The eight major guilds and the bandits were facing each other on a cliff of Storm Cliff.

The two sides were 100 meters apart in plane and 20 meters apart in vertical, and the bandits were standing on a high place.

The strong wind blew up the sand and soil, and the two sides were on the verge of a fight. No one took a step forward, fearing that the balance at the moment would be broken.

Behind the eight major guilds, small and medium-sized guilds, individual players and other professionals had gradually gathered around.

"Fuck! The bandits are awesome! They succeeded in snatching food from the eight major guilds?"

"This is the first time since the beginning of time! Apart from the eight major guilds and the four major families, how many years have passed since the wild BOSS near our Yunshan City was obtained by others?"

"These bandits are only in their teens, and there is only one over level 20, but they succeeded. It's amazing!"

"How did they do it? Let's learn from them, and we will also snatch BOSS in the same way!"

The eight major guilds saw more and more people rushing to watch the fun, and their patience gradually lost.

The more people onlookers, the more embarrassed they will be.

Zhao Yingxiong, on behalf of the eight major guilds, took a step forward and shouted at the bandits.

"Enough! This is an ultimatum! If you want to self-destruct, then self-destruct. The drops of the wild BOSS should either be returned to our eight major guilds, or you can take them to the King of Hell! Prepare to attack!"

Behind Zhao Yingxiong, a group of long-range attack professionals directly entered the skill pre-swing state.

Various stars and energies gathered, and the momentum was full.

At this critical moment, all the bandits heard Song Gua's voice in their minds.

"Brothers, jump! I'm here to pick you up!"

An unexpected scene appeared.

All the bandits held hands, lined up in two rows, jumped behind them, and fell freely under the cliff!

Some clones did not forget to add drama to themselves.

"What we are fighting for today is not the wild BOSS, but fairness!"

"The world is yours, but it is also ours. Don't even think about covering the sky with one hand!"

"When the yin and yang are reversed, I will shed my blood in the blue sky!"

"For the sacrifices, there are many ambitions. I dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky!"

"What is the joy of life, and what is the sorrow of death?!"

"The wind is whistling and the Yishui River is cold. Once the warriors leave, they will never come back!"

"Live as a hero, and die as a ghost hero!"

"Hahahaha... (The ink in my stomach has been used up by others, but I can't help but laugh)"

The bandits fell from the cliff. At the same time, the people of the eight major guilds thought they were going to run, and the attack also arrived.


Countless skill light effects fell, directly blowing off a section of the cliff.

Dust rose and rocks flew.

The professionals who witnessed this scene were all shocked.

"Bandits... so cultured!"

"Fuck, is that the point?"

"Although they are crazy, I didn't expect their inner spirit to be so great!"

"They are a group of people worthy of respect."

"They are so low-level, could they still be a group of students?"

"Too tragic."

"On January 9th of the new calendar, the bandits fired the first shot of the Yunshan City Revolution!"

"Just YY, only bandits dare to fight the landlords of Yunshan City, you dare to rob the outdoor BOSS of the eight major guilds, do you dare not take the four major families seriously?"

The eight major guilds were also messed up by the bandits' actions.

They thought the bandits would fight to the death, or even blow themselves up.

Unexpectedly, they actually jumped off the cliff?

Zhao Yingxiong had a hunch that there was something fishy going on, and wanted to go to the edge of the cliff to check it out as soon as possible.

But he had no choice, because he had just ordered the attack.

He couldn't get close until the chaos caused by the attacks was gone.

When the dust settled, Zhao Yingxiong dodged, leaving a trail of afterimages, and reached the edge of the cliff in a breath.

He looked into the foggy valley, but could not see anything. The valley was too deep.

"Go down there and find them! If they are alive, they must be found dead! If they are dead, the things in their backpacks will explode! Be sure to find the items related to the core of the assembly!"

The people from the eight major guilds began to run wildly into the valley along the mountain.

Other professionals behind them tried to fish in troubled waters and try their luck at the bottom of the valley.

Tens of thousands of people dispersed, and with the sound of "humming" footsteps, they rushed to the bottom of the valley.

Where was Song Gua at this time?

When the action of snatching the BOSS began, he had already arrived at the bottom of the cliff in advance.

Just now, when the two sides were confronting each other, he borrowed the power of Monkey King, stepped on the somersault cloud, and flew to

On a rock in the middle of the cliff.

I mentioned it before.

The higher Song Gua's level, the larger the radius of his clone recovery.

Now he is level 20, and the recovery radius has reached 40 meters.

——When the deadly pig butcher was killed, its massive experience was distributed to Song Gua's clones according to the level of hatred. The clones then gave feedback, causing Song Gua's experience bar to rise sharply, and it rose by a full level.

When the clones jumped down, they deliberately held hands to close the distance between each other - and to support the monkey brother whose legs were weak, so that people could not see the abnormality of him after being borrowed.

In addition, they stood in two rows.

A row of clones is at most 50 meters from beginning to end.

As long as Song Gua stands in the middle, he can directly recover the clones when they fall from above and pass by his position.

This is the escape method arranged by Song Gua.

It is very consistent with the corporate spirit of the gangsters - crazy.

Facts have proved that it is indeed very risky.

If nothing unexpected happened, something unexpected happened.

The wind in the valley was too strong.

The horizontal position of the clones falling off the cliff was deviated.

"Take off your clothes!"

"Damn! You are still coveting my beauty at this time?!"

"Idiot! The Taoist robes we wear are too windy, take them off!"

The clones moved in unison.

Let go, take off clothes, throw them, and then hold hands to get closer to each other.

"Hua La La..."

Taoist robes of various colors flew into the sky.

"It still doesn't work! It's still a little off from the established direction!"

"If this goes on, half of the people will not be able to enter the recovery radius of the old thief!"

"Damn the old thief's positioning, it's too late! We are moving too fast now!"

"I said the old thief was always playing the little game of catching eggs a few days ago. It turns out he was waiting here!"

Critical moment.

Brother Huozi attacked those people.

"Fire Fist!!"

The flames spewed out and roared and burned.

The clones were startled.

"Brother Huozi! Don't shoot! We are on the same side!"

"Brother Huozi, what are you doing?! Are you going to kill me? No! I'll take a gamble. Maybe the way I fall down can save my life!!"

"Burn, burn, burn! It's burning my butt!"

A magical scene appeared.

After Brother Huozi shot a line of fire in that direction, a strong wind blew from that direction.

It blew back those who had deviated from the course.

"Huh? So magical?!"

Brother Huozi took out a pair of glasses from somewhere and put them on politely.

"When a fire burns, it will consume a lot of oxygen locally, and the surrounding air will fill the vacancy in this part, thus generating airflow, that is, wind!

Just like when a train passes by you, you will feel a force behind you pushing you towards the train."

Everyone gave a thumbs up.

"Learn math, physics and chemistry well, and you won't be afraid of traveling to another world!"

Song Gua's voice rang in everyone's mind.

“Still chatting away! Look at my position and use your skills to fine-tune your position! Be careful, if you fall, you’ll be in big trouble!”

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