After the last incident, Zhao Can's status in the family plummeted, his position as young director was removed, and the possibility of competing for the throne was cut off. Even his bank card was frozen. The Zhao family suppressed all related news. But Ma Feng had heard that Zhao Can was no longer the same as before. "Master Can, you think too highly of me. I don't know how Song Gua, this cheater, has upgraded to level 19, and I'm only level 14. I'll kill him with my head." Ma Feng didn't want to help. But he didn't want to completely tear his face apart. After all, Zhao Can was the only direct descendant of the big family he had attached himself to, and before finding the next master, he still had to do a good job on the surface. "Use this, as long as you find an opportunity, you will be able to kill with one blow!"

Zhao Can gave Ma Feng something.

Ma Feng looked at the information and showed a surprised expression.

"Master Can, do you still have this resource now?"

"I stole it from the family warehouse."

"This thing makes a lot of noise when used. I still want to stay in the circle, not be a murderer."



"In the first mock exam, the top 50 candidates in the city can enter the Yunshan Illusion Trial. The illusion is like another world. Can you still not find an opportunity there?"

"Master Can, why don't you use this thing yourself when the time comes?"

"I can't get into the top 50."

Ma Feng: "..."

You have a clear understanding of yourself.

"I know I am no longer in power. My loyal subordinates and followers have all turned their backs on me.

Even a cheap woman like Hua Xiangrong has left me.

But, Ma Feng, don't you want Song Gua to die?"

Ma Feng is really unhappy with Song Gua.

He still remembers the punch from the Professional Temple.

But if he really wants to kill someone, it's not worth it for Ma Feng, so he has to increase the stakes.

"What can I get after the matter is done? Master Can, your bank card has been frozen. I want to know what else you can give me?"



"My brother died because he tried to steal Song Gua's strategy, which directly led to my downfall. But no one knows that my brother has already got the strategy for Song Gua to break the dungeon record, and now it is in my hands!"


Ma Feng quickly covered his mouth and lowered his voice, "Really?"

"Originally I wanted to hand over the strategy to the family, but because of my brother's death, the family almost removed me from the family tree. Why should I give benefits to the Zhao family? I just want Song Gua to die now!"

Zhao Can was sincere and sincere, and Ma Feng didn't look fake. He nodded immediately, indicating that he had done this job!

Zhao Can sneered in his heart.

He didn't have any strategy, he just fooled Ma Feng to do things for him.

"Song Gua, you must be the one who blew up my brother... because you were the one who jumped out of the window that night!"

After returning to the family, Zhao Can repeatedly said this.

But no one believed him.

How could Song Gua appear in two places at the same time?

The official has already given a characterization of the explosion in Song Gua's home - an explosion caused by a gas leak.

The family unanimously agreed that it was Zhao Can who asked Zhao Xin to steal the strategy from Song Gua's home, which indirectly killed Zhao Xin.

Zhao Can was speechless.

In addition, he was given the cold shoulder when he invited Song Gua before, and was cheated of 5 million when he bought his job transfer gold medal.

All these things weighed on Zhao Can's mind, so he couldn't vent his anger unless he got rid of Song Gua.


Song Gua made full preparations for this level 15 dungeon, and with the advantage of numbers, breaking the record was a foregone conclusion.

When the new record prompt appeared above the Lv15 dungeon burial ground, there was a sound of losing money in the dungeon area.

As long as Song Gua came to brush the dungeon, Xu Kai would come to support him.

Even though Song Gua had not broken the record in the past few days, Xu Kai was happy to open the market. Losing some money was not a big deal for him.

Many professionals even treated Xu Kai as an ATM.

As a result, Song Gua suddenly broke the record today.

This made those who bet that Song Gua could not break the record lose all their money.

Because of the inertia of the past few days, no one bet that Song Gua could break the record today.

The dealer killed all the winners.

Xu Kai was happy.

"Hey, why is my money not getting less after playing around?"

When Song Gua came out of the dungeon entrance, a group of professionals surrounded him.

"I'll pay 200,000!"

Without saying a word, Xu Kai took the auction hammer, carried the gambling table, and stood in front of Song Gua - this time it was a real auction hammer, which he prepared in advance.

"Two hundred thousand once! Two hundred thousand twice! Three hundred thousand! Is there any higher? Four hundred thousand!"

Song Gua, who had just come out, was still feeling the dizziness of the space change, but the auction had already started at the door, which confused him.

"Brother Xu Kai, what are you doing?"

"Helping you host the auction! Don't worry, it's free, no money! Five hundred thousand! Five hundred thousand! Brothers are not strong today, when will it reach a million!"

"No, your process is a bit fast."

"These days, everything pursues efficiency! By the way, are you going to use the job transfer gold medal you got this time, or sell it?"

You are not sure about this, and you are still hosting the auction, what the hell!

Song Gua said, "Stop hosting. This job transfer gold medal has been sold."

"It's sold? Didn't you just come out?"

"Someone has reserved it."

"Can it still be reserved? Excuse me, if you want to sell the job transfer gold medal, you must go to auction. It doesn't matter if you don't bid with me, at least you have to go to the auction house. Although the auction house has a commission, but..."

Xu Kai's words made Song Gua feel like a group of flies buzzing.

"Okay, okay, someone did pre-order it, this piece can't be sold."

After saying that, Song Gua dodged and entered another level 15 copy.

Xu Kai put away the auction hammer and spread the gambling cloth on the table.

"Open! Open! Can Song Gua break another record today?"

This guy's business connection is very smooth.

Song Gua didn't plan to sell this job transfer gold medal because it had been used by him on the newly born level 19 clone today.

The new clone got the exclusive code name of Xifeng.

[Name: ? ]

[Age: 19]

[Level: 19 (0%)]

[Professional: First turn - Nether Ghost General [S, Combat, Summoning sequence]]

[Professional talent:

——Soldiers in place: All units killed by the Nether Ghost General or his summons will be transformed into undead summons and accept the command of the Nether Ghost General. For each summon controlled by the Nether Ghost General, the physical attack +5%, physical defense +5%, the upper limit is Lv*5. 】

【Weapon Specialization: Sword Specialization (Not Activated)】

【Armor Specialization: Heavy Armor (Not Activated)】

【Strength: 150】

【Constitution: 170】

【Spirit: 50】

【Agility: 70】

【Growth: 2.0】

【Skills (5/6): Blood Breaking Slash (Normal, Lv1), Summon Skeleton Soldiers (Excellent, Lv1), Bloodsucking Chain Knife (Excellent, Lv1), Summon Skeleton Cavalry (Flawless, Lv1), Skeleton Dragon Knight (Rare, Lv1)】

【Equipment: None】

An S-level profession in the summoning sequence!

After Song Gua looked at the talent, he knew that this was a terrible profession in which one person was a legion in a large-scale battle!

With him, breaking records in the future will definitely be easier.

Because the longer the battle lasts, the more combat units there are on your side, and the more powerful it will be!

"Comrade Xifeng, I have high hopes for you. From today on, your upgrade priority will be ahead of the Big Three!"

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