The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1001: Magical power!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Then you can start."

At this time, a demon emerged from Chu You's chest.

"Magic System Dharma"

"Chong Chong Chong..."

When the only small window in the stone room opened automatically, the three people in the room disappeared instantly...

And in a very precise way, it appeared at a position 500 meters above the center of the city of Wuba Xiulanta.

Chu You was completely controlled by the power of Mo Nuer.

When he appeared here, Chu You's eyes were full of anticipation. From Muse's mouth, he learned that there was only one 12-star power in the resident of Wuba Xiulanta, and he emphasized that this person's cultivation is like a demon. No one can match, not even San Lahtia.

But because of the wizard black market event, Wupa Xiulanta has many more projections of powers, or avatars, such as controlling the enchantment of the wizard black market, which is the 12-star power from the Gujma Council, but Muse said , The other party's body is not here, just remote control.

There is a more detailed division of power. The existence and San Lahtia are both in the early state of 12 stars, but there is no San Lahtia strong!

However, as long as they belong to the same realm, the weak strength cannot represent anything. Whoever wins depends on the battle environment, the magic weapon possessed by both parties, and the battle experience, all depend on various factors.

"My emperor, it would be nice if the slave's weapon was still there, and the slave's magic weapon..." The wind blew the black and blue feather robe of Mo Nuer, and the voice was full of recollection. Speaking of this, Mo Nuer smiled slightly and shook his head slightly. After 130,000 years passed, it was a great luck to be resurrected by the Devil Emperor.

Although this Demon Emperor does not seem to be the former Demon Emperor, but the Demon Emperor is the Demon Emperor, and the Demon Emperor transitions from the previous generation to this generation, then this generation he is the Crown Prince of the Demon Tribe, and he becomes the Demon Soul to become the Devil Emperor Inheritance of righteousness!

"Nuer, there is very little communication between you and me. After this battle, we will discuss for a long time!" Chu You said solemnly, looking at the terrified Mo Nuer's back.

"Okay, it's time to start now." In the hands of Mozun Monuer Qianqianyu, the faint green awn flashed in a flash, and then she saw three demons on her fingers, which was very pleasing. Feeling.

"Demon Zun Fa Fa Daluan Enchantment!"

I saw the shocking breath power flowing on the monster, and the breath did not spread. It was within two feet of the monster, and its energy density was a terrible horror. It was an infinitely compressed super-density. Cultivation of the top consummation realm!

Ha ha, this is to make no one want to leave.


Centering on the Monroe, a huge black and blue atmospheric wave instantly spread out and spread to the end of what the eyes can see...

At the same time, Chu You found that the tall tower underneath had responded, and a figure that turned into a black shadow burst out from the inside...

At this moment, whether it is the BOSS who are still trading in the black market, the BOSS who are entering the tower, or the BOSS who are doing other things, or the BOSS who are coming, they are at this moment. All stopped what they did.

I can see any BOSS in horror. They never imagined that some people dared to fight the Wubaxiulanta! And from the perspective of that breath, the strength of the other party is at the top!

That is comparable to the existence of imperial energy!

Why should it be said that it is comparable to the existence of imperial energy, rather than emperor-level energy? Because the bosses all know that the power of cultivation in this state (12-star Dzogchen) has its own life magic weapon, and the energy fused with the life magic weapon is the emperor-level energy!

The magic weapon of this life is higher than the sky to achieve the ultimate treasure, and even an emperor-level energy can be born!

It's a pity that these things aren't there!

However, it was still terrifying, and all the bosses realized that the master of that breath was enough to kill anyone here!

As for the realm, 12 stars is the highest realm of "The World". There is no higher. The main gods of the region, the **** lord, the first dragon emperor, etc. are all 12 stars. The distinction between strong and weak lies in: The comparison of the total energy value of the highest realm of different races includes the experience, consciousness, battle, experience, supernatural powers, and the power of luck contained in the long-term, the comparison of the magic weapon of the life, the relationship of the soul contract system Contrast and so on...

That's why it is better to destroy the realm of the Great Consummation of the Sun Fruit than to serve the realm of the Great Consummation of the Sun Mansions. It is because the magic system is in the same state, and the total energy value is deeper than that of the Taoist system! However, the attributes of the cultivation force are the same, they are one level.

St. Lahtia’s room for growth is really great. When she reaches the 12-star consummation level, the sacred archangel scepter, this artifact Chu You may bestow on each other. After all, the essence of the sacred archangel scepter is Ancient sacred angel seed, and St. Lahtia was born from this seed!

Becoming her innate magic weapon is suitable for..... she can play the imperial power! There is more to say here, so I won't discuss it for now.

In short, just like the players, everyone is full, so the comparison is that the equipment is good or bad fighting consciousness.

Therefore, on the other hand, Monuer is really strong!

The monster slave resurrected from the material worth 10 billion gold coins inherited everything except the magic weapon of life and luck!


When Mo Nu'er performed the Great Consummation after the enchantment, Chu You and Mo Nu'er performed movements at the same time, but the magical powers used by the two were different, and Mo Nu'er first completed the magical power.

I saw a magic pot in Chu You's hands, which exudes a breath of terror. These breaths have not disappeared into nothingness, but have a bizarre interaction with the Great Consummation in nothingness. This phenomenon does not stop.. ...

"Demon Lord Fa-rectification·Destroy Sun Fruit!"

A woman who is exactly the same as Mo Nuer walks out of Mo Nuer, she disappears without looking at everyone.

"Demon Lord Fa-rectification · Pruning destroys the fruits of the sun!"

In an instant, on the hands spread by the Monroe, super-dense radiant energy appeared in each palm, and the surrounding space was distorted.


Just listening to Mo Nuer sipping, the two large light groups on both hands were released, and the whole world shook in an instant!

Then I saw a dense black and blue wave bombing everywhere in the city of Wuba Xiulanta!

This kind of wave burst wave appeared out of thin air!

"Boom Boom Boom Boom!!!"

Sudden thunder and thunder sounded in the city, every sound resounded through the sky!

However, it is strange that these black and blue breath fluctuations did not destroy any buildings, even if no trace of cracks appeared, those fluctuations directly penetrated the buildings and spread away.

This all-space large-scale magic system of magic allows all BOSSs to plant the imprint of magic system. They are horrified to find that there is a more evil breath power than they themselves appear in the body, and there is a tendency to multiply .

More critically, this evil force is engulfing their cultivation behavior at a terrifying speed, messing up their relationship with the soul system, strongly disturbing the treasures in the realm (referring to: Neidan, Yuanying, etc.) and invading them. The internal organs.

If you do not rule out the will of this force immediately, then you will not die!

However, no matter what method the BOSS adopts at this moment, the monster of the sky has launched the third magical power!

"Demon Lord Fa-rectification and destroy the Sun Fruit!"

Mo Nuer's stretched hands suddenly began to squeeze toward his chest. The void in the middle of the foot seemed to be blocked by something, so that Mo Nuer's hands did not have the first time to palm together.

But her actions made the space of the entire Wupa Xiulanta suddenly fall, and the space appeared a terrible collapse!

Just like that!

All BOSSs were shocked to realize that they could not move themselves, were fixed by the powerful space rules, the magic power was temporarily blocked, and the atmosphere revealed by the space rules was extremely unfriendly!

Greatly bad! !


Mo Nuer's hands are together!

Terror forces from the outside and invading forces from the body broke out at the same time!

All the evil forces invading the body are imploding!

The power of external rules started strangling!

Just one blow!

Almost all BOSS of the 10-Star Great Consummation were devastated by Wuba Xiuranta, and very few directly died. BOSSs below the 10-Star Consummation almost all died. Those who did not die had powerful magic weapons or were perverted. Escape magical powers.

The 11-star bosses have also suffered varying degrees of damage and heavy damage!

12-star projection, 12-star avatars are all hit!

The big scene! ! It's really a big scene! !

Chu You looked at his constantly escalating ray of light, and his heart was really very happy, and through the eyes of the Demon System, he clearly saw a lot of equipment, items, gold coins, etc. that burst out when BOSS died...

Especially in the place where the black market is located, the pattern there is destroyed, and many corpses can be seen lying on the ground, motionless.

In short, below is a piece of wealth!

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