The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1054: Experiments

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Please... please, let it go, let our children go." A concubine said with pleading in full of fear, just talking about a teardrop dripping down like this.

"Hehe....." I can't hear the slightest heart in my tone.

The halberd was lifted up, and the people across from it were still unmoved, very...numb!


After a roar, all of Emperor Yan's harems died, and they could see the breath appearing from these corpses of Xiang Xiaoyu, which entered Chu You's body, which is the value of luck.

Chu You got a total of 300,000 luck values ​​here!

Then he came to the side hall and saw the princess and five other concubines. The five concubines holding the sword were quietly escorting the princess to leave. After seeing Chu You coming in, a concubine attacked with a sword. go with.

"Hurry up, the dog thief will die!!"

"Huh?" At this moment, lightly chucking from Chu You's mouth, looking strangely at a female doll and a prince's pet.

That pet is actually a ninth order pet! Still larvae.

As for the little princess girl doll, the system told herself that a hero NPC was found!

The little princess looks like a porcelain doll, and a little fairy like a mirror is very obvious in her body.

The little princess followed the elder brother in front and looked back at herself. When she saw herself, the other party's gaze was full of panic, but under the panic there was a hint of curiosity.


-6654 HP, -984 Great Consummation for energy!

A long, slender energy-sword stabs Chu You's eyebrows, and the opponent's moves are sharp and lightning-fast.

Looking at the woman in front of her, it also means that she locks the concubine.

The concubine also knew that her attack could not cause deep damage to Chu You, so she changed her position very quickly after a stab.

'drink! "The concubine shouted loudly and used a sword technique to transform herself into 6 avatars, attacking Chu You intensively with a three-dimensional fast attack!

However, Chu You has locked her firmly and locked her real body, no matter whether she hides her real body back and forth in these 6 identities, in Chu You’s visual interface, the real body of this concubine shows a'mark '!


At this time, the little princes and princesses who came out of the fish only listened to the explosion sound in the back side hall, and the deaf ears were deafening. The remaining four concubines frowned, and at this time they looked at each other.

The explosion produced very thick smoke, but there was no smoke in Chu You’s visual interface. After instant killing the princess of Yan Guo, the body appeared directly outside with a flash. At this time, four other princesses of Yan Guo attacked with swords Come.

Also at this time, Chu You saw the bodies of those little princesses and little princesses taking off and fled towards the far side.

"No one can run!" Before the words were finished, Chu You cast the immortal halberd on the ground, and the three-dimensional fluctuation of the range instantly spread. This blow cost 50,000 Dah Seng Cultivation as energy.

Only listening to the screams of a few women, the female concubines of Yan Guo also entered the footsteps of their sisters, and Xiang Xiaoyu was damaged.

Above the sky, you can see that Chu You didn’t wave the immortal halberd horizontally. What he produced was the half-moon swaying wave. Now that he is using the vertical cut, then another long-range attack is produced: Crescent Moon!

A crescent-shaped halberd gas emerged from the immortal halberd and quickly approached the target, which was a princess.

'Snapped! ’

After hitting the target, the opponent crushed bones and exploded a blood mist, but there was no fluctuation. Crescent Moon was a single target.

‘Wow, bang, bang! ’

‘Wipe, wipe, wipe! ’

In a very short period of time, more than 10 crescent cuts hit instantly, and each crescent cut has a specific target.

Chu You really didn't let a person go, kill him!

Then a prince holding a ninth-order pet stopped, and in the air a dozen meters in front of him, a person appeared in an instant, and he hated this person very much! Also very scared!

"You killed my mother!" The little prince's voice even had a hint of milk.

"Roar!!!" At this time, the ninth-order pet in the prince's arms broke away from its owner, and at the same time, the pet instantly became larger, posing a battle posture, and its appearance was more like a wolf. But this wolf has a pair of horns.

Chu You didn't reply, Emperor Ji appeared from the void next to her, cold and ruthless in her eyes.

When the other party's ninth-order pet saw Emperor Ji, his momentum suddenly weakened, and the hair that had stood up snapped.

At the next moment, an unfair battle unfolded...

There is only one little princess left in Yandi's child. She is flying hard. She knows what happened. The brothers and sisters around her died one by one and turned into a blood mist.

The death was very clean and there seemed to be no pain, because no screams could be heard.

Just like dying while asleep.

Strangely, her heart is not very angry, there is no strong mood swings; there is anger, there is hatred, and of course there are fears, but they are not very strong.

There seems to be only one sound between heaven and earth, that is the sound of her flight.

"Mother, Ming'er will see you soon...." He murmured in his mouth, his eyes became blurred, and his thoughts were no longer in his own safety. When the cloud was in the wild, she thought of her mother. , But her body is still flying, it seems that this is already an instinct in execution.

Her mother died very early, the cause of death was a mystery, no one in the palace told her the truth, all said that she died of illness, but in the traces of the future, the little princess vaguely understood that her mother died in the palace fight It was the queen who killed her mother.

But the biggest culprit is actually the father emperor.

"Huh?" Then the little princess recovered, and then her eyes widened.


A slight collision sounded in the sky here.

When the little princess came back, she found a figure near the front, then she couldn't avoid it and hit the other party.

Looking at the little princess with a fluttering atmosphere under the collision, Chu You reached out and grabbed the opponent's collar and lifted it up.

Looking at the small prey in his hand, the other party did not struggle to show some quietness and fate. Chu You raised her mouth and then converged, grabbing her and instantly came to the Emperor Ji who was devouring the ninth-order pet.

"Always feel that there must be a test product, you are very suitable, you will be the first!"

Came here, Chu You said something inexplicable.

I don’t know when to start, Chu You vaguely believed that although Honghou said that his parents had indeed successfully cultivated the perfect experimental body, namely: the perfect brain (relative to humans), 3 years old, physical characteristics of adults, sustainable growth Sex, the body is not deformed.

But that was a successful test product produced in an external environment. There has not been a case where the high-level data of characters in the game was transplanted into the body of the experimental body, that is, the soul of "Tianshi" was seized into the experimental body.

There is a lack of precedents and it is full of unknowns. This kind of unknown is not to say that it is technically unpredictable, but... It involves a series of unknown changes in the personality and personality of the experimental body after the capture of the soul level!

Chu You feels that since she wants to go this way, it is impossible to start with Jin Chuduo directly, or to urge Nuanjun to do this directly.

What happens if there is any risk.

Therefore, there must be a pioneer, and the little girl with the fairy fairy temperament like this porcelain doll in front of her became the first experimental object scheduled by Chu You.

Chu You believes that this little girl is very suitable.

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