The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1027: Open treasure chest with Baoer

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

An Luo Liye said this, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

A small colored glass bottle actually contains 300 million experience points? !

Anluoliye began to absorb, and then... then upgraded in the face of everyone, after the upgrade, Anluoliye stopped absorbing experience value, and there were more than 200 million remaining in the bottle.

"Thank you, God, this thing does not need to be bound yet, you can absorb experience points anytime, anywhere." After looking at the side of the Moon Fairy Princess, handed the bottle to the other party, "Sister Fairy Princess you also come to taste taste."

Chu You plugged in at this time, "No, I still have a lot here, one bottle per person." After that, he handed the new treasure bottle to Princess Yuexian, and then one bottle per person.

But everyone else gets a bottle, but Dantai Jingning gets 6 bottles, 6 bottles is 1.8 billion experience points.

"All absorb experience points to upgrade."

"Where did this thing come from."

"The guild mission issued by Huaxia. I will do the second phase of the mission later. There will be 10 rewards for the mission."

"Great God takes us to play together." An Luoli Ye Yue said more and more, can't let go without it.

"Not yet for the time being. Quickly prepare for absorbing experience. Don't shrink your home at the beginning of the war."

After talking, he looked at Miao Jiu'er and the other party kept looking at himself. Miao Jiu'er looked like he had a stomach to talk to himself.

"Jiu'er, go upstairs with me." After looking at Zhao Feifei, he confirmed his eyes...

"Are our fairy guilds finally going to participate in the ZVZ battle?" An Luoli Ye asked.

Chu You nodded and walked upstairs.

Miao Jiuer immediately stood up and followed Chu You to the second floor. This is a meeting room.

"Zhongmiaozi let you out? What happened to your side." In the room, Chu You first spoke.

Miao Jiuer pursed her lips, and there seemed to be some fear in her eyes, and some words were brewing.

So, what is she fearing? !

"what happened?"

"Master," Miao Jiu'er shook his head and looked at Chu You with tears in his eyes. He was pitiful and charming, "He's...he's..."

"What's up with him?"

"I don't know what happened, he killed..." Miao Jiuer then whispered and said the situation in one hundred and fifty.

Chu Youyue was more and more shocked. In his view, the status of the beautiful sons is undoubtedly that the dark personality has become the master personality, and it still absorbs the energy of mind by killing and eating people...

There is no shortage of anything on this planet, but there is no shortage of population. If an evolver can obtain energy at the cost of human life, then absolute power will produce absolute rampage. Then a storm is taking place in South Asia. You can meet the good guys will become stronger in a short time.

Because the killing power of mindfulness is different from other supernatural powers, mindfulness can achieve silent killing...

"Okay, okay, don't cry, all the good guys may have evolved."

"Evolution?" Miao Jiuer vaguely knew the information in this regard.

"Well, I will find him again sooner or later, and I will help you to get revenge at any time." If you look for them, you will definitely find them. You don’t want to say anything to revenge Miao Jiuer’s father’s murder. The formation of one's own mind is a special kind of avatar, and the cause and effect relationship is very large.

"Isn't Master saying that he is an evolver? Isn't it..."

"Do you think I am also an evolver? Hehe, you may not believe it when I say it. I eat the evolver exclusively. Well, you can take the time to go back to Tianya and I will contact you."

"Oh, um, I'll go offline and go back to China now."

"Good." So Miao Jiu'eryuan underground line.

When Chu You appeared on the first floor again, now Dantai Jingning's level reached 112, and after eating 1.8 billion experience points, she rose to 22, and Zhao Feifei's level rose to 70.

"Look at your fortress BUFF, there is death protection, Feifei informs everyone that the president will bring them passion today, so that they can prepare more."


Later, Chu You came to the neutral island of the song of the surf, Lin Luoer opened the portal.

What surprised Chu You was that Bao'er was also around Lin Luoer. Bao'er is now also a member of Huaman Guild, and he is also the vice president.

Well, they are commanders of bare rods, and the guild has no other players besides the two of them.

The look of the baby in the game is almost the same as the baby who grew up in the previous life, but it is the little girl who has just turned 11 years old who controls this body.

Therefore, in the game, it seems that Bao'er is almost as tall as Lin Luoer...

It's really easy to cause misunderstandings. Without knowing the real information, who knows you are a minor.

The scenery of the island of the surf is extremely beautiful, and the background of the sea and the sky makes people feel comfortable. Two beautiful girls of the goddess level stand together and look at themselves with a toothy smile and a crescent moon. This situation is very infectious. .

Facing the sea, the spring flowers are blooming, so it is!

It would be even better if you all wore swimsuits; Chu You thought so, then for a moment, it seemed that Bao'er had never seen his own body!

However, Chu You asked Bao'er and said happily: "Brother, I already know that you are the night!" Bao'er looked arrogant.

Chu You looked at Lin Luoer, who shook her head helplessly, "How do you know?"

"Aboriginal people on the island told me."

Lin Luoer explained: "Baoer has nothing to do and often talks with the traders of the heart of the ocean. Somehow, Baoer knows that you have been here in the night, and I am the president of the guild, Chu You, you Don’t blame me.”

Lying trough

"When will you still be full of me, knowing that you are people who do big things, but I'm not too young anymore." said Bao'er finally pulled her robe.

At the next moment, I suddenly started walking and skipped over, directly took Chu You's hand and looked at the man with a longing look: "Now I announce to officially join the organization, You Ye approved me, OK?"

Seeing that the other party was not speaking, Bao'er shook Chu You's arm gently, "Okay~ Sister Luo'er has already told me a lot of things, I know how to do it, and I will never leak a little secret from my mouth, Ok!"

"I will not call your brother in the game, I will call you Ye Ye."

Chu You: .....

Looking at the craving face of Bao'er, which caused a slight microwave wave in his heart, Chu You obeyed.

"Oh, it's already like this. Do you want to steal your memory, Baoer you... well, welcome to join the organization."


"Go, let's open the treasure chest."

"You finally remembered." Bao'er's voice was beautiful and charming.

Lin Luoer smiled and said, "He doesn't remember, but he will go when he is full."

"Yu Ye is full?"

"I'm full!"

Then the three came to the restricted area guarded by heavy soldiers. There was a big waterfall. There was a super sacred treasure chest that was much larger than the sacred treasure chest.

And Chu You noticed that the surrounding NPC guard level is no longer the previous level 50, but the level 60 Samsung.

Because Lin Luoer completed the sacred mission of the fourth phase of the neutral guild, completed independently, and now enters the sacred mission of the fifth phase. The mission requirement is to resist an overseas catastrophe.

Now the three of them came to this rare world-wide sacred treasure chest.

I saw that Chu You reached out and touched the treasure chest, which was a progress bar for opening the chest.

"What will there be?" Bao'er's eyes were full of anticipation, and Lin Luoer was the same. After listening, he said: "Conservative is also a sacred equipment of the full level."

'Ding! ’

As the progress bar reached the end, the Great Sacred Treasure Box automatically opened the box, and an endless golden light erupted from it, and at the same time there was the sound of the Avenue.

The endless light is not dazzling, but also illuminates the body of Chu You, three people. At this time, Chu You squatted down...

However, a light and shadow burst out from the inside instantly, and finally appeared a few meters away from Bao'er.

This kind of rushing out of the treasure chest is indeed unheard of.

When several people saw clearly, they all opened their eyes.

I saw that it was a strange sphere of light. At the moment, this sphere of light was decomposing, and finally divided into two humanoid light bodies. Each humanoid light body was extremely shining and beautiful. Yes, but from the appearance, the two humanoids are exactly the same.

The only difference is the color.

On the left is the blue-blue humanoid light body, on the right is the golden white humanoid light body.

So, what are they? !

"My God....My God, You Ye, you are out of God's pet." Bao'er, who had the same face as the previous life, said seriously to herself at the moment.

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