The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1043: Supernova-perfect 12 stars! (Add more to "Feng Nian")

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

The opening of this series of God-Tibetan realm and the combination of its own combat power make it a matter of course to enter the realm of Japanese Mansions.

Chu You actually had this hunch before coming, but I didn't expect the process to be quite troublesome. It was a precedent and an eye-opener.

It has a blood volume of over 100 million, and the combat power is able to break the 12-star defense damage to the existence of 12 stars. In addition, the realm of the realm is perfect, and the number is also the ultimate level. , This is justified.

From the opening of the server to the present, brother has spent more than 2 billion gold coins, and the exchange of soft sister coins is guaranteed to be 14 billion. Who is brother, most of this money is spent on the blade, and has not yet achieved the "True God" ', really can't make sense.


System: Congratulations, you have successfully opened the God Hierarchy: Battle Halberd Sword Star Service Day Daogu!

System: In the end, the realm of the brain is being strengthened, and its purpose is more suitable for the matching between the realm and the game environment. There may be pain of unfitness, but it will not exceed the protection bottom line. Please be prepared... .

System: In progress...

System: 99% fit....

System: The protection bottom line is cancelled, try to strengthen the unprotected mental brain domain...

System: In depth...

System: 100% fit....

System: Detects that the player's Yeyou body has entered a deep sleep state.

System: Naturally cut off from the player's mental domain, the game ends automatically.

System: The player is in deep sleep.

System: Trigger device to automatically upgrade the game cabin.

System: The upgrade is complete and the player goes online...

System: Match again...

System: Conclusion: Yeyou players perfectly adapt to the final fantasy world, Yeye players...

At this time, a huge face emerged from the void that finally refined the end world. Very suddenly, it was a human face with gray skin, that was... gray back!

Hui Hou's gaze had no emotion, she looked at the brightest light here.

Immediately afterwards, a huge palm emerged from under Chu Yuyou's servicing Daoguo. At this moment, it looks like this is in the palm of a person.

Finally, the whole person appeared after gray, wearing a gray robe. She was very huge at the moment, so big that she couldn't see the edge of the gray robe....

Gray back has thick black hair, black hair is smooth and delicate tail; her looks are very similar to Shang Xiang Xiao Qiao or red back.

At this time she looked at the Dao Guo in the palm of her hand, staring blankly...

In such a weird scene, the projection picture can't see any abnormality. From the perspective of the Zongmen, You Ye is still serving the Sun Dao Fruit, and the Sun Dao Fruit is in the void space.

At this time they broke out intense discussion and shock.

"Now, it depends on which Peerless Sword Star peerless exercises you can get!"

"Yeah, good exercises can make the realm of the gods more powerful, so magical powers will be stronger, of course, the combat power is more powerful."

"Uh, weird, we can't even see the shock of the unprecedented people in the world..."

"I don't see anyone coming later."

"Master, why don't you talk?"

I saw that the eyes of the head became very dull, just like the evil, which made people around him shudder.


Chu Youpan sat in the light, his eyes closed, his expression was indeed painful.

After the second prompt of the system, the mind was hit by a certain force!

For him, the sound of the third prompt of the system is very remote and unrealistic. As for the fourth prompt of the system, it is completely inaudible.

Because the picture changed, it became dark, and I could not see anything.

Although I can't see it, I can hear some roar.

What's wrong, where am I? !

Why, it hurts in my head, what attack am I under? !

who are you? ! !

Then Chu You felt that not only his head hurts, but his body also began to ache faintly. At the same time, he also knew that a will was watching him secretly.

After that, there was no more feelings and nothing; the corresponding is that the game cabin is undergoing rapid upgrade, and Chu You in the game cabin is in a true natural sleeping state.

As a strong spiritual willpower, no dream will appear, but after being silently switched by the system, Chu You's will in real sleep is recovering, that is to say, he is about to wake up.

At this moment, Chu You opened her eyes, and in the moment she opened her eyes, there was a doubt.

The sight in front of me is still the same as before, but the memory of the brain clearly tells him that he has gone through an intermediate process!

The middle process is full of roar of nothingness and impact! And secret peep!

Immediately before the pain came again, but the pain was much relieved, and the feelings on my body confirmed this speculation. I did indeed experience a strange process.

Thinking of this, a light of enlightenment appeared in my eyes...

Looking back again, there was a clearer meaning in my eyes.

Just then, the system prompt appeared.

System: Congratulations, when you step into the realm of serving Japanese mansions, you will be baptized by the luck of the avenue, and the process of baptism will allow your Dongtianshenzang to infuse the Japanese mansions.

System: During this baptism process, your soul will also be baptized, and you will have a chance to create a new service mango.

However, Chu You suddenly stood up, turned suddenly, and through the unglaring light, saw a huge figure outside the light!

His eyes snapped, and the figure was slightly clearer.

In yourself, in the palm of this figure!

"Grey Queen...." Chu You yelled softly, looking at each other's eyes, which still had no emotion, and did not respond to her voice.

Gray Empress stared at him with such emotionless eyes, like a statue.

System: There is a special letter in your back space, please take the time to view the details!

At this moment, Huihou closed her eyes and the huge figure disappeared.

System: Baptism begins!

At this moment, Chu You exploded dazzlingly like the sun...

I can feel the majestic external luck power pouring into myself, and the Thirteen Perfect Caves are rapidly increasing their power to serve the Japanese mangxiu!

At the same time, the inner body's Jin Chui Duo Dao Soul baby girl was subjected to this causal creation, and the 1 million yuan gas value in her body became 1 million luck value, and the baby girl became the body of luck!

System: Dao Soul returns...

Jin Chuduo, who was far away on the road, suddenly stopped. He raised his head in disbelief and looked at the sky. I saw a beam of light coming down, covering Jin Chuduo.

Then the Dao Soul baby boy, who belonged to Chu You, escaped from Jin Chui Duo, and the baby girl was replaced.

The Dao Soul baby boy entered Chu You's body, and the value of 1 million yuan became 1 million.

System: Your Dao Soul is your soul, and has great value, does it create a new service mango? !

Chu You, who had already recovered, chose OK.

System: After consuming 500,000 luck values, you can successfully regenerate a serving of mango fruit....Your soul is injected with external luck, restoring 500,000 luck values.

System: Continue to create? !

Confirm confirmation! !

System: Consume 1 million luck and successfully regenerate a serving of mango fruit...

System: The three big suits of the Sun Mangosteen, the Tibetan Daoguo...

System: Due to the creation of two serving sun mangoes, the strength of the serving sun mango stored in the thirteenth perfect hole sky is further compressed to form the final great perfection repair force!

System: Warning! The value of externally injected gas is becoming thinner.

System: Since you are in the state of great empowerment, all the Tibetans are in the highest activation state, so the consumption of your own air transport value can transform the Dharma perfection. The opportunity is rare, which is less than the conversion of the air transport value absorbed in the outer space. More.

System: Does it consume its own luck value to transform the strength of Dharma Cultivation? !

Chu You: Confirm and confirm! !

100,000 luck value, 100,000 luck value...

Finally, after consuming a total of 500,000 self-luckiness values ​​and external luckiness values, each of the 13 perfect hole days was filled with the power of the Great Consummation Cultivation!

The above process almost made Chu You prepare to use gold coins to inject the Tianyun fairy pond...

At the same time, this means that Chu You has 260 million Dharma cultivation as energy!

System: The baptism is over!

System: Congratulations, your final result of this smelting: serving the sun and the great circle!


PS: Thank you ‘Feng Nian’ for the starting point of 10,000.

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