The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1020: Still evolving

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Nami's current posture makes people feel like I'm still pitiful and arouse the desire to protect.

However, judging from Chu You's expression, he seemed unmoved.

Despite being abused by Chu You, Nami has no hatred in her eyes, and only fear and craving.

However, only Chu You knew that Nami's true face was terrifying!

Of course, Nami's expression in front of him is indeed true, but... that's how it looks like when facing himself.

In other words, Yun Namei, who has no strength and dared to die, is definitely miserable. If she dies, the law of death is absolutely inhumane.

This soft and pretty girl I have seen pitifully, has killed at least more than 3 figures!

Among those people, there are ordinary people, soldiers, cyborgs, and intelligent robots. Most of the people killed are background prisoners who are used to experiment with Nami's latest abilities.

Chu You didn't observe all of Nami's memories. To be honest, she only looked at a small part. Compared with Nami's entire memories, it was just like a cow.

Because Nami’s protection power is very strong in the unconscious state, even when Chu You is watching the memory, she is constantly being impacted by the other party’s subconscious mind, such as making false memories, such as repelling the entire mind, etc., so the process The consumption of Chu Chu's thoughts is huge.

At the same time when watching certain memory pictures, Chu You had to use more thought to speed up the rhythm of the picture, that is, fast forward.

So after watching it for less than ten minutes, I had to stop the behavior of continuing to check Nami's memory. The spiritual strength of the other party was really too strong.

However, Chu You still has some information, which proves that Nami is indeed'harmless' to herself.

"Woke up."

"Um..." Nami responded like a baby's voice, while still trembling with a slight expression, and at the same time, she wanted to approach and was very afraid of hesitation.

It seems that no matter how this man treats her, she will not raise emotions in her heart.

After thinking for a while, Chu You put her gun behind her waist and walked in. Nami watched him closely, and her body didn't move, as if here, everything had to listen to the man.

Chu You walked to the corner of the bathtub, where he actually had a control system, but he reached out and clicked on the control system a few times.

Then there were water flowing out of the many fine water pipes in the bathtub. Soon Nami sat down and there was a layer of water, and it was still rising. At the same time, a lot of white gas came out of the water. It is hot water for bathing.

"Take a bath and take off your clothes." Chu You said lightly.

When Nami heard that, she didn't hesitate, she took off all the clothes and pants, and rolled her clothes and pants together, stood up naked from the water, and carefully put the dirty clothes on Next to the bathtub.

Throughout the process, Nami's Yu Guang or perception is on Chu You.

After putting it away, his eyes looked at Chu You and he slowly sat in the hot water again.

Chu You sat on a seatable object, lit a cigarette, took a sip and exhaled the smoke, and watched Nami whisper: "Now you tell me, how did you find me, and why do you call it My name is mom."

Regarding this part of the memory, Chu You didn't get it. Because of the memory of Nami's evolution, Chu You couldn't get it!

Hearing Chu You's words, Nami lowered her head slightly, looking at the clear hot water that had drowned her breasts, with a complex and some kind of surprise in her expression.



Chu You walked out of the bathroom, thinking in her eyes, came to the bedside, put the pistol under the pillow, turned around and walked out the door.

Entering Lin Luoer's room, you can see that the game cabin in the bedroom is still running, indicating that Lin Luoer is still in the game.

Opened the closet, looked around, and finally Chu You took out only one piece of clothing. This was Lin Luoer's only autumn coat. The other clothes were Lin Luoer's clothes during this period.

Looked at the bra again, there were only 3 in total.

Come, go and see in another person's room.

Later, Chu You appeared in Zhou Zhijun's bedroom, while Zhou Zhijun was still lying still in bed, but his breathing was steady, and Miaoman's plump and mature body made people think about it.

Arriving at Zhou Zhijun's closet, Chu You finally found several clothes and trousers that Zhou Zhijun wouldn't wear now, etc. In addition to every coat, Lin Luoer's coat.

Holding these things, Chu You quietly returned to his bedroom again.

It didn't take long for Nami, who was out of style to get out of the bathroom.

"Blow your hair dry." Chu You said sitting on the computer desk and chair.

Nami turned back to the bathroom again, and then the sound of the machine running sounded. After a while, the sweet and sweet-looking Nami came out.

"This is the water to drink." Chu You pointed to the glass on the table.

Then the glass was taken by a tender and slender hand.

"Sit." Chu You indicated Nami could sit on his bed, while the other party was holding the water glass in both hands, sitting on the bed carefully, the body appeared a little cramped, and the shadow that Chu You gave her last night was a little harsh.

"Nami, people who want to truly become me are recognized by me. You must prove your strength and loyalty to me." This phrase Chu You thinks is nonsense, but he must say so.

Nami nodded like a foolish girl who was ignorant.

But Chu You knew that Nami’s IQ was very high, otherwise it would not be possible for Dongying to put it into reality and practicality. Nami’s posture in front of herself was only absolute obedience to herself and absolute respect for the humble relationship. .

Whether it is the current state, or the childlike Nami who only cried and expressed last night, these are only like this when facing yourself.

Don't be fooled by her appearance.

Looking at Nami from a human perspective, in serious terms, Nami is a beautiful woman with a psychopathic tendency and mental illness.

Humans are unable to understand certain behaviors of biochemical Nami...

It is really hard to say who is higher or lower on the level of biological intelligence at the level of biological intelligence of humans and Nami.

But in terms of combat power, individual forces crush humans!

"I have several Chou families, and I will give you a copy of one of the Chou families later. My request is to kill his family!"

"If you can do it, and you are still alive, then I allow you to stay with me."

Nami got out of bed and stood on the ground. Her eyes were very bright. She held a hot water cup in her hands and placed it in front of her belly.

"Nami, the task entrusted by her mother, will definitely accomplish it, even at the expense of her life."

Chu You shook her hand with embarrassment on her face, "Attention, I can't call my mother anymore, I'm a man, and the evolutionary energy you need... Forget it, I'm not allowed to call my mother anyway, you know? ?"

Nami nodded and looked solemnly, obviously this was a very serious and noteworthy explanation.

"You just call me Chu You."

Looking at Nami and recalling what the other party said in the bathroom, Chu You realized that the attention was realizing that Nami is still in an evolutionary state! In other words, with the material energy in the body, Nami is constantly evolving.

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