The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1033: Please call me the blade later

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

System: The power of Rune of Zuoguan City is passing by, and the time from the actual failure is: 6 days 23 hours 59 minutes 58 seconds.

System: Once the power of Zuoguan City's runes is truly invalid, Zuoguan City will be permanently and irreversibly turned into a ruin!

The battle of Zuoguan City ended at an incredible speed, but this does not mean that the rest of the Zuoguan area was liberated. If other towns in this area are occupied by Dongying, they are still under occupation.

However, the strategic value of Zuoguan City is huge because it is a capital city. Chu You knows that if Zuoguan City is repaired and Zuoguan City’s teleportation array is repaired, then the teleportation array can connect to other towns’ transmission channels before, and it can cost gold coins. To resurrect these teleport lines, the prerequisite is that the other party's town is not occupied by Dongying forces.

For example, a small town in the Zuoguan area, the transmission array of this town can only communicate with Zuoguan City, but after Zuoguan City is occupied by Dongying forces, then the transmission line from Zuoguan City to this town will be Cut off, the town is in a state of isolation!

However, if Chu You repairs Zuoguan City and repairs the teleportation array, he will see the name of the town in the teleportation array list. After spending a certain amount of gold coins, he can open this teleportation channel and finally teleport to the other party In town.

As a prerequisite for all of this, Chu You must be a player of Yan Guo. Unfortunately, he is not a player of Yan Guo, so he will not repair it, even if it is possible, he will not repair it! After the repair, at most, it can only be connected to the Xian Guild and the Seven Fortresses.

The unvoiced state of Yue Qingyin disappeared, the entity was condensed, and Mo Nuer also appeared on the side.

At this time, Jingzhong Laoyue magic weapon flew over, Chu You caught it and put it back in the backpack space.

"My emperor, the other party's body is destroyed, and the soul has been swallowed by the magic pot, and it is really dead."

"Patriarch, Dongying Yushen was chopped, and the place was in danger." Yue Qingyin said with a smile.

Nodded, and checked the experience value of the magic tank storage.

Lying! !

9 billion special experience points! !

At the moment when the heart is shaking, to what extent does the opponent's realm actually translate into 9 billion special experience points.

At this moment, his eyes flashed, and he cared about the faces of the two women, saying: "Nuer, how many magic elements do you have left in this battle? Have you been injured?"

"Xie Wuhuang is concerned that the slave still has four layers of cultivation, and he can't hurt the slave."

"What about you?"

"Return to the ancestor, kill Dongying Yushen, with the demon as the main disciple. The disciples didn't consume too many Dao Yuans, just one more layer. Before the ancestor blessed the luck of the disciples, the disciples could instantly return to Dao Yuan. "

"Okay, voiceless, you're going back to the guild, guarding the guild and the fortress."

"Yes, the disciples obeyed orders." Yue Qingyin took Guzheng back into the realm of God, and then disappeared into the world.

At this time, Chu You looked at Mo Nu'er, her eyes were a little bit in love, "Nu Er, can the power of luck restore the Mo Yuan for you quickly?"

The 9 billion special experience value in the magic pot can be converted into magic system energy, but Chu You feels that the 9 billion experience value is better used elsewhere.

Mo Nuer's eyes are strange, "My emperor, luck, and the slave's recovery is indeed very fast, but if my emperor adds luck to the demon, then the devil will dilute the life energy just obtained. A lot of Mozu energy."

Speaking of which, a ray of light flashed in Monu'er's hand, and a ring appeared in the slim jade hand.

"My emperor, this is the space storage ring on the other party. The slave replaces the other party’s imprint with magical species. The storage space will not collapse. Now the slave is dedicated to my emperor!" quiet.

And Chu You is thinking about one thing, that is, the ratio of special experience value to transform magic energy is 1:10; 9 billion special experience value can transform 90 billion magic energy, 90 billion magic energy transformation magic The ratio of Zun Mo Yuan is 6000:1, that is 15 million Demon Zun energy.

How many levels of cultivation can the 15 million Mozun energy restore for Monuer? !

The answer is: Level 1!

This is very sensible and reasonable. If you can fight to support the war, you will grow up after a lot of battles without consuming it, but it is very unlawful. When you reach the top level, you must know that the existence of each top level contains luck. In itself, killing an atmospheric transporter will not allow the predator to gain a cultivation base. At most, he takes the loot.

If there is a supernatural power that absorbs the other's cultivation and then transforms into one's own cultivation, there should also be a proportional value. Usually the absorbed cultivation is transformed into one's cultivation, and the proportion is inversely proportional!

We all know that the energy density of the Great Realm is very strong and very high. Using the 1 point energy spell to kill the ordinary people and absorb the energy of the ordinary people, this is actually a loss. It cannot be directly proportional to it. I don’t know how many ordinary people need. Energy can transform his 1 energy, and no matter what method is used to kill the other party, the influence of causality will also reduce the luck of the predator.

That's why Dongying Yushen said that even if he killed him, he would have to pay the price for the Great Consummation.

At the top level, there must be a rule of law to constrain their behavior, otherwise this is a collapsed world!

Absolute power can produce absolute madness. In the general environment, "The World" does not allow indigenous people to have this situation!

The Monuer opened the killing ring at the Wuba Xiulanta and consumed three levels of cultivation. However, under normal circumstances, the restoration of one level of cultivation is calculated in annual units.

For any predator, the target of predation must be of great benefit to itself, otherwise it will never kill innocents indiscriminately, and it will never be easily shot. In fact, killing ordinary life actually consumes its own luck value invisibly. .

The ratio of the energy of the magic system to the magic emperor's element is 10000:1, which is 9 million energy of the magic emperor.

Just thinking of this, Monu'er's voice interrupted him.

Chu You took the ring and moved her heart, a space backpack interface opened, and the eyes saw the contents inside, and the contents inside and the storage space capacity...

Chu You realized that this storage space ring itself is a quasi-artifact level, the space capacity is too large, and the key is that no soul imprint is needed, that is to say, this ring itself can be sold...

How many storage spaces does Chu You have? There is one player, one halberd, one magic pot, three, plus this, that is four, all are huge storage spaces!

"I look at the demon..." After closing the eyes, a wave of airflow spread from the heart of the eyebrow instantly.

Came to the inside of the magic pot, in a void space, Chu You directly said: "Magic spirit, instill the value of luck, how much energy can you dilute?"

The demon replied: "My emperor, luck is a variable, the more luck is diluted, the more energy that belongs to us alone."

"I know." As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared and opened his eyes, Chu You immediately summoned the magic tank, and then instilled the value of gas into the magic tank.

Mo Nu'er looked strange on the side, because in her feelings, the connection between the Devil Emperor and the Devil's Pot was extremely lucky.

One hundred thousand! !

Chu You instilled a full hundred thousand luck value, and then sinked into the magic tank space again, "How much energy can be diluted?"

"Five times..."

Without saying a word, go back to the outside and instill 100,000 luck values ​​into the magic tank....

"How much energy can be converted?"

"ten times!"

"Okay, let's transform!" After he finished speaking, he returned to the outside. The deity opened his eyes and smiled at Mo Nuer slightly. His luck value is still 1 million, 100,000 luck value = 10 million gold coins, this time The air transport value of 20 million gold coins was consumed.

At this time, you can see that the magic pot has a blue-purple breath, and this space has been set up by the magic slave to shield the spell.

"Nuer, you also feel my luck, there is also a guarantee in the event of a crisis." After that, he released his own luck value to the main body of Mo Nuer, which is also 100,000!

Now his own luck value is still 900,000.

After doing all this, Chu You looked inexplicable. Within the Immortal Halo, there were 12 female Taoist priests serving the Sun Mansions waiting for his rescue. Apart from the Tianjiao Xiao Junyi Taoist Master in Tianjiao, the 11 female Taoists conservatively estimated that 2.2 billion Only gold coins can be used by oneself, but after it is used, it will take a long time to recover and repair...

The high-level scientific research of the ruling fortress also needs a lot of gold coins, a lot of strategic resources, and a lot of time to accelerate the card...

Ladies and sisters of other systems also need huge exclusive logistics to support...

Under the count, many open mouths are waiting for their own feeding!

Ha ha, all say that spending money must be spent on the blade.....


Hello everyone, please call me Blades in the future!

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