The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1018: Meet and stare

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

After thinking for a while, he got up and came to the computer desk, reached for the password in the input device on the desk, and then a part of a seamless wall in the bedroom popped out slowly.

Chu You walked over, took out the murder weapon from the previous life, and tamped it again, and finally put the gun under the pillow.

Then he did it on the computer desk and chair, and turned on the computer. At this time, Baoer pushed them in and saw a smile on Chu You's face, and did not speak.

I lit a cigarette and logged on to the official forum. By this time, Bao'er had walked to his side and snuggled gently beside him.

Chu You looked and moved, grabbed Bao'er's boneless waist and patted. "What's wrong, rest when you're sleepy." Then he pulled his hand back and held the mouse.

Bao'er shook his head silently, and the little girl had some unusual emotions today.

Chu You faintly knew what it was, and the impact of the evolutionary event on any student was enormous, because it subverted their worldview.

A series of dazed questions then rose inside.

Since this nature allows the existence of superpowers, what use is there for learning social skills? !

Obviously, the productivity of human society is transitioning from science to superpower. Although this phenomenon is not too obvious, for people who know or see superpower, it will undoubtedly cause major life thinking.

According to Xiao Qiao's previous statement, even if the superpower system is popularized in human society, it cannot be completely separated from scientific productivity, because that is the cornerstone of social civilization.

Bao'er still shook his head silently, looking at the computer screen, without focus, without knowing what he was thinking.

Chu You didn't continue to ask questions, she still let Baoer lean on herself and looked at the forum.

In general, the China Forum about the ZVZ war is basically howling. Yan Guo is not an opponent of Dongying's entire region. It is said that the number of Dongying participating in the war reached 10 million, and Yan Chu and the two were basically invaded.

Among the discussions about Dongying's combat power, the names that appear most often are the names of the guilds with divisions such as the Osaka Division, Kumamoto Division, Tokyo Division and so on.

Then I looked at the posts about myself. Basically, most netizens are calling for themselves, calling themselves to play, etc.

At the same time, a fierce quarrel broke out between China and Dongying on the forum. Anyway, there is no information available on the forum. You need to read it. And quarreling should not only be limited to forums, but also in other regions.

At noon, everyone in this villa came out for dinner.

Rarely, Zhou Zhijun looked at Chu You, Lin Luoer and Bao'er who were eating, thinking so.

Then, during dinner, Zhou Zhijun was strange, because Chu You, Lin Luoer, and Baoer appeared on the table again on time.

Lin Luo'er and Bao'er were equally skeptical that Chu You could appear on time for two meals.

what is it today?

It feels abnormal everywhere...

And at dinner, Chu You announced something, "I tell you, after the New Year's Day, we are going to move and move to Tianya, where it is already done."

Bao'er already knew this, so his expression didn't appear to be particularly unexpected, but Zhou Zhijun was very surprised.

"So what you should prepare for these days will be ready."

Lin Luoer smiled for a while, "There is nothing to prepare, it's all light, just pack a few clothes."


At night, when everyone thought that Chu You had already played the game, in fact, he hadn't played the game, he hadn't played the game for a day.

Still lying in the bedroom with an inexplicable look. After that day, that feeling appeared several times, indicating that Nami was nearby. The reason why she did not take action was because of the inconvenience of doing things during the day.

Nor did he tell Da Qiao, since Da Qiao didn't send himself any information, he asked in vain.

It was finally dark.

Nami is a military-level biochemical, the latest product, a collection of high-end scientific research and technology, her combat power is absolutely decent, and she has evolved again. In the face of Nami, Chu You feels not completely sure.

This is the first time to fight superpowers, at least Chu You think so.

Then, in the event of any accident, it is a matter of family life and must not be careless!

This day is either a break or a rest, full of energy and full of energy, to face this matter with a whole-hearted attitude.

Unconsciously, the sky became darker, and the time showed 12 o'clock in the evening.

Chu You was still lying on the bed. At this time, she glanced at the phone, then closed her eyes, and the thought was quietly released, because in the first three minutes, the feeling appeared again.


Zhou Zhijun opened his eyes a little hazy and dazed, because she didn't know why she woke up.

After a while, Zhou Zhijun’s mature Miaoman turned sideways, took out his phone, and looked at the time. It’s 12 o'clock now.

I realized something at this time, got out of bed, put on a cotton swab, and walked into the bathroom.

After a while the sound of flushing sounded in the bathroom, after which Zhou Zhijun walked out of it, and it seemed he was going to go back to bed again.

"Huh?" Zhou Zhijun frowned, and there was a strange feeling in his heart. This kind of feeling rose before he woke up, but he was confused and didn't care, and now it is very clear.

This feeling is like knowing to be peeped.

Zhou Zhijun was wearing a light blue nightgown, and it seemed that her figure was slightly plump and revealed her maturity.

At this moment, the hair stretched out on the forehead turned, and there was contemplation and confusion in her eyes. Then she turned and followed the feeling, and she walked towards the window.

‘Tear....’ The curtain was opened, and Zhou Zhijun saw the outside.

Except for the incandescent street lights, there was no pedestrian on the small street, and it was still icy light rain.

what happened? ! Zhou Zhijun was even more confused.

However, just when Zhou Zhijun was about to withdraw his gaze and his body was about to turn around, what did the rest of the light capture at this moment...

The brow furrowed again, and soon she reacted and looked in that direction.

When seeing clearly, his eyes widened instantly.

Because there is a person standing less than 5 meters from the left side of the window!

Before, there was nothing!

This figure looks very thin, and at the same time she is still drenched in rain. To know that it is the coldest period, but this person is drenched in motion.

Affected by the location, Zhou Zhijun could not clearly see this person who was very close.

She seems to be a woman.

Because, there is hair hanging...

She seems to be holding her head down...

The position she faces is the villa where she is, that is to say, this person is facing the villa wall.

What is this for? !

Unconsciously, Zhou Zhijun was aroused by her observation and discovery, which caused her inner fear.

Because this person is too abnormal!

Just when Zhou Zhijun's brain seemed to be in the downtime, the man's head moved slightly, looking at its trajectory, that was in response to Zhou Zhijun's gaze.

That person knew that Zhou Zhijun was watching her.

Now, the man stared back.

When Zhou Zhijun realized that something terrible was about to happen, suddenly, his consciousness was blurred, and then he fell to the ground unconsciously.

At the same time, the second floor of the villa in this direction suddenly opened.

Catch you!

Chu You has sharp and dignified eyes.

Because, that person was firmly controlled by the huge mind!

However, Chu You knew that the man did not have any resistance, so she let her mind control her.

That is to say, she can use the rules of mind to execute her!

On the other hand, this person has already appeared in the monitoring, but Da Qiao has no response...

At the moment when Zhou Zhijun fell, the body of the dark figure was suddenly twisted, and the whole posture took on a weird posture, while a muffled humming sound, obviously a female voice, sounded from this person.

The grunt is painful...


Then a sound of some kind of flesh also sounded at this time, sounding goose bumps.

Because this person's throat and neck can be clearly seen pinched by a force, and there is a depression.

Finally, the person's entire body was lifted by a force, and his feet were at least 1 foot above the ground.

At this moment, on the ground in front of this person, a person appeared out of thin air. This person was Chu You, and he still had a gun in his hand.

At this moment, Chu You raised his gun and pointed it at the head of the person controlled by Nian Li. His eyes were cold and he said coldly, "Nami?"

This person is indeed Nami. Chu You has watched Nami’s video videos and photos, and is a beautiful young woman. According to the information obtained by Xiao Qiao, Nami’s real age is estimated to be 17-20 years old, and the biochemical age is about 6 years old (it is regarded as the biochemical body basis From the moment of ).

Known as Chu Mei by Chu You, she wanted to raise her head to look at Chu You at this time. However, there seemed to be a powerful force restricting her and let her fail again and again, but in this short time, Na Beauty repeats again immediately after a failure, she cycles like this, she is so strong.

One can also imagine how powerful and powerful Chu You's thoughts are.

At this time Chu You narrowed her eyes slightly and moved her heart slightly.

At the next moment, Nami finally looked up at the man in front of her, and Chu You also clearly saw Nami's entire face.

It was a face that showed pain because of the powerful control of the rules of mind, but desperately squeezed out a smile of joy.

You can also see that there are tear marks on Nami’s face at the moment, and his own eyes reveal helplessness and longing, and...


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