The enemy was in chaos.

"Oh my god! Who can protect me? I'm a noble logistics master!"

The four major guilds that besieged the boss were not all combat masters, and nearly one-third of them were logistics masters.

Their combat capabilities were basically limited to attacking.

Because their skills were all skills for making resources in their own sequence and profession.

Making potions, scrolls, array formations, building turrets, and so on.

These skills all have one feature: they cannot be used instantly, and they all have a preparation process.

Now the scene was in chaos.

The team protecting the logistics department was dispersed by the tide of summons.

The poor logistics professionals could only find a way to escape to a safe place by themselves.

But what do bandits do?

They do legitimate business!

"Stop! What's your profession?"

The clone wearing a Yiwan headgear blocked a logistics professional from the Tianzhao Guild.

"I, I'm an equipment sequencer, a gem expert, haha, I, I'm good at setting gems."

Yiwan grabbed a Level 5 Undead Grumpy Buffalo next to him, smashed it on him, and then stomped on it.

The logistics father was pressed so hard that he couldn't move.

"Bullshit! I just saw you making scrolls! Hand over all the scrolls you have!"

"No, big brother, I made all these with guild resources, which are public assets. If I give them to you, I will be punished. I can't afford it!"

"What does that have to do with me? If you don't give them to me, I will kill you!"

The logistics department had a hard time saying, "No, I heard that you are all good people who punish evil and promote good, and you are the conscience of professionals. Why do you do this kind of thing?"

"How can you not be considered a good person if you rob the rich and help the poor?"

"Who did you help?"

"Me! I'm very poor, can't you see?!"

The logistics department felt that his CPU was going to burn out.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and spent money to keep safe. At most, he would work for the guild for free for the rest of his life.

He opened his backpack and showed it to Yiwan, and gave the scrolls in it, and even the unused materials for making scrolls, to Yiwan.

Yiwan's backpack was not as big as the others', so he could not fit everything in. He had to call Santong to help him fit.

"Okay, you can go now."

Yiwan grabbed him very considerately and threw him directly to the periphery of the chaos.

"Thank you!"

Yiwan said to Santong: "Look, he is thanking us."

Similar scenes were staged everywhere.

The bandits took advantage of the chaos to rob and stripped some of the logistics professionals present.

Song Gua, hiding in the dark, synchronized the memories of his clones.

After learning about this situation, he laughed so hard that his mouth could not close.

Oh my god!

I robbed the eight major guilds!

I made a fortune!

There is no guilt in my conscience, because we rob the rich to help the poor.

Compared with the eight major guilds, we bandits are too poor.

"Okay, stop playing. The number of monsters we have is decreasing rapidly. Let's execute the key steps quickly."

Brother Huozi in the air blew up all the drones with one punch, causing the high-level commanders of the eight major guilds to temporarily disconnect from the scene.

"Carry the BOSS away!"

The professionals of several guilds present were stunned by Brother Huozi's order.

The bandits are too crazy.

When we were about to kill the BOSS, you were very unethical and mixed with the monsters to rob our BOSS.

But this robbing means robbing and killing, not robbing away!

Robbing and killing can be tolerated, but robbing away cannot be tolerated!

Do you think we are air!

The BOSS was carried away under your noses. Do we, the first-tier guilds in Yunshan City, still want to survive?

"Protect the BOSS!"

"Clear the monsters!"

"Stop the bandits!"

"Save face!"

After losing the command of the top leaders, the professionals on the scene began to play freely.

Walker, the deadly pig butcher, was a little unconfident by the scene in front of him.

Why did the two-legged beasts that besieged him in the previous wave fight with the two-legged beasts in strange costumes in the next wave?

Even using healing skills to prevent himself from dying?

Oh my god, I have never fought such a rich battle in my life!

Walker was actually quite helpless.

His combat mechanism was affected by the hatred mechanism.

In addition, his output method was all single-target, which meant that he always chased the person with the highest hatred.

Now, the one with the highest hatred was



His summons attacked Walker too many times.

Where is Jade?

Flying in the sky on a bone dragon - this is Jade's current ultimate move, a rare Skeleton Dragon Knight skill, which summons a Skeleton Dragon for a period of time.

Walker can't fly.

So will he just stand there and look at the sky?

Of course not, there won't be such a low-level bug in the game.

He will attack enemies with lower hatred.

Originally, they were the ones besieging the BOSS, but now the hatred has long been OT.

The enemies with lower hatred are the garbage monsters that Jade turned into summons.

None of them can withstand a single blow from Walker.

But there are so many of them.

These monsters are scattered everywhere, forming a kind of random kite flying, causing Walker to run around the field.

The people from the four major guilds wanted to keep the BOSS by their side, but they couldn't stop it because it was in a violent state and ran very fast.

"Xifeng! It's up to you!"

Walker, who was running around, finally left the encirclement of the professionals from the four major guilds.

Brother Guizi stepped on the bone dragon and dived to approach Walker.

As Brother Guizi got closer and closer to Walker, the latter seemed to have a feeling and raised his head.

The one with the highest hatred value came, and Walker was moved and chopped it with a butcher knife.



The bones of the bone dragon were as hard as iron, but Walker's butcher knife was sharper, and he cut off one of the leg bones of the bone dragon with one knife.

However, the bone dragon didn't feel any pain, and used another dragon claw to grab Walker's shoulder and took it to the sky.

How could Walker just sit there and surrender? He raised his butcher knife and was about to fall again.

"Interrupt the attack!"

Brother Huozi acted as the on-site commander.

Various control sequence interrupting skills flew over to prevent Walker from further destroying the bone dragon.

"The bandits have taken the BOSS away!"

"Fuck! What is the shooter sequence doing?! Shoot that bone dragon down!"

"No, the bone dragon has no health bar at all. It is a dead thing. Its body structure must be destroyed to stop it from moving!"

"Damn! What's the use of you! Chase!"

A towering stick fell from the sky, blocking thousands of people in front of it.


"I'm here today! No one can get through!"

Monkey Brother jumped down from the somersault cloud, stood on the top of the giant golden hoop, and looked down on all the enemies.

"Fuck! A level 17 Le Se pretending to be a bitch! Kill him in seconds!"

Countless skill special effects overwhelmed Monkey Brother.

Monkey Brother opened his arms and bathed in these special effects.

Special effects are actually various energies. It doesn't matter. They are basically calculated data damage.

As long as it's not a physical attack.






All "-1"!


All the professionals were confused.

The Monkey Warrior is a unique profession, which means it is rare.

In addition, Monkey Brother hid his personal information, and the people present did not investigate the secret treasure, so they had no idea what profession he was.

So they had no idea why a level 17 Le Se could not be beaten?

In fact, they just needed to kill the monkeys running around the field.

They were very fragile, and the mage could kill them all in one group second.

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