The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1023: The **** channel connecting Lucifer

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Appearing in the back garrison of the Immortal Guild, looking at the guild's scenery, Chu You suddenly had a feeling of vicissitudes of the sea; it does not mean that the Guild will change, but because of its own reasons.

Changed yourself; players are playing games, but what are they playing? !

Nima's brother is about to make a second turn! !

‘Dingdingding~~! ! "A series of pleasing sounds of the system sounded.

Tell yourself that the ZVZ war broke out, and at the same time, you also received the reward of the first phase of the highest strategic mission: the sacred experience value box × 10!

The mission prompts you to enter the second stage, and asks you to immediately rush to the secret stronghold established by Dongying to carry out the sacred strategic mission of the second stage.

The second phase of this task is time-limited, with only 2 days left until the end of the task.

The second stage mission rewards: sacred experience value box × 10, sacred jewelry box × 4 (the jewelry level opened depends on the player level, full-level players are 100% full-level jewelry), sacred free attribute point box ??10.

"The president is back!!! President!" a lovely female member suddenly yelled. She had just returned to the city and saw Wei An's back as soon as she appeared here...

This female player is very excited because the president is full, which means that the president has more free time.

What does Yu Ye have more free time for the members of Xian Guild?

It means that You Ye can take the apprentice, you can take the apprentice to upgrade with peace of mind, and then... all levels!

From the forum and the circle of connections, the upgrade speed of Ye Ye is extremely shocking, let the president bring the upgrade, this upgrade speed... The amount seems to be full in less than a week!

How awesome this is.

Chu You looked back at the female player whose eyes were full of excitement and hard to extricate herself, and smiled slightly, "Calm down, hello." After that he continued to walk outside, and the female player followed him all the time.

The background of any player in the Xian Guild is not simple, and this female player is so difficult to hold, obviously the influence of Ye Ye is amazing.

"President, my name is Grey Dragonfly."

"President, what are your plans next?"

Chu You replied: "Well, wait for the guild's notice." After using the mobile device, he came to the core building, opened the friends bar while walking, and then his eyes lit up.

Because everyone is there, but his eyes are looking at an avatar, which is Miao Jiu'er.

Is she finally online? Uh, maybe I went online when I left.

Entering the core building at this time, without seeing the figure of Zhao Feifei, Chu You controlled it himself, that is, a mobile device was built on the edge of a bare floating boulder, and the floating stone was named: Fallen Heaven Pavilion!

After finishing it, he went out, and then came to the floating stone with nothing by the mobile device.

China Announcement: Zuoguan City is occupied by Dongying Region.

Announcement in the capital area: All players in this area should pay attention and warn that this area is already in the frontline war zone!

The notice from the capital announcement indicates that the advancement of Dongying's army is approaching the capital of the three emperors.

Open the space backpack and look at an object, which looks like an architectural model, and then closes his eyes.

At the same time, strange energy surging out of the body, Chu You with her eyes closed seems to be guided by a certain force, a hand is regularly stroked, and the trajectory is shown by light.

Then a magical magic circle of purple light was painted by Chu You and appeared in midair.

At this time, the palm was silently attacked, and a palm was shot at the center of the magic circle!

"Boom!" The short and shocking sound suddenly sounded!

The magic circle rune was pulled out by a powerful force, and a huge purple light and shadow rushed out of it instantly.


The huge floating stones shuddered a bit, and the huge purple light and shadow turned into an ancient mysterious and majestic building standing on the floating stone and standing in front of Chu You.

System: Summon the marvelous nest of fallen angels to summon success!

The origin of this miracle building was exactly the spoils of the Wuba Xiulanta massacre, which was put back into his backpack space by Chu You from the magic tank at that time.

This building has a rich angelic architectural style. However, whether it is appearance, color or temperament, this building is full of darkness and abyss, but there is no hell-style atmosphere.

Hell's buildings basically look like huge physical formations, just like the original Battle Devil Building Nest.

Looking at the building in front of him, Chu You knows that this arms nest is actually very special, because from the details, it can not only recruit T9 fallen angel arms, but also have a chance to recruit fallen angel gods from the seventh floor of hell. sequence.

What is the sequence of gods?

The answer is: the full-scale fallen angel 9 stars start!

But all of these have preconditions, and it is now necessary to complete this precondition.

But... thinking of this, the look flashed through the strange color, and next time Chu You turned around and reached out to summon the spaceship, and soon a spaceship floated in front of her.

I saw that two silver-gray senior witches flew out of it, and then disappeared. The other witches have been sacrificed by Chu You in the battle for home.

Walking with two witches towards the huge building, the door was opened, three figures entered, and then the door closed.

The Fairy Guild had learned that President Yu Ye was back. Many people gathered in the square and asked where the chairman was. This news naturally spread to the ears of people around Chu You.

Miao Jiuer's heart beats endlessly, and she looked at Zhao Feifei on the side, and Zhao Feifei opened the friends bar and looked at the location of Chu You through the privilege of vice president.

When Chu You was in Gutan Maya, Zhao Feifei could only see that the other party was in Gutan Maya, which specific location would not be visible unless they were both in the same world.

And now, the man's location information is displayed in Zhao Feifei's eyes, closing the interface and looking at the fairy member in front of him, sending a voice directly on the guild channel: "Your president is in the guild, find it yourself."

After talking, he seemed to say to himself: "Let's wait for him here, he is coming over."

When Chu You appeared in the interior space of the building, you could see a huge round hole in the middle, with a cyan light radiating from that hole, and beside him there were not only two senior witches, but also a 12-star Domination Day The moonshine sounds of Mangda’s consummation, and the 12-star magic system that destroys the sun’s consummation, and the early 12-star San Lahtia.

Several people stood on the edge of the round hole, looking at the round hole below, all of which looked inexplicable, and all the peerless came out.

After a few glances, Chu You retracted her gaze and looked at the innermost wall of the building. It was a huge carved face, which was also close to the round hole.

When the hand touches the huge face, the face opens its eyes, which is a gray pupil, the pupil focuses on Chu You, and it seems that he does not see Yue Qingyin and other existence.

"Host, you must have heard my name. My original name was Lucifer, now Lucifer."

"Host, the round hole you see is the passage connecting the seventh floor of hell, but there is a plane air layer blocking inside. You can summon the Wu nationality by hitting the air layer."

"If the host is ready, I will let the gas layer appear, but the consequence is that if the host does not vent the gas layer within a certain period of time, the gas layer will solidify and will be permanently strengthened, then this channel will permanently disappear."

That is to say, if the mission is not completed within a certain period of time, then this miracle-calling arms nest building is abolished.

"Is the host ready?"

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