The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1052: Young and successful combat methods and thinking!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

The world is incandescent, and even the companions around them are irradiated with light into the outline of a phantom black line.

I don't seem to hear any sound anymore...

It seems that time has been disturbed and becomes slower...

Between heaven and earth, the only thing that can be seen clearly is the huge patron saint of protecting the country and the black beam that penetrates the heart of the patron saint...

Many players have turned on the video mode and recorded this moment.

A question appears in the minds of many people, that is, who hit this blow? !

When that black beam of light disappeared, the environment quickly returned to nature, and then you can hear the screams of the mountains and the sea uttered by countless players...

The scene is extremely spectacular!

Because the body of the huge patron saint of the country actually began to tilt, and it seemed that it was going to fall.

How could that be the patron saint of protecting the country! 12 stars!

The patron saint of protecting the country is actually a special 12 star!

It is a special kind of existence!

"Poof!!!" Emperor Yan suddenly spurted blood on the tower, causing people around to make a mess.


The patron saint of the country will kneel on one knee, and a large sword is inserted on the ground to support its huge body. It is not dead yet!

It can be seen that there are many cyclone-like suction holes in the huge body, which is absorbing some kind of gas, which is actually the power of faith and luck! Just like the patron saint of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

How many people did the patron saint of the Great Zhou Dynasty absorb at that time? !

Therefore, if you zoom in on the entire territory of Yan Kingdom, you can see that countless lines formed by Qi are converging to King Yan City!

Correspondingly, there is a phenomenon of "the depletion of all things" in Yan Kingdom!

"Really strong!" Chu You looked at the patron saint on one knee and said quite strangely.

"Patriarch, there are three solutions." Yue Qingyin's expression at the moment is like a close-up girl from childhood to big, with a close relationship with the owner, and the tone of the speech is also full of tenderness.


At this time, the fortress Ten-tail Eudemons sent out a shock wave, hitting the head of the patron saint, but did not break it, but this blow caused the patron saint to lose a lot of'skin' on the face, which was quite scary at the moment. !

"The ancestor wanted Yan Guo to be completely charcoal, that is to let it continue to absorb, until the last soldier of Yan Guo, a flower and a tree."

"However, in this way, it will inevitably attract the attention of Orthodoxy. The jade crushing across the country is a huge event, because Yan Kingdom is actually the test place of Orthodoxy and other gods."

"The second is that the ancestors directly killed Emperor Yan. The Yan Kingdom is not Emperor Yan. This ancestor must understand this point."

"Third, it is taking advantage of his illness to kill him. This thing is now being hit hard. It takes time to absorb the spirit of the heaven and earth of the Yan Kingdom. It is recovering fast now, but this recovery speed is caused by the failure to catch up with the patriarch and my disciples. Magical spell damage, the ancestor plus disciples and sisters cast spells together, you can destroy this thing!"

"However... In this way, Yanguo Dadi will confirm the empire from the beginning. In fact, it will be replaced by the best result. The patriarch thinks it is very powerful. Do you not want to get it?"

Chu You instantly understood the meaning of Yue Qingyin's last sentence. He turned his eyes to look at Yue Qingyin beside him, his eyes were strange: "You mean, except the first one, you can get this thing in two other ways, Then can it absorb the luck with its characteristics?!"

Yue Qingyin smirked, quite embarrassed: "If the patriarch wanted to do this, it would be no different from the first one. The big guy had better treat it with warmth, and the causality involved in it was also Very complicated."

"Then kill it! King Yan's house has also been killed, and no one will stay!"

‘Chong Chong Chong! ! ! ’

No one in the Immortal Guild could see it, and three figures rushed out of the Immortal Guild instantly.

At the same time, the patron saint of protecting the country whose blood volume is recovering will suddenly raise his head and roar loudly at the sky, and a powerful suction suddenly appears.

However, the three people of Chu You appearing in the sky were unscathed. Chu You and Xiao Junyi traversed past on their heads calmly. Then they waved Xiao Junyi to Chu You and slapped a palm on their back. Seeing Chu You once again traversed the Imperial City protective cover unscathed and entered the airspace above the Imperial City!

After finishing, Xiao Junyi turned around and worked with Yue Qingyin to deal with the patron saint who is recovering his blood.

After seeing a position, I came to an imperial palace in an instant, and looked at the crowded soldiers in the imperial palace square. Chu You's body of fighting power emerged. Lifting the immortal halberd towards the target direction was a cut!

The immortal halberd glowed with light, and a half-moon swaying wave struck past from the sky position instantly, consuming 10,000 great consummation forces!


After touching the target, a three-dimensional wave with a larger range spread instantaneously, and the center exploded!

-265 luck value!

"啐...." Seeing this value, Chu You seemed to be amused.

This move is not a skill, not a skill, but just a normal attack equivalent to level A.

As the Dzogchen exists, even a normal attack will consume its own energy, because any damage accompanying the attack has the power of Dzogchen!

At the same time, in addition to specific skills, any attack, even if it is a skill, as long as it causes damage, then as a great consummation, there is actually a process of energy accumulation in the process of exertion!

For example, in the ordinary blow just now, Chu You charged 10,000 Yuan of Consummation Energy. Therefore, the consumption of 10,000 Great Consummation Energy does not represent the consumption value of the half-moon slash. The consumption of 100 Great Consummation Energy can also cause the immortal halberd to spawn. Half-moon volatility.

The difference is that the distance of the half moon chopping wave is inversely proportional to the amount of damage generated. The more the great consummation energy consumed, the farther the half moon chopping wave hits the distance. The farther the distance is, the more damage it will hit the target, the damage will be Relatively lower. The closer the distance, the more damage will increase.

So, how did this half-moon cut come from? !

The answer is that Chu You has already completed self-cultivation, and at the same time automatically turns on the state's divine skills: War Halberd Sword Star Almighty State opens divine skills!

This magical skill can enable the immortal halberd or weapon to have a remote attack function!

No, it is a super long-range attack function!

That's not right, even if the target returns to another plane with a characteristic weapon like Immortal Halberd, as long as Chu You is determined, then on the basis of Immortal Halberd's lock, you can still use the charged skills to fight along the plane. ...

The battle method of Dzogchen is different. Chu You has never mastered this kind of power, so it is very rusty. So in the relatively great Dzogchen, using such a close distance of 10,000 Dzogchen energy, then the damage to the ground target is Fatal, all were spiked!

How close is it? The distance between Chu You’s airspace and the explosion center is about 400 meters!

It can be seen that not only people are dead in the Palace Square, but there is a huge crack on all four walls...

In any case, as far as the experience is concerned, Chu You is very cool!

Now, he was looking for the target, when Yu Guang noticed something, his eyes flashed sharply!

The comer is a sect master, level 8 8 stars; and another sect vice lord, level 85 8 stars!

When Chu You was used by Xiao Junyi to ban the secret orthodoxy to make it impenetrable to penetrate the Imperial City protective cover, this method of crossing the boundary was sensed by the device in the Imperial City. The warning sounded and the responsible person of the Imperial City sent someone to view it. ....

"Something I don't know!!"

Facing the direction of the comer, Chu You waved two and a half moon waves, and he was able to see that his response was not very fast. That is to say, when he knew that someone was approaching and decided to eliminate it before he shot, this process is a reaction process. , Not soon!

However, the speed of waving the weapon afterwards was that two and a half moon chopping waves struck in the blink of an eye!

Because in that process, Chu You was thinking about how much consummation energy to charge....

The speed of the two half moon cuts is very fast, like a ray.

However, Chu You could see them, and the two suzerains also naturally found Chu You in the distance, so they also saw Chu You attacking them, so they were in a state of high vigilance.

The consciousness has already been released in the past, and then the consciousness came into contact with the half-moon swiftly approaching. At that moment, the eyes of the two suzerains flashed a terrifying look, because they felt that the other party's attack contained the power of destruction!

Touch to death!

Therefore, in a hurry to make an escape...

However....At this moment, the character of Dzogchen tells its owner clearly how actionable it is with action, and it also has a tracking feature!

That is to say, these two suzerains who were aware of the danger early, even if they made the avoidance skill and hid in another direction, the two and a half months of fluctuations performed by Chu You followed the past.


Two shrieking screams followed!

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