The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Yunshan City, Tianzhao Guild Headquarters.

"Liu Yueqing robbed one of our mining areas?"

After receiving the news from the mining area, Zhao Yingxiong found it unbelievable.

"It shouldn't be. Yesterday, the informant reported that Liu Yueqing did not send the main force to the mining area. With the normal defense force of the mining area, how could he rob it? Are the formations and defense towers in our mining area just for show?"

The person in charge of the mining area reported the battle situation last night in detail.

After listening to it, Zhao Yingxiong crushed his mobile phone.

"Bastard bandits! They don't take our Tianzhao seriously at all! Have Liu Yueqing and his gang of reckless men colluded with the bandits!"

Now Zhao Yingxiong can understand what kind of mood Zhao Wuji was in when he used different swear words to scold the bandits for half an hour when he talked to him on the phone last night.

Four major families, eight major guilds.

Although the local forces in Yunshan City have been fighting non-stop, they are basically in a certain balance.

The appearance of bandits is violently breaking this balance.

"Tell the brothers in the guild that our Tianzhao guild will form a united front with the Zhao family in the future and will not coexist with the bandits!"


Song Gua was not a randomly selected mining area.

After the last BOSS robbery, the Tianzhao guild had the biggest reaction.

Later, in order to rob Bingshen, the mental hospital exposed the Zhao family's illegal production and became completely hostile to the Zhao family.

The president of the Tianzhao guild is also a member of the Zhao family.

Then catch their guild and fleece them.

In the harem, you have to treat everyone equally, and you can't make enemies like this.

Song Gua put the divine tablet and the golden cabinet into his backpack.

It was a bit insecure to carry such important things on himself.

But fortunately, no one knew that he had the divine tablet on him.

Although Bingshen knew, he didn't know that he was Song Gua, and just thought that the bandit leader got the illusionary divine tablet.

Beifeng said: "Will that Bingshen come back to steal the divine tablet? Or, will he tell the people in the Night Owl Demon Thieves Group who are more skilled in stealing to steal it?"

Song Gua frowned.

"It's a problem. The Night Owl Demon Thieves are so skilled at stealing that they can steal things from the federal government's insurance warehouse. I'm afraid it's hard to prevent.

But, isn't this thing just a fantasy strategy?

Won't it be over if we use it?

By the way, I forgot to ask Bingshen, which fantasy does this divine tablet correspond to?"

Beifeng said: "Let's look at the divine tablet for a while and compare the information we get with the public fantasy data. Maybe we can find out?"

"Hey! You are really smart! From today on, you will be called Dacongming, and give the code name Beifeng to a more suitable person."

Dacongming: "..."

It was much easier to go back to the city. All the clones were put away and a scroll back to the city was over.

After returning, Song Gua still put on the dice costume and went to the bandit headquarters.

After arriving at the abandoned warehouse, the clones were released and the meeting was held again.

Ghost Brother and Monkey Brother expressed excitedly.

"Is the award ceremony about to begin?"

"Host? Where is the host? Let's play the athletes' march!"

"Awarding platform? Where is the awarding platform? Brothers in the construction sequence, build three turrets instead!"

The two of them were busy.

Song Gua poured a basin of cold water on them.

"Snatching a few frames of energy crystals, this kind of small action is not worth awarding."

Ghost Brother, Monkey Brother: "Am I pretty?"

Then, Song Gua's expression became serious for a rare time.

"Before Bingshen was here, who knows when he will wake up.

So the summary meeting that should have been held for the last operation in the mental hospital was not held, and now it is made up.

The operation to snatch Bingshen was successful, and in the end, as I expected, he really stole something that the Federation valued - the Illusionary Monument, and the Monument was in our hands.

However, in this operation, we also have experiences and lessons to summarize.

Tell us what are the imperfections."

Monkey Brother raised his hand first.

"The retreat mechanism is imperfect! It's too dependent on you, old thief!"

Song Gua nodded.

"It's a problem. We should at least equip each person with a fixed-point teleportation scroll, but this thing is not cheap."

A clone from the logistics department said.

"It's very expensive to buy it directly, but if you buy the materials and let the brothers in the scroll sequence make it, the cost is not too high."

"Well, I will allocate a special fund to make this scroll later."

Among the teleportation props, the fixed-point teleportation scroll is considered to be the one with a lower cost.


After all, to activate this thing, you have to activate a scroll at the destination first, which is not very easy to use.

The kind that can achieve teleportation with a single scroll is too expensive and is a toy for large guilds.

"Any other questions?"

It was Monkey Brother who raised his hand again.

"Wang Miao! How did this guy find us?! Did he install a tracker on us?"

Song Gua remembered what Wang Miao said when he came to see him last time.

"The instrument worn on the face of the Special Bureau can distinguish you from the crowd, but it can't track me."

"Distinguish us? We took off the disguise of the bandits, how can he distinguish us?"

"It seems to be some kind of life fluctuation. I checked it on the Internet, and there is no public information. It may be a secret of the Special Bureau.

According to him, your life fluctuations are all abnormal. That kind of detector can circle you out by scanning the crowd."

The clones were puzzled.

"Why are our life fluctuations abnormal?"

Song Gua touched his chin.

"Logically, you should be no different from me. I don't understand what this life wave is detecting.

Fortunately, the people from the Special Bureau don't go to the wild. I'll pay more attention to them in the city in the future.

By the way, Brother Xuezi..."

Brother Xuezi was sitting at a corner of the long table, sipping red wine slowly, looking intoxicated.


"I saw a news report that the Yunshan Municipal Government has handed over the work of wanted bandits to the Special Bureau.

Obviously, it's because it's more convenient for them to track us.

We just robbed the BOSS of the eight major guilds and dealt with the Zhao family's black industry.

Now the official also pays attention to us.

Keep a low profile recently, don't go out to do justice at night, and avoid the limelight."

Brother Xuezi nodded.

"Okay, I also want to take a break. Superman will also be tired."

Not only Brother Xuezi, Song Gua will put away all the clones.

Anyway, many clones are in the stage of experience fatigue recently, so just take a few days off.

Besides, in a few days, after the results of the first mock exam are released, the city will organize the top 50 to go to Yunshan Fantasy for training.

Regain your energy and make a big effort in the fantasy.

Everyone continued to summarize.

"Old thief, you shouldn't have taken the risk of going out of the city with Bingshen this time.

Bingshen is a member of the Night Owl Demon Thieves Group, and none of them are easy to deal with.

Facts have proved that it is true. If we can't share the information flow, this wave will be over."

Song Gua nodded.

"I know, but if I don't leave the city, it will be more troublesome for more than 200 of you to go out of the city to grab the energy crystal according to the current city ban standards.

We can't get the monument so quickly. As the saying goes, the longer the night, the more dreams there are.

But I have to admit that this trip is indeed risky, and I must pay attention to it in the future.

The best solution is naturally to prepare some escape props, just like Bingshen did.

It seems that I have to allocate funds in this regard..."

Looking at his balance, Song Gua fell into deep thought.

Shit is hard to eat, money is hard to earn.

There are more than 200 brothers in the family, and money is spent like water.

"I hope we can get some gains when we go to the fantasy in a few days."

At this time, Song Gua remembered a letter of entrustment he picked up when he killed Wang Ge of Wangba Guild more than a month ago.

"There are still 8 million... But I have been paying attention to it in the school for a while, and I have no clue at all. Is the information provided in the letter of entrustment wrong? Is this dark balance not in No. 5 Middle School?"

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