The top 50 students who took the first mock test in Yunshan City, as well as Lin Ruqing, Pang Liang and others, traveled in the Yunshan fantasy.

At first, everyone gathered together, but later they went to different places of interest.

Some people watched the fire-breathing performance at the temple fair.

Some people went to the martial arts hall to try to become a disciple, to see if they could get a few high-quality martial arts books to take out and transform them into high-quality skill books.

Some people took the silver ingots prepared in advance and made a lot of purchases in the city.

Wuxuan City is quite big.

Song Gua, based on the information provided in the divine stele, knows that this city is the place where Wuxuan, the founder of martial arts power in the Tianyuan world, was born.

Originally it was just a small village.

Later, it gradually developed and grew. In order to commemorate the old man Wu Xuan, it was named Wu Xuan City.

Xu Kai held a lot of miscellaneous things in his arms, such as martial arts secrets, robbery sticks, elixirs...

Anyway, he had money and prepared a lot of silver in advance. When he saw materials related to warriors, he swept them all.

"Come on, brothers, take a little each, don't be polite.

Although after going out, they may be some ordinary quality things, but there may be some fish that slipped through the net.

Especially this martial arts secret book, you see, "Tathagata Palm".

It sounds very awesome, the old man who sells the secret book may not have lied to me."

Song Gua glanced at it.

He took it and flipped through it.

He found that there was no word except for the pictures.

It is probably fake.

Fake warrior resources are not a question of whether they can be turned into professional resources when taken out, but that they cannot be taken out at all.

While walking around, Yuwen Hao noticed that there were many people gathered in front.

"What are they doing? Are there any beautiful women without clothes?"

Song Gua looked at it and said, "There is a sign next to it, 'Martial Arts Conference Registration Office'...Martial Arts Conference?"

According to the historical information provided in the Divine Monument, the Martial Saint Qin Xiao, who created the Way of Martial Qi, which led to the expansion of the strength of the warriors in Tianyuan Continent and finally broke through the dead volcano, causing the destruction of the world, also participated in the Martial Arts Conference.

If you want to prevent the emergence of the Way of Martial Qi, you can't let Qin Xiao comprehend this thing.

Song Gua has to find him in advance.

I don't know what year it is today?

Xu Kai and others are still around, so Song Gua can't do it.

But it's easy.

"I want to go to the toilet."

Yuwen Hao covered his stomach and said, "I also want to go to the toilet. I said that the fried dough sticks in the morning were rotten, but the evil boss insisted that it was a new flavor. Damn..."

Xu Kai said, "Then go find a toilet. We'll wait for you here."

Song Gua and Yuwen Hao went to find a toilet.

Not long after, they found a toilet in a nearby alley.

Each of them entered a cubicle.

After Song Gua entered, he summoned a clone and asked him to squat.

He borrowed the power of a clone from the assassin sequence, used the invisibility skill, and flipped out of the toilet.

The clones were all wearing the same clothes as Song Gua, and there was no flaw at all.

"Huh... much better, Old Song, are you okay? Did you have a hemorrhoid attack? I brought hemorrhoid cream, do you want me to apply some?"

"No, men should not touch each other."

The clone who replaced the original came out, and the two went to find Xu Kai and the other two.

When the two saw Xu Kai, they saw him excitedly said: "Hey, hey, hey, let's sign up for this martial arts conference too!"

Yuwen Hao looked over and said, "What? Is it fun?"

"I just asked around, this martial arts conference is to select the martial arts leader!"

Yuwen Hao's eyes lit up when he heard it.

"If you become the leader of the martial arts world, can you do whatever you want?"

"Uh... that's not the point. The point is, if you can become the champion of the conference, you can get a Da Huan Dan!"

"What is that? Is it the same as the Da Li Wan?"

"No, it's a magical pill that can instantly increase your internal strength by twenty years! I think, since this thing can be used as a champion reward for such a grand event, it must be very rare. When you go out, it must be a very precious professional prop!"

"Makes sense!"

"Since you're here anyway, why not give it a try? Moreover, as long as you sign up and pass the first round of auditions, there will be rewards. I believe these rewards will definitely be much better than those sold at street stalls!"

"What are you waiting for, sign up! Let's give this backward martial arts world a little shock to professionals! Old Song, are you coming too?"

The clone Song Gua followed with his hands on his hips.

"Okay, I'll sign up too. I'm free anyway!"

For those who don't have a strategy, they don't know

For professionals in the history of illusions.

When you enter the illusion, you are often very idle.

Because there is really nothing to do except to find ways to get some resources.

Unless you want to experience life.

Song Gua, who left alone, found a place where no one was.

He changed his clothes and covered his face with a black cloth before returning to the street.

He grabbed a passerby and asked, "What year is Tianyuan this year?"

The passerby felt that Song Gua was incredibly strong, and he looked like a master in a strange costume, so he had to tremble and say, "What, what year?"

"Which year!"

"Kangyong three years."

"Kang, Kang what? Is it the emperor's reign?"


The chronology in the monument seems to be a unified chronology set by later generations.

Just like the original Huaxia in the earth world, after entering the new era, it uses the Gregorian calendar.

However, this does not bother Song Gua.

As long as you check the God Tablet based on this keyword, you should be able to find the corresponding year.

Song Gua let the passerby go.

He found a locked, empty room on the side of the road, broke through the window with one move, and got in.

He took out the Illusion God Tablet and stared at it.

"Where is Qin Xiao in the third year of Kangyong?"

A lot of information was injected.

Song Gua found that the third year of Kangyong was exactly the year 1999 of Tianyuan, the year when Qin Xiao participated in the Wulin Conference and became the leader of the Wulin.

But strangely, the name Qin Xiao was not found in the history of this year.

"What's going on?"

Song Gua changed his mind and searched for information again.

He began to receive Qin Xiao's life from the God Tablet.

"So that's it... Qin Xiao's real name is Liang Xiao. His father is a client and his mother is a prostitute. He grew up in Yihongyuan. Later, his mother found a taker named Qin, so he followed his stepfather and changed his surname to Qin."

What shocked Song Gua even more was that

Qin Xiao was only nineteen years old this year!

Nineteen-year-old leader of the martial arts world!

It seems that Qin Xiao, who has comprehended the way of martial energy, is a dimensionality reduction attack on other martial artists in this era.

"Let's see where Qin Xiao is now, is he in Wuxuan City..."

After a search, Song Gua found Qin Xiao's current location.

"Zhu Mansion."

Song Gua set off immediately, and kept catching passers-by along the way to ask where Zhu Mansion is.

This seems to be a wealthy family, and everyone in the city knows the location of Zhu Mansion.


Ma Feng and Zhao Shanming's team, following Pang Liang, are wandering around the city.

Pang Liang said lightly.

"Don't say that Senior doesn't take care of you. The correct way to play in the illusion is very simple - take currency and low-level resources from the weak, and exchange them for high-level resources from the strong.

When necessary, it's okay to sell women and children. As long as they are low-level people, you can use them at will, and no one will bother you.

Social rules are set by the strong, and they are only useful to the strong. It's no different from our world.

Do you know what to do?"

"I understand, thank you Senior Pang for your guidance!"

"Also, turn your information viewing function to always on, so that you can easily distinguish who is the NPC and who is the professional who comes in."

Everyone did the same.

Ma Feng opened it and found that there was a person with a Lv20 head in the crowd in front of him, grabbing passers-by and asking something.

Song Gua?

Why is it not the orange martial arts uniform of Kakarot?

There are no other professionals around this person.

If it is Song Gua, it means he is alone.

Good opportunity!

Ma Feng immediately covered his stomach and said, "Master Shanming, my stomach hurts, I need to go to the toilet, I'll go over there to look for it..."

Zhao Shanming's words almost made Ma Feng hit his head and die.

"It's right here, these people are all NPCs, what's the big deal! Hurry up, there are only three days, we have to go and plunder resources!"

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