Jiang Lan's expression was dull at the moment. Even a high school student who has just completed his awakening must have first-level strength. Why should I write it as useless?

At least I also added 200 points of spiritual power on the surface.

No matter how you look at it, he should have second-level strength.

Forget it, I'm an ignorant kid, I don't have the same knowledge as you.

The more people in the world misunderstand me, the better, and I can use the name of trash to strike hard in the spiritual realm and in reality.

For example, if you kill someone or something, as long as all the witnesses are silenced, no one will doubt that I did it.

After all, in their eyes, I am an enhanced waste with added mental attributes.

Lao Ning walked out of the office with a smile on his face. He was high-spirited. He swept away his decadent expression in the morning and waved his hand.

"Let's go, classmates, let's have dinner together!"


When they heard that there was another big meal, many students cheered.

"The principal is mighty, long live the principal!"

Jiang Lan learned from Ning Tong that the Lingjing Management Bureau would sponsor Sanjiang City University with 10 million alliance coins every year.

If Lao Ning is in need, he will send a number of experienced retired awakeners to Sanjiang University to carry out daily teaching work.

On the way back to campus, Ning Zhengxin looked up at the bright moon in the night sky. Next to the crescent moon, white clouds enveloped the moon's enchanting body like a girl wearing a gauze.

People can't help but want to peel back the veil and see everything at a glance.

There seemed to be waves flashing in his eyes.

"Mom Tongtong, it would be great if you could see today."

When Ning Tong saw her old father's appearance, her heart softened and she went up to hold Old Ning's arm.

Lao Ning looked at his daughter's face, which was very similar to the one in his memory, and smiled happily. The figures of the father and daughter were very long under the moonlight.

Lao Ning coughed.

"Tongtong, let's discuss Jiang Lan's matter later."

"If you don't talk about this, you and I can still be a loving father and a filial daughter."


Lao Ning immediately closed his mouth knowingly.

Worried that something might happen to them, Jiang Lan, who was following far behind, suddenly became ashamed.

Ning Tong followed him so firmly that he couldn't help but feel a little happy from the bottom of his heart.

It seems that Ning Tong's character is a resolute one who never looks back once he decides on something.

Of course, it is also possible that he is deeply attracted by his stunning beauty and eight-pack abs.

But that was fine, he began to identify with this partner from the bottom of his heart.

Although there may have been reasons for being attracted to Tong girls with their long legs and snow-white skin.

But after what happened in the past few days, he has gradually regarded Ning Tong as a comrade who can be trusted to support him.

He even vaguely regards Sanjiang University as his second home.

Just let me protect this little paradise. Jiang Lan clenched his fists as he watched the father and daughter walk into the campus.


Time flies, two months pass in the blink of an eye, and it is almost time for the second spiritual realm copy to be opened.

Lao Ning manipulated his notebook and projected a photo on the whiteboard.

The classroom, which was originally filled with whispers, suddenly became silent.

It's not that the monster is too scary, but that this monster looks no different from Spirit Realm No. 1.

They all have the same rotten skin, their eyes are white, and even the posture of raising their hands is exactly the same as the No. 1 spiritual realm monster.

Suddenly some students raised questions.

"Principal, did you place the wrong picture? This is clearly a monster from the No. 1 spiritual realm."

Ning Zhengxin smiled slightly and pressed his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

He pressed a key on his laptop, and the picture projected on the whiteboard instantly turned into another monster.

A canine monster appeared on the screen. They were twice the size of ordinary dogs, and they had three heads. They had red eyes and extremely sharp canine teeth.

After the picture of this monster appeared, the classroom suddenly became quiet. Some timid female students even covered their mouths to prevent themselves from screaming.

Everyone's eyes widened.

"Then what if the monsters in the No. 1 Spiritual Realm are just the weakest monsters in the No. 2 Spiritual Realm? They won't even have potential points after being killed."

Ning Zhengxin looked serious. He pointed his pointer at the dog-shaped monster and began to introduce it.

"This kind of monster is named Hellhound. They have three heads, extremely tough skin, strong limbs, agile movement, and powerful attack power and sense of smell."

"After testing, the strength of the hell hound is equivalent to the spiritual strength of the ferocious beast. It corresponds to the awakened person, which is about the second level. Some powerful hell hounds have the third level. If you kill one, you can get one potential point."

This was not over yet. Lao Ning pressed the button again, and a blood-red monster appeared on the whiteboard.

It looks like a human being, but its skin seems to have no epidermis and is made entirely of exposed flesh and blood. Its brain seems to be exposed, it has no eyes, and a long bloody tongue sticks out of its mouth.

Their fingers have black and curved claws, which make people feel sick and terrifying at the sight of them.

"This kind of monster is named Licker. They move very quickly. According to actual measurements, their agility attribute should be no less than 100."

Lao Ning continued to introduce.

"Lickers have very developed hearing, move silently, and can attack from various places. Their tongue is their main weapon, comparable to a steel knife. It can easily pierce the skull and lift the skull. They like to eat human brains the most. "

"It is the main new killer in the second spiritual realm. Of course, if you kill a licker, you can get five potential points."

This was not over yet. Lao Ning continued to press the button, and a terrifying giant-shaped monster appeared.

For comparison, an ordinary person was placed next to the giant, whose height was only half that of the giant.

"This kind of monster is called Tyrant. They have extremely strong strength and physique. They are good at using huge chopping weapons, similar to giant axes and giant scythes. Their overall strength is infinitely close to that of demon-level ferocious beasts. They correspond to human awakeners. They are among the four Beginner level."

Ning Zhengxin directly gave sincere suggestions.

"If you encounter a tyrant in the spiritual realm, please run away immediately and don't think about killing it. Ordinary attacks have no effect on it."

"However, if you can work together to kill it, a tyrant can provide 20 potential points."

Finally, Ning Zhengxin projected a huge spider-shaped monster. This monster has a human female figure on its upper body and a huge spider body on its lower body.

Ning Zhengxin pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses.

"I drew this monster based on my memory. I named it the Scarlet Queen. She is the strongest BOSS in the second spiritual realm."

"I met her back then and paid a heavy price to escape with my life. Dear students, if you encounter this monster, remember, don't run away, just find a place to lie down."

Some students in the audience couldn't help but ask questions.

"If you lie down, won't she find you?"

Ning Zhengxin shook his head and said.

"No, her mental power is at least 500 points. Within a radius of ten kilometers, she will find you no matter where you hide. She will also use telekinesis to absorb you into her mouth. I asked everyone to hide in place because This way, you will be more relaxed when you die."

After hearing this, the classmate was stunned and speechless.


Finally, Lao Ning did not project any other monsters. It seems that these are the common monsters in the No. 2 Spiritual Realm.

The silence in the classroom was terrifying, and the faces of all the students were filled with shock and helplessness. Is this the copy they are about to face?

The difficulty difference between the No. 1 Spiritual Realm and the No. 2 Spiritual Realm is probably too big.

Of course, except Jiang Lan...

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