The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1057: Fairy Wars!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Although the players in King Yan City were forced to teleport, the King Yan City teleportation array was also unavailable, but this did not mean that there were no other players in this area.

Many other players are there. When the battle between Yan Kingdom and the Immortal Guild broke out, many players flew out of the range of King Yan City, and there are a lot of players around the king city doing defense construction tasks, so there are many people. Ten thousand people.

There are even Dongying players farther away, but there are not many and high ranks, and there are also aborigines.

At the Xiangonghui sunset villa, several people looked up to the sky.

I saw a strange sight in the sky, clouds shrouded in auspicious clouds, and golden light scattered from it, extremely beautiful.

Then it sounded like a sound of a avenue, and it shook through the sky, and focused everyone's attention.


"Roar!!!" The ten-tailed Eudemons beneath the Fairy Guild roared towards the sky. It took part in the battle with the guardian deity of Yan Kingdom. After the fight, it was in a daze. Now it suddenly moved again.

Chu You saw that, within that auspicious cloud, a spaceship flew out. This spaceship was like a jade, with someone standing on it.

At this time, Mo Nuer appeared quietly on the balcony, looking up at the sky with others...

On this balcony, except for the little girl, everyone has the same expression....

And on top of the spaceship like jade, there was one person standing, but his identity was Pangtian Taoist. He even exuded a sense of service on him.

"It has reached the late stage..." Xiao Junyi said affirmatively.

At this time, the middle-aged man in the late Rimang also frowned, because there was a power to isolate his detective, and at the same time, he could not see the internal scene of the Immortal Guild.

As soon as he appeared here, he used Xiuwei to shout loudly, and the severity of the matter was beyond his control and imagination.

Because Emperor Yan lost contact, because the palace altar was no longer usable, and he was even calculated once in the process, which was extremely dangerous.

What is it? When he agreed to Yan Di’s request, he came to the Xianyuntai Teleportation Array. After using it, in the teleportation process, within the teleportation channel, the teleportation space collapsed...

After escaping from the collapsed space, he immediately realized that the patron saint of the Nether Kingdom would probably die.

Thinking of this, he frowned. He knew the characteristics of the patron saint of the country. The big guy was not so easy to be killed. Even if he shot it himself, he might not be able to take it down.

Things are so weird and terrible. Unless Yandi is in contact, the patron saint of the country will no longer work, but why did Yandi not say so...

After some speculation, the inner power of the late Japanese mans was very vigilant, so when he appeared in the lower bound, he directly shouted those two words.

But the situation below seems to have ended the battle? !

The Taoist priest sighed secretly in the later period of the service.

Coming late also proves that the opponent is really strong!

Soon the Ruyu spaceship came between King Yan City and the Fairy Guild. The ten-tailed Eudemons below the Fairy Guild remained hostile.

The advent of Orthodox makes all players who see this phenomenon have a sense of surprise, and many players do not understand where this rudimentary ship came from.

But Chuangshi Zhangzun was faintly aware of the origin of the other party. At this moment, his look was very complicated, because he learned the latest information of Ye Ye from Qing Deng Ning and Ning Tian Shu.

This latest information is scary...

In this battle, Chu You didn’t use the evil Luo magic power, that is, an abnormal magic power that could put the soul into the guild prison after killing the player and the aborigines, and did not use the energy of the magic pot.

He is now watching the situation closely.

Now in this late service, the Taoist priest looked at King Yan's city, and looked at the palace in his eyes. Then his brows were even more fierce, and his eyes faintly glanced at the light!

He looked quite difficult to turn around and looked at the fairy guild that he could not see through!

Now the Xian Guild players are not fighting anymore, and all those who can come back have gone back, and Zhao Feifei called back on the Guild Channel.

"Yu Ye!"

This sound is full of echoes, which spread to the distance and shock the listener!

At the same time realize what may happen.

"Is it possible to see the old man!" Pang Tiandao said in the late Taoist Taoism.

However, the Xian Guild seemed unmoved.

"So..." said here, the priest who served in the sun was suddenly showing divine power, his breath expanded instantly, and at the same time his hand was lit and a beam of light was emitted.

This process is as fast as lightning, and the light beam instantly penetrates into the inside of the fairy guild!

The Taoist's sudden shot made many players stunned.

"It seems....Look at it again!" Thinking about it, the Taoist priest of the service disappeared on the Ruyu spaceship instantly, and appeared outside the protective layer set by the Xiaojunyi of the Fairy Association.



The priest of the service was shot on the enchantment, and the dazzling light broke out, which also gave this world a sense of vibration, and the strength of the force can be seen!

At this time, a light and shadow that shocked the Taoist priests suddenly struck and directly bombed the priests!

The Taoist consciousness could not be detected inside, so he could not grasp any movements inside, and he was very close to this place, so any moves made by the other party were instantly present.

The priest who served Rimang was repulsed a few hundred meters, and a strong light shield appeared on his body, but the corner of his mouth actually bleed.

"Sure enough!!!" The service priests screamed, and their eyes were very bright, "You really are perfect!"

After looking up and looking at the sky, I saw that there were still auspicious clouds above the sky. At this time, the priests who served the sun were shouting again, and a thunderous voice sounded: "Patriarch!!"

"Oops," Xiao Junyi said suddenly.

"what happened?"

"The disciple once told the ancestor that the identity of the ancestor will discover the truth sooner or later. The disciple now thinks that they have discovered the truth!"

"What!" Chu You said here, his expression suddenly changed.

Because of the sudden change, a powerful beam came from the auspicious clouds of the sky. This beam has a breath of destruction. This breath is detached and is an imperial power!

Under the unbelievable eyes of everyone, this beam penetrated all the defensive enclaves of the Immortal Guild, and also made the shielding supernatural power disappear. At this moment, the internal scene of the Immortal Guild was revealed to the world.

At the same time, the beam not only destroyed the defensive enchantment, but also penetrated a building of the Immortal Guild, making the building shattered, even with the huge floating stones underneath.

Finally, the beam continues to traverse...

In everyone's eyes, from a distance, the Immortal Guild seemed to be penetrated by a beam of light!

At this time, a strong voice sounded within the auspicious clouds in the sky, "So you are here, and you are the God of Heaven!"

"Yu Ye, you are so amazing!" When I said here, a figure appeared in the auspicious clouds in the sky, and this person held a tripod.

Seeing this tripod, Yue Qingyin and Xiao Junyi's faces changed at the same time: "Not good, it was Pang Tiandao's ancestor, Fang Moxun."

"Patriarch, the other party is the treasure of our secret secrecy: Dasima Jiuyang Fang Zunding!"

"Fang Moxun holds this treasure and can exert imperial power!"

"Now is it a war or a retreat?" Chu You didn't have the slightest cowardice in his eyes. On the contrary, the will to war appeared.

"Retreat, because... The ancestor's other identity is the Devil Emperor, and our forbidden Taoism is also a target for them. The combination of the two will lead to the entire Taoism!"

"The disciples believe that Fang Moxun has now notified other ancestors!"

"And each of them has a treasure!"

Hearing this, doubts flashed in Chu You's eyes, he thought of another problem, but what happened next interrupted his thinking.

Because the other party is in trouble again!

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