Ring·Returning Light]

[Part: Ring]

[Quality: Legend (Gold)]

[Level: Lv30]

[Durability: Never damaged]


——Strength +Lv*5, Agility +Lv*5;

——Artifact Features: Easy to strengthen, easy to open holes, easy to inlay, easy to enchant (that is, the success rate of equipment improvement operations on artifacts is 100%);

——Dragon Speed: All cooling times are reduced by 30%;

——Revolving: After each action, there is a 20% probability to immediately end the cooling time required for the action;

——Constant Temperature: Gain type state, duration +100%;

——Dragon Shield: When the damage received at one time exceeds 10% of the upper limit of life, or when fatal damage is about to be received, the damage is invalidated, and the cooling time is 1 minute. 】

Dragon Ring.

This is a ring category in the artifact.

It can only be dropped from wild dragon-type bosses and world bosses.

Most artifacts have forging blueprints, which can be forged by high-level forgers and various rare materials.

Only the dragon ring cannot be forged, it can only be dropped.

As an accessory, the ring is not good at increasing panel attributes - but the attribute amount increased by the dragon ring is linked to the level, which ensures growth and can be carried all the time.

Seeing the five effects of "Dragon Ring·Returning Light", Song Gua was very excited.

His own profession, the bonder, is a profession that needs a buff state to deal explosive damage.

The benefits of attack speed and attack power on the bonder are higher than other professions.

With this ring, even the cooling time of the power of unity will be reduced. After using the power of unity, there is a 20% probability to end the cooling immediately!

And that dragon shield, a life-saving skill!

It's so fragrant!

After the clones synchronized the memory of Brother Xuezi, they expressed their opinions one after another.

"This artifact is so effective that putting it in the auction house will make the richest people in each city break their heads. Is she willing to give it to us as a reward?"

"Brother Xuezi, do it! Grab it!"

"You have to be the one. You really don't treat Brother Xuezi as an outsider."

"What if she regrets not giving it to you after the matter is done?"

"I always feel that this is a carrot in front of the donkey - it's just to whet our appetite."

Brother Xuezi told the woman about the concerns of the clones.

The woman smiled and put the dragon ring away.

"Cooperate with me, you will have a chance to get it. If you don't cooperate with me, you won't have any chance at all. You choose."

Brother Xuezi pretended to cover his ears, as if he was using a communicator.

"Boss, what do you say?"

Song Gua at home replied immediately.

"Let's do it!"

What's there to worry about?

Anyway, in the next few days, the clones will be outside to kill monsters and level up in dungeons to reach level 15.

When they are tired of experience and have nothing to do, they might as well find something to do.

Neither of them is a serious organization. One is wanted in Yunshan City, and the other is wanted worldwide.


What trust?

It depends on how it works.

"Okay, we agree to cooperate with you!"

The woman smiled with satisfaction.

"Then let's discuss some details of the cooperation. The first step is that we need someone to sneak into the mental hospital. Do you have a way..."

Under the cover of night, the first cooperation between the Blue Star Avengers and the Yunshan Bandits began.


The next day.


The nightlife in Yunshan City has just begun.

On the streets full of lights and wine, drunk handsome men and beautiful women walk together.

"Team leader, the target has just arrived at the intersection of Parkson Road and Lingquan Road, and he is alone."

Xiaoling, one of Wang Miao's team members, was dressed in casual clothes and carrying a few handbags. She pretended to be shopping outside, but was actually following Song Gua.

Wang Miao's voice came from the headset.

"I'm in the dark, keeping my distance from you. You continue to follow me."


Song Gua put his hands in his pockets, leisurely.

After strolling for a few streets, he suddenly quickened his pace, dodged, and jumped into a small road without street lights.

"The target has taken action!"

"Follow him closely!"

Xiaoling threw all the burdens in her hands into the roadside trash can, activated her skills, and chased after him.

Song Gua circled back and forth in the complex small roads and alleys in this area

, Xiaoling lost him for a while.

But Xiaoling's profession is a hunter, and she has a skill called "hound smell", which can summon a hound to track the enemy's scent.

So she can always catch up with Song Gua.

"He is too cunning, and wants to use the terrain of this area to get rid of me. He must have come here beforehand, otherwise he wouldn't be so familiar with it."

"Just follow closely, I can know your location from the positioning system."

"He won't leave."

"Don't expose yourself, probably to the meeting place, open the case recorder and keep the evidence."


Song Gua stood at the intersection of two alleys, surrounded by darkness.

He leaned against the wall, lowered his head and swiped his phone, looking bored.

After a while, four people suddenly walked out of the two alleys.

They were wearing Taoist robes of different colors and headgear with mahjong patterns on their heads.


Xiaoling was very excited, with an expression that she finally caught your tail.

"Team leader! They've appeared! The bandits! This Song Gua is indeed related to the bandits!"

On the other end of the communicator, Wang Miao's voice was somewhat disappointed.

"He still won't listen to my advice... Don't do anything yet, wait for me to get over there."

In the distance.

Wang Miao no longer hides his tracks.

With a wave of his hand, the ice bridge spreads flat to the sky, crossing the high-rise buildings. He slides on it and approaches Song Gua's position.

"What are you doing..."

Xiao Ling, who was hiding at the entrance of another alley, couldn't hear what Song Gua and the bandits were saying.

And Song Gua had his back to her, so she couldn't see what Song Gua was doing.

Just when Xiao Ling tried to get closer, Wang Miao arrived.

"Hundred feet of ice!"

Wang Miao shouted, and a wall of ice blocked all the alleys.

Song Gua and the bandit who was meeting him seemed to be trapped in an ice box.

"What's wrong?"

Song Gua looked very confused.

Wang Miao stood on the ice wall with his arms around his chest.

"Song Gua! I now suspect that you are related to the wanted bandits of our bureau. You are officially listed as a suspect. Come with me!"

Wang Miao took out the Abyssal Rock handcuffs from his backpack.

Song Gua looked aggrieved.

"Team Leader Wang, I am not a bandit. I just came to..."

"Don't quibble. Even if you are not a bandit, you are related to them! What's more, you are level 15, which is similar to the level of the bandits. I suspect that you are one of them! Don't try to escape..."

Before Wang Miao finished speaking, a ball of light lit up on his right cheek.


Wang Miao was furious.

"What is that!"

Turning around.

He saw a female reporter wearing a denim jacket and holding a microphone. Next to her was a camera and a lighting technician who was adjusting the exposure.


The female reporter immediately went to work.

"Excuse me, Team Leader Wang Miao, why are you here?"

Wang Miao was confused.

Shouldn't I be asking you this?

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