The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1038: Messenger player! (Add more to "Feng Nian"!)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!


The female player didn't know that this black robe man looked at her with a strange color in her eyes.

The two of them were seated in the carriage, and there was a seat between them. At this time, the driver outside asked: "Where to go, if it is not clear, please turn on the screen. There are signposts at various locations in Central City."

"I know thanks." After the female player responded, she looked sideways at the black robe Chu You. "Where are you going? I'll send you."

"Then the toll will be counted from now on." The driver outside replied.


"I'm going to....Carriage Headquarters." Chu You said lightly as she looked at a female player of level 115.

That's right, the level of this female player in front of you is 115!

It is known that when the level exceeds 5, the low-level players will not see the specific level of the high-level players, so this female player has not caused a sensation from the teleportation. The equipment on her body hides wearing a set of fashion.

You have to know that Diantai Jingning’s upgrade reached level 112, but that was also helped by Chu You, but what about this female player? How did she rise to 115? !

At the current stage, the level of the player’s first echelon is about 65, and the more difficult it is to upgrade, in addition to the god-creating player, it is difficult for Chu You to imagine who can exceed 100, but this female player is really strange. There is no impression.

In the eyes of the female player, all the information of the black robe man is hidden, even if she has a 100-level sixth-order awakening supernatural open eye equipment in her hand, she can’t see any information of the black robe man, which caused her to Interest also triggered her'task'!

At the same time, she also believes that this black robe man should not see her level, and where the 100-level player is placed will cause a sensation.

It can also be seen how amazing the sensation caused by the Ye Ye Man level.

The 100th-level sixth-order awakening supernatural power "eye-opening" equipment can't see through this man, even the most basic level information can't be seen, this female player firmly believes that the fashion worn by this man is an artifact!

The player with the artifact is the goal of the organization!

"Carmen, go to your carriage headquarters."

So the carriage started, and the speed was very fast. Even if there were pedestrians in front of it, the carriage could avoid it calmly. The way is that the carriage can jump in a short distance.

"Your suit doesn't look like fashion." The priest said, looking at the man in black robe next to him, and the black robe costume appeared with a black breath, which was very mysterious.

"You seem to have a purpose for me?" The black robe's voice changed because of the fashion effect, and it sounded very low and hoarse.

"Haha..." The pastor girl chuckled, "Do you know my level?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm level 115, and my organization is very interested in players like you, but don't lie to you. Add a friend and you will know if my level is 115."

After speaking, the female player threw out Chu Chu's friend application.

System: Player ‘Mu Xue Fei Shuang’ requests to add you as a friend, do you agree? !

Ha ha, how could it be agreed! If you agree, you will know who I am.

System: The other party rejected your friend request! This is the message received by the female player named Mu Xuefeishuang...

"I believe what you said, level 115, is really good. What is your organization's name?"

"Even adding a friend is so difficult, how can I really communicate, this game has an epoch-making revolutionary content for us humans, evolutionary you should..." said here, the female player slightly opened his eyes and looked incredulously. Man in black robe.

Because at this moment, she felt that some external force was invading her brain!

In an instant, both parties knew that the other was an evolver!

"Get out!" Mu Xuefei frosted angrily, and the healing priest had a bone spur growing very quickly in her palm. The bone spur was extremely sharp, and he slashed **** the chest of the black robe!

The sudden change came suddenly for both parties. Mu Xuefeishuang shocked the black robe's superpowers, and Chu You shocked that the other was also a superpower, and the other party was cruel and decisive!

Everyone knows that there is a powerful forbidden magic circle in the Central City of China. Most skills cannot be used, but super powers know that abilities are unlimited!

I saw a few centimeters of bone spurs that would pierce the man's body, but then I couldn't get any further.

The huge mind is like a giant python doing an assault strangulation, and released it fiercely and fiercely. This made Mu Xuefeishuang's eyes flash with horror, and his whole body seemed to be immobile...

At this moment, the carriage stopped, and the coach turned to look at the two inside warning: "Please be calm, if you don't stop, I will tell the guard and let the guard handle it."

An invisible force shoved Mu Xue Feishuang down, and then the thoughts quietly converged. Chu You patted on the black robe and arranged it, looking very relaxed and indifferent.

Mu Xuefeishuang immediately got up after falling to the ground, and exposed the fierce light to the mysterious and powerful man in front of him, and soon the fierce light disappeared, and the bone spurs were retracted into the body, and then he sat in the corner of the car.

Chu You was sitting by the window, so the two separated the maximum distance.

The coachman looked at it, and then the carriage started again.

The cabin was completely quiet, but it didn't take long for Mu Xuefeishuang to speak, "Your ability is very powerful, is it a mental attack!"

"Who is your organization?" Chu You asked like this.



"Oh, haven't heard of it? Also, wild superpowers like you are impossible to hear. Our messenger organization leads the world's superpowers. It is the strongest force among them. I hope you will realize that joining us, It has great benefits for your wide vision and power training!"

"At the same time, our resources in "The World" are extremely huge, and my 115th level is proof!"

"I'm sorry, I cherish this hard-earned superpower life, do not want to drip any muddy water, your kindness is my heart."

"Can't you add a friend?"



Then the carriage fell into absolute silence, but this quiet atmosphere hides the smell of gunpowder, which originated from Mu Xuefeishuang sitting on the right by the window.

In this way finally arrived at the destination.

The coachman said, "Here it is."

"Let's go. Thank you very much for asking me to take a ride. I will return it to you. Bye." After that, Chu You had got off the carriage.

And Mu Xuefei frosted staring at the back, and then took a sip, "No friends, how can I return..."


VIP room in the carriage headquarters.

Chu You has taken off his hoodie, revealing his true appearance. If Mu Xuefeishuang saw it, she would be absolutely surprised!

At the moment, confidently facing the opposite NPC said lightly: "My request is very simple, that is, the street parking outside the major transmission arrays, there must always be a carriage for us to keep, the second is to give us a You can call the contact items of your carriage anywhere."

The NPC on the opposite side is an old man with a 5 star rating. He smiled lightly: "This is no problem, please ask Youyou, how many of you? This involves the service fee of the final contract."

"Ding Ling Ling Ling...."

"Huh?" Mu Xuefeishuang, who came to somewhere, gave a soft whistle, and her eyes changed, because she heard the system's pleasing prompt.

System: A gift has been mailed to your mailbox, please check it in time.

Afterwards Mu Xuefeishuang found a large mailbox. After choosing to open it, an interface appeared.

As you can see, the first item reads: A gift from a carriage in the cloud.


Thanks to the book readers "Feng Nian" for rewarding 13,000 starting coins.

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