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Looking at the young man wearing sunglasses and a mask in front of him, Yue Sheng felt that he looked familiar.

"You said Song Gua is in danger? What happened to him?"

Brother Monkey held his voice and pronounced the words, explaining the situation.

"I understand. I will go to the Public Security Bureau, but it is not to protect him, but to prevent him from being beaten into a trap. Whether he is a murderer or not depends on the outcome of the investigation."

"As long as you can go, I'm leaving."

"Please stay."

Brother Monkey paused.

"Your figure and voice seem quite familiar to me. Can you take off your sunglasses and mask?"

Brother Monkey refused.

Shen Feng on the side snorted coldly, "If the origin is unknown, there must be something weird!"

Shen Feng moved his feet, and his figure was as fast as a ghost, leaving an afterimage on the spot. His true body had already arrived in front of Brother Monkey, and with lightning speed, he ripped off Brother Monkey's disguise.

"Holy shit!"

Shen Feng cursed on the spot and even took half a step back in fright.

The face that appeared in front of him was astonishingly... like a flower!

At the critical moment, Brother Monkey activated his seventy-two transformation skills and changed his appearance into a flowery one.

There are no works by Master Xing in this world, so Yue Sheng and Shen Feng don't know Ruhua.

Yue Sheng took one look, dumbfounded, thinking that she might have thought she looked ugly, so she covered her face tightly.

"Come on, I'll leave soon."

The current level of the seventy-two transformation can only be maintained for three minutes.

Brother Monkey left quickly.

He didn't change his face as soon as he came in, also because of the time limit.

Shen Feng looked at Brother Monkey's leaving figure and was filled with fear.

"There are such ugly women in the world."

Yue Sheng smiled and said: "Song Gua is handsome. It's not surprising that there are people of the opposite sex who admire him."

"Shall we go to the Sheriff's Department?"

Yue Sheng turned around again and looked out the window.

"The hospital was bombed, and Song Gua's house was also bombed. What a coincidence... Let's go and take a look."

after an hour.

Yunshan City Public Security Department, Director’s Office.

The fat-headed director, who had stated at many press conferences that he would hunt down the bandits, was sweating now.

Sitting on his left is Zhao Wuji, the head of the Zhao family, Level 62, a third-level warrior!

Sitting on his right is Yue Sheng, captain of the Law Enforcement Department of the General Association of Professionals, Level 75, three-turn almighty sequence!

Look at yourself again, Lv29.

In terms of strength, it cannot be compared.

In terms of status, on the surface, his official position is quite high, but in fact, he is not as powerful as the head of the Zhao family in Yunshan City, let alone the imperial minister who came to Beijing.

Now, behind one stands the plaintiff Zhao Can, and behind the other stands the defendant Song Gua.

Zhao Can believed that Song Gua killed his brother Zhao Xin.

Song Gua said that he was singing at KTV all night and would not have time to kill people.

The director wiped the sweat from his forehead.

It seems that no matter how you deal with this matter, you will offend others.

This is not in line with his way of being an official.

Yue Sheng took a sip of tea and said: "Director Chang, the matter is not complicated. As long as it is proved that Song Gua did sing at the KTV last night, the misunderstanding will be solved, right?"

The director nodded in agreement, but his eyes kept looking at Zhao Wuji.

Zao Wou-Ki has a unibrow, which gives people a feeling of calmness and authority.

As one of the four most powerful people in Yunshan City, he also wanted to give Yue Sheng some face.

"I, Zhao Wuji, am not an unreasonable person, but my son Zhao Xin's death must be investigated thoroughly, and no suspect can be let go!"

The director shrank his head and asked, "Allow me to interrupt, Mr. Zhao, is Master Zhao Xin really dead?"

Zhao Wuji smashed the chair under him with a slap and stood up.

"Nonsense! Would I joke about something like this?!"

The director hurriedly stood up and apologized.

"Master Zhao, don't be angry, don't be angry...

Mainly because I contacted the fire station, no body was found in Song Gua's house.

But Master Zhao Can kept saying that Master Zhao Xin died in an explosion at Song Gua's house, so I wanted to ask. "

Zhao Can pointed at Song Gua and shouted.

"That's him! He didn't know what kind of powerful explosives he used to blow up my brother to death!"

Song Gua said amusingly: "Powerful explosives? Do you mean the microphone, or the jukebox? Or the birthday cake we had last night, or the beer?"

"You're still lying! When the explosion happened, I clearly saw someone jumping out of the window of your house. Who else could it be if it wasn't you!"


Oh, Master Cai was also nearby at that time. I would like to know why you two brothers are running to my house at night instead of sleeping at home? "

Zhao Can was desperate and told the truth directly.

There was no point in lying now. Zhao Xin's death was much more serious than stealing the strategy.


After hearing what Zhao Can said, Zhao Wuji slapped him in the face.

Zhao Can was slapped out of the director's office, knocked down a wall, and fell into the hall outside.

In the hall, Yuwen Hao, Hua Xiangrong, and a group of classmates were waiting to testify. Seeing Zhao Can flying out, they all couldn't help laughing.

Hua Xiangrong frowned, and she could no longer appreciate the embarrassed Zhao Can in front of her.

Zhao Wuji's angry voice came from the office.

"Stupid! ! You want to get the strategy of Song Gua yourself, but let your brother take the risk for you, and even said something clever, saying that you want to work with him to make contributions to the family! I don't have a son as stupid as you!"

Zhao Can, with a bruised face, crawled back to the office.

"Dad! That's Song Gua's home, not a dangerous place. How could I know it would be so dangerous!"

The father and son debated for a while.

Yue Sheng coughed.

"Master Zhao, you can teach your son a lesson when you get home. Now let's solve the important things at hand."

The director said to both sides: "Today we will handle special matters in a special way and save those cumbersome procedures. Let's get this matter clear here. Please let the witnesses come in!"

Yuwen Hao was the first to enter the scene. He walked in through the hole that Zhao Can broke.

"Hello, leaders."

The director asked: "Was Song Gua with you last night?"

"Of course! The surveillance cameras at the KTV can check the images of him coming in and out, hiccup! "

This guy is still burping.

Zhao Can's mouth was swollen and he couldn't speak clearly, but he was still barking.

"Everyone knows that you and Song Gua are best friends! Can you take your words seriously?"

Yuwen Hao pointed at a large group of classmates outside.

"Last night was my birthday party. There were so many people there. If you don't believe me, why don't you ask them all?"

Zhao Can asked for a hammer and got a hammer.

The director asked a large group of students outside and got the same result.

Song Gua was in the KTV all night. He occasionally went out, but at most he went to the toilet. It was impossible for him to rush from the KTV to Wenjing Community.

Assuming that the teleportation scroll was used, the surveillance at the scene did not capture the teleportation beam - that kind of beam goes straight to the sky, it is difficult not to capture or see it.

The director looked at Zhao Can and Zhao Wuji with a smile.

"Well, Master Zhao, Master Can, so many people can provide alibis. I think Song Gua really has nothing to do with the death of Master Zhao Xin. His house was also bombed, and the loss was not small. He can also be considered a victim. "

Zhao Can was still not giving up. He pointed at Hua Xiangrong who had not yet come in.

"These people must have colluded with each other! Let Hua Xiangrong come in. She is telling the truth!"

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