The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

In the No. 3 mining area in Yunshan City, the flag of the Tianzhao Guild fluttered in the night wind.

Although it was late at night, the sound of digging could still be heard from the mine.

The resources refreshed in the mine every day are fixed. If they are not all mined, they will not be retained the next day.

So each mine is mined 24 hours a day.

On the watchtower outside the mining area, two Tianzhao Guild professionals who were on night watch were smoking.

"The fog seems thicker at night."

"Well, the field of vision is only about 100 meters."

"Fortunately, there are sensors around. If someone approaches, the alarm will be sounded."

"Who would come here at night? In the wild, aren't you afraid of those wild monsters with doubled attributes?"

"You kid, be alert. There are many people who steal the mining area at night. The other guilds are not good people?"

"Hahaha! Don't worry, I heard that the city is in chaos recently. The top leaders of several large guilds are busy. They should not start a mining area dispute in the next few days. "You mean the bandits are causing trouble in the mental hospital, right?" "These bandits are really good. They are not high-level, but they are first-rate in causing trouble. They robbed the outdoor BOSS of the eight major guilds, and even dared to expose the Zhao family's illegal production. They are really a group of daring people." "I think they are a group of crazy people who don't care about their lives. I heard that they said they would self-destruct. It's better to stay away from them." The two were smoking and chatting, and the warning light on the side suddenly lit up, and a shrill alarm sounded. "What's wrong?" "Someone is approaching, and there are a lot of them!" "Which guild is not martial? !" "It seems that they are not people, but wild monsters, and there are too many of them!" "Don't think, I have seen it..." With the help of the high-power searchlight near the watchtower, you can see that in the fog ahead, a large group of monsters with terrifying faces are rushing towards you. Some of them showed their white bones, some had dark pus and blood flowing from their bodies, and some dragged their broken bodies.

Like a group of zombies, they looked even more creepy at night.

Among these undead creatures, there were also some jumping monkey monsters, and the style was extremely inconsistent.

They came in groups, all over the mountains and plains, surging like the rising tide of the sea.

These, of course, were the products of Brother Ghost and Brother Monkey's preparations for a day.

The battle horn sounded in the mining area.

A group of night watch professionals were awakened from their sleep, and one by one they quickly put on their equipment, took up their weapons, and came to the periphery of the mining area to prepare for battle.

"What's going on?! Are the wild monsters rioting? Or are they attacking by the Gem Guardian Beasts?!"

"They don't look like that. The wild monsters around us don't look like that!"

"I didn't see any Gem Guardian Beasts either!"

"No, it's an undead monster, plus a monkey monster... This combination looks a bit familiar?"

A group of people looked at each other and thought of something.

"Fuck! It's the bandits!"

Speak of bandits, here they come.

The bandits, wearing mahjong pattern headgear and colorful Taoist robes, stood on the monster in the middle of the monster group, surrounded by undead creatures and monkeys.

They raised their weapons high, swung them wildly above their heads, and shouted a mess of slogans.

"Tianzhao Guild! Your emperor is back!"


"For the tribe!!"

"Wow, wow, wow! Speed ​​up, Seya Silver! Universe is the best!"

"I want to rob your mines on behalf of the moon!"

The professionals of Tianzhao Guild organized a defensive front.

The first thing to start was the barrier formation.

A huge light blue light curtain covered the entire No. 3 mining area.

Ghost Brother's undead summons and Monkey Brother's monkeys and grandchildren all crashed into it, chirping and screaming.

"Defense tower activated!"

Defense towers are large professional resources that can be built by professions in the logistics department and construction sequence.

Use energy crystals as energy supply.

When the enemy enters the warning range of the defense tower, it will launch attacks regularly.

There are many types of defense towers.

There are attack defense towers such as arrow towers, turrets, flame towers, and thunder towers.

There are also special defense towers that impose negative states on the enemy and increase the health and resistance of surrounding friendly forces.

The benefits of defense towers are self-evident, and they are extremely cost-effective.

On a large-scale battlefield, high-level, high-quality defense towers are enough to influence the outcome of the battle.

The only drawback is that they cannot be carried or moved, and they only work where they are built.

"Boom boom boom!!"

One after another, black shells bombarded the monsters, blasting out balls of flames and black smoke.

The summoned creatures were killed or injured.

The defense towers of the Tianzhao Guild are all turrets. Maybe the construction sequence professional in their guild is a profession that is good at building turrets.

The attack speed of the defense tower is generally not fast, and it takes several seconds to come.

But the problem is that these defense towers are built in the barrier formation. The attacks from the bandits cannot hit them, but the attacks from inside can hit them.

"Hahaha! What bandits, just like that!"

"Such a group of noobs dare to break into our mining area. They don't take our Tianzhao Guild seriously!"

"It seems that using defense towers and formations is enough to kill them."

"That's it? They can actually snatch the wild BOSS? I think our second-level team can kill them all."

The professionals of the Tianzhao Guild didn't notice it.

There was a bandit who dodged the attacks of all the turrets and came to the front of the barrier under the protection of a group of summons and monkeys.

He pressed one hand on the surface of the barrier, and his expression under the hood was righteous.

"Brothers! Fuck him!!!"


After the loud noise.

A mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

The classic move of the bandit - self-destruction.

The power of this self-destruction is extremely great.

Because the one who just self-destructed is a 20th-level clone.

He did not level up, but was a new clone born by Song Gua in recent days.

The strength of the self-destruction is only linked to the level. The self-destruction of a 20th-level professional is powerful enough to make a second-level professional tremble.

A gap was blown in the barrier of the mining area.

The summons and monkeys entered one after another, and after entering, they destroyed everything.

Those who demolished towers demolished towers, those who demolished walls demolished walls, and those who stripped clothes stripped clothes.

The formation was only breached, and the whole was not damaged, so it was being repaired quickly.

The bandits outside the barrier attacked the edge of the breach to slow down the repair process.

"Fuck! The bandits are really a bunch of lunatics!"

"No wonder they were able to snatch the wild BOSS! Who can be so desperate like them!"

"Don't be shocked! Go and plug the breach!"

The professionals of the Tianzhao Guild are not well-trained, but at least they are somewhat cooperative.

In addition, there are many second-level professionals here.

These summons alone are not enough to match them.

The summons that rushed in are being quickly cleared and retreating step by step.

The bandits outside saw that the situation was not right and began to retreat.

Seeing that the bandits were about to run, someone shouted.

"Kill them out! Capture the bandits alive and get the bounty!"

A group of mining area defense teams rushed out of the barrier formation and chased the bandits.

At this time, an urgent report came from another direction of the mining area.

"The people from the June Green Guild are coming in!"


"They brought a formation master and stopped the barrier formation to the north of us! The defense tower to the north is almost demolished! Hurry up and send people to support us, we have too few people here!"

"Fuck! The bandits here are here to attract firepower! Hurry up and support the north!"

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