The two wanted criminals caught up with him and beat him so hard that he vomited blood and flew backwards, smashing a wall into pieces and causing dust to fly everywhere.

"Damn... People in the martial arts world are so strong? I underestimated the power system of this world..."

The wanted criminal licked his lips and walked towards Yuwen Hao step by step.

They each pulled out a machete from the belt behind them.

"Brother, the blood-sucking magic is really powerful. It's right for us to join the Blood Knife Sect."

"Yes, looking at the speed this man ran just now, his internal strength is no less than ten years, but he was caught up by two of us who have practiced for less than three years and was easily defeated. This is evident."

The two men waved their machetes and were about to fall.

A loud shout came.

"Three-segment slash!!"

Xu Kai, combat system, warrior sequence, A-level, ghost swordsman.

The two wanted criminals heard the sound of the sharp blade cutting through the air and immediately used light skills to retreat.

The blood-red blade rushed out from between the two.

Xu Kai seemed to be stepping on a skateboard, moving left and right, and slashed each of the two.



The two wanted criminals also reacted quickly and blocked with their swords.

In the team, the other two people except Song Gua took out their weapons and confronted the wanted criminals.

Xu Kai came to Yuwen Hao and took out a bottle of high-quality life potion for him to drink.

"Are you okay?"

Yuwen Hao drank the potion and his blood volume recovered, but he still felt a little pain.

"It's okay, I won't die. If you don't come again, I can chop them up by myself!"

The wanted criminal laughed.

"Hahaha! Bragging! A bunch of brats who are still wet behind the ears, with their hair barely grown, dare to meddle in our affairs!"

"These guys seem to have some skills, so we can have some meat today!"

Yuwen Hao quickly explained the situation.

Knowing that these two people actually ate people, the clone Song Gua quickly reported the situation here.

It was at this time that the original Song Gua learned about the situation.

After hearing the news of cannibalism, one of the clones remembered some of the contents in the divine tablet and knew that they were a group of crazy people who practiced magic.

For ordinary warriors, professionals of more than ten levels, as long as the equipment is not too bad, they can easily deal with it.

But it is hard to say for people who practice magic.

They used some unscrupulous means to obtain more powerful strength and martial arts, which is definitely a threat to professionals below level 20.

So Song Gua immediately got away from the wedding procession and rushed over.

Yuwen Hao put his hands on his hips and jumped onto the half-collapsed earth wall.

"Old Song, why are you standing so far away? It's your turn to perform."

Xu Kai also laughed and said, "You two wanted criminals, you are dead dead, do you know how powerful the person standing in front of you is?"

The two wanted criminals turned their heads and looked at Song Gua.

"It's him? His legs seem to be shaking?"

"Hahaha! I let him take three moves, but he couldn't hurt me at all!"

Yuwen Hao excitedly waved his fist.

"Old Song, hurry up! With your fighting power, one skill can kill them in seconds!"

The other two teammates also came to Xu Kai and Yuwen Hao with a relaxed look.

Who is Song Gua?

He is a ruthless person who can break the dungeon record alone, rank first in the city in a mock exam, and reach level 20 in more than a month after changing his job.

What are two wanted criminals in a mere martial arts world?

The clone No. 233 swallowed his saliva.


He really wanted to say that although he was level 20, he actually only had one skill - self-destruction.

Self-destruction is no problem.

But now in their eyes, I am Song Gua.

Song Gua exploded, and then appeared again. How to explain it?

233 was overwhelmed.

He had to cough and said, "It's better to leave this kind of small character to you. Aren't they wanted criminals? Capture them and go to the government to collect the reward. There is a lot of silver."

The two wanted criminals felt that they were despised and were furious.

"Kill you!"

Xu Kai swung his knife.

"Okay, brothers, go!"

Yuwen Hao jumped to a high place, raised his bow and arrow and shot wildly.

"That's right. As a shooter, I need my teammates to rush to the front.

How can I play the advantages of this sequence by myself?

Look at my fire thunder arrows, charging arrows, double shots, triple shots, inner..."

Xu Kai took the time to complain during the battle: "You have learned all the output skills! No wonder you couldn't escape just now!"

Yuwen Hao took the time to pose and grinned, "Attacking is the romance of men!"

Four to two.

It's hard to tell who will win for now.


The other two teammates in the first team, one is in the amulet sequence, and the other is in the healing sequence.

Although the skills of these four people are not consistent with the style of this world, they can still be regarded as some kind of weird martial arts - healing to add blood to teammates, except for emitting some light, there is nothing else.

Although the two wanted criminals were secretly surprised, they did not lose the upper hand.

The blood of the two people surged, and the muscles on their bodies suddenly exploded. The whole person became stronger and very resistant to beating.

In addition, they are skilled in swordsmanship, and they can fight back and forth with Xu Kai, a rich kid wearing rare equipment.

Yuwen Hao: "Fuck! Did you do any damage? How come these two are still alive and kicking!"

Xu Kai: "Mother hen! I can't see the damage number! I really should form a control sequence!"

The clone No. 233 stood in the distance, pretending to be a master without saying a word.

But in fact, he was panicking.

"Old thief, hurry up, these two people who practice magic skills are very powerful, just like the magic skills of the White Lotus Sect, they are invulnerable to swords and guns."

Song Gua responded.

"I'm already moving at full speed!"

Song Gua borrowed the maximum number of clones, all of which were professions with talents or skills such as displacement and acceleration.

At this moment, his figure was like a gust of wind, rushing across the roof of the Wuxuan City building complex.

Ten minutes later.


Xu Kai was stepped on by a wanted criminal.

"Bah! These little bastards are quite capable."

The wanted criminal spat out a mouthful of blood.

He was also injured, but his condition was much better than Xu Kai and the other two.

Xu Kai grabbed a handful of soil on the ground and sprinkled it on.

"Damn it! Take your stinky feet away!"

"Haha, kid, you're going to be a delicacy in my stomach soon, is this your last words?"

Yuwen Hao, who was on the high ground, had lost the three people below him, and they shouted: "Old Song! Stop pretending! Help me!"

Unexpectedly, Song Gua ran away.

"Old Song! Where are you going!"

"I'm going to change my clothes!"


Yuwen Hao was distracted to look at Song Gua, and didn't notice that another wanted criminal had climbed up, and kicked him off the roof.

Some people nearby actually saw it all.

But they didn't know martial arts, so they didn't dare to get close, so they could only close the doors and windows, hoping that the two wanted criminals would leave quickly.

This is the place that Yuwen Hao carefully selected to shit, which is relatively hidden and a little far from the main road.

So no passers-by have appeared.

"Brother, one ran away."

"Don't worry about him. There are four people here. We can have two each. Let's find a place to eat first!"

"Well, be gentle. Don't kill them. I like fresh food."

The two were about to tie up Xu Kai and the other four.

A voice came from the entrance of the alley.

"Don't ignore me. I will kill you."

A wanted criminal sneered.

"Isn't this the kid who was scared away just now? Do you think I won't recognize you after you changed your clothes?"

Song Gua walked over with a fist clenched, his steps steady.

The wanted criminal pointed at his chest and said, "You clenched your fist tightly. Come on, hit here!"

Song Gua's mouth corners raised, "As you wish."

The blazing flames burned on his fists. Song Gua activated a displacement skill and his body suddenly jumped forward a long distance, so fast that the wanted criminal couldn't see clearly.


With one punch, Song Gua pierced the man's chest.

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