The night was late.

Yunshan City Mental Sanatorium.

"Damn, where is Bingshen?"

Dacongming secretly left his ward and continued his undercover mission in the quiet and dark hospital.

After hearing Song Gua's voice, Dacongming said indignantly: "I said I was the North Wind? What Dacongming!"

"Uh... your profession is not special, it's not easy to give you a nickname, right?"

"Then I am also the noble North Wind!"

Dacongming crouched and groped stealthily in the hospital.

"Damn, where is this? I was busy chatting with you and I got lost..."

Song Gua was powerless to complain.

"You've been in there for so many days, but you still don't know the terrain well?"

"I know it well. This hospital is too big, and there are many basements and secret rooms. I don't know what's going on."

"It sounds like there's something fishy going on in this hospital. It seems that Yue Sheng hasn't investigated the local forces clearly."

"Huh? I seem to have entered the dean's office."

"Swish, so easy?"

"There's a secret passage and a secret door. When I came out, I was in the dean's office."

"Check the dean's office computer. There may be clues in the information inside."

"There's a password."

"Is this difficult for you? Have you forgotten that we were noble programmers before we crossed over?"

"Wait, someone's coming. Don't talk to avoid distracting me."

At the hospital, Da Congming quickly turned off the computer and hid behind the curtains after hearing footsteps outside.


The lights in the office were turned on.

"Dean Ouyang, my son doesn't have much time left! When are you willing to have the operation?"

Two people came in.

Walking in front is a silver-haired old man with a Mediterranean hairstyle. He is the director of this hospital.

Life Department, Doctor Sequence, Surgeon, Lv38.

It is not easy for the Life Department to reach the second level.

Because the Life Department cannot gain experience through combat, unlike the Logistics Department, if you really want to level up, you can find a few combat departments to help you level up.

Life Department professionals can only level up by using the experience gained from using their own life skills.

This guy is already level 38, which shows that he has done many surgeries.

But isn't he the director of the Psychiatric Hospital?

What kind of surgery does a psychiatric patient need?

Dacongming felt very strange on the first day of admission.

Following behind Dean Ouyang is a middle-aged woman who is dressed very noble but has a haggard face.

Her profession is unclear, but her level is not low, 49.

Dacongming took a sneak peek and found that he had seen this person on TV. He seemed to be an executive of Ponzi Real Estate and was probably from the Ponzi family.

"Master Zhao has informed me many times, but, Ms. Ning, Bingshen is not an ordinary person. He was placed here by Yue Sheng. You must be careful with him."

"Hmph, what is there to be afraid of Yue Sheng? In our Yunshan City, the four major families have the final say! What's more, Bingshen is from the Night Owl Demon Thieves Group. He is basically a criminal and deserves death! It is his honor that his heart can extend the life of my son!"

Da Congming behind the curtain covered his mouth in surprise.

He now knows why some patients were sent to the morgue for no reason.

He also knows why there are so many secret rooms in this hospital.

Indeed, there are many secrets hidden!

They arrested psychopaths without social identities, ostensibly to accommodate them, but in fact they are engaging in organ trading!

I'm afraid there are more than that.

Human experiments, perverted abuse, sex slaves...

Be bold in your thinking.

In a world where extraordinary powers exist, the dark side of such a remote city will only be more terrifying.

"Yue Sheng is expected to become the new Abyss Executioner in the next few years. Many high-level officials in the Huaxia Administrative Region value him very much. He really can't be offended."

"But only Bingshen and my son are the best match!"

"I know..."

"You can ask for any amount of money!"

"It's not a matter of money. Since he is the friend of the Zhao family, I will definitely help him. After all, our hospital is the property of Zhao's Medicine. It's just that this matter must be done perfectly."

"Dean Ouyang, do you have a plan?"

"Three days later."

"What do you mean?"

"We found a man who looks 70% like Bingshen. After plastic surgery, he is now 90% similar.

It will take another three days for his plastic surgery marks to be completely eliminated. By then, let him do

A scapegoat.

When we put him in Bingshen's ward, Bingshen can go on the operating table. "

"Great, great, Dean Ouyang, you are really capable."

"Three days, you should be able to wait."

"Yes, yes."

Three days later.

It happened to be the time for the first mock martial arts exam.

It was also the time agreed by the Avengers and the bandits for the rescue operation.

Da Congming frowned.

All of them went together!

However, if Bingshen was pushed onto the operating table at that time, it would actually be beneficial to the rescue operation.

Because on that day, the person who needed a heart would also come in, and Da Congming would be able to find Bingshen by following them.

Dean Ouyang and Ms. Ning discussed some details of the plan again.

Da Congming listened carefully and memorized seriously.

"Then it's settled, Dean Ouyang, I will transfer the first payment to you when I go back. "

"Okay, okay. Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda. It's my honor."

"Thank you, thank you!"

Ms. Ning left.

Dean Ouyang watched her leave with a smile on his face.

Turning around, Dean Ouyang instantly had no expression on his face, like a cold scalpel.

He sat back at his desk and pressed the power button of the computer host.


Dean Ouyang's hand reached behind the host.


His deep eyes swept the small office.

Finally locked on the curtain.

Pulling out a pistol from the drawer, Dean Ouyang slowly walked towards the curtain.

The evening breeze outside the window blew in, and the curtain lifted a small corner.

Dean Ouyang rushed up in one step, opened all the curtains, and immediately fired a shot at the back of the curtain.

"No one? "

Dean Ouyang squatted down and stared at the smooth floor tiles carefully.

"There are no footprints either... Am I too suspicious? Did the computer automatically update something at night?"

Outside the dean's office.

Da Congming was leaning against the wall and taking a deep breath.

He was only separated from Dean Ouyang by a wall at the moment.

He was wearing a disposable shoe cover on his foot.

It is common sense for gangsters to leave no shoe prints when committing crimes.

Da Congming did not climb out of the window.

The window opening in the dean's office is very small, not enough for an adult to climb over.

Da Congming came out through the wall.

His profession is combat, assassin sequence, and stalker.

Yes, the same as Zhao Xin who was blown to death in Song Gua's house.

Born with the skill of climbing through walls.

Soon after, Da Congming returned to his ward and told Song Gua about his discovery tonight.

"Okay, from today on, your nickname is Brother Through the Wall."

"You listened for a long time, and this is all you learned? !"

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