The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1068: Subconscious love

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Heaven, a void in the sky, there are many floating gravel areas, and at this time, the ruling fortress of Huaxia even appeared here with the Fairy Guild.

Although the ruling fortress or the Immortal Guild has a very large area, compared with the surrounding environment, it still looks very small!

It can be seen that there are a large number of floating boulders in different sizes.

The Fairy Guild came here, but it was the guardian who alarmed here.

Sitting on a small floating stone was a person wearing a robe. The person opened his eyes, and the inside was full of scarlet colors. This is a demonized ancient Taoist! Early 12 stars!

He stood up, looking at the intruder who had just appeared, and he disappeared here the next moment.

Not only that, there was a prison building on top of another floating stone, at this time two scarlet eyes appeared in the black door, staring coldly at the ruling fortress.

It's just that the final result of this movement is to make any creature here retreat one after another...

For example, the ancient Taoist, when he came to the edge of the Immortal Guild, he suddenly stopped his body. It seemed that his whole body was stiff. Although his scarlet eyes were not scary, some were only fear!

Not daring to look at it again, the ancient Taoist left quietly.

Almost all of the above-mentioned situations appear in any existence that has detected the arrival of the Immortal Guild.

At this time, there were still some players in the Fairy Guild, but their expressions were very at a loss. Only when the Fairy Guild suddenly came to King Yan City, they were caught by surprise, not knowing what to do, Ye Niixuan said, this is The president’s own affairs, you can help if you like to help. You are not interested or interested. You can play your own.

Until now, they also don’t know what to do, as if everything that happened is very far away from them, because they can’t participate in things of this level....

At this time, the teleport burst into light, and Jin Chuduo appeared here. When she appeared, she saw a woman standing in front of her. The woman was holding a sword, wearing a blue robe and a black silky hair. Scattered in the back, the temperament gives people ice but not cold, this person is the second generation of the master of the secret Taoism: Su Bingmei.

Su Bingmei looked at Jin Chuiduo and said, "Disciple of Heavenly Taoism, I kindly invite you to join our secret Taoism, what do you think?"

There is nothing unusual about Jin Chuiduo's expression, "Is the voice in my mind, you?"

"Yes, your Dao Soul has the luck of the Patriarch. It is already unsafe for you to interpret the Taoism. So I call you back."

"Well, I am willing to join the Forbidden Secret Doctrine!"

"Okay, please come to the cloudy palace with me."


That night, Chu You actually dreamed.

He dreamed of all the good times with Baoer in the last year of his previous life...

At this moment in his dream, a voice appeared, fragments appeared, shadows appeared...

"I grew up, so I came to find you." Baoer in the dream said happily, that is the face of adult Baoer.

"I am 19 years old..."

"Haha, just be a mysterious girl."

"Chu You, your anger is too heavy. Let's go on a trip..."

"If I don't agree, I feel like crying..."

"This is my first kiss, oh, it doesn't matter..."

"I made 3700 gold coins today, so I don't have to worry about this month."

"Are you... uncomfortable."

"How did you cry..." Bao'er also wept.

"we will be together forever!"

"If I die, I will dream about me every day in the future!!"

"Dream me talking to you..."

"You hear my voice..."

"my voice...."


In the dark bedroom environment, Bao'er still opened her eyes wide, her eyes were very bright, she looked at Chu You with her eyes closed beside her.

It's just that Bao'er felt her cheeks were hot and her heart was beating fast!

Because, Chu You is holding her tightly, the other party's hand... At this time, she is stroking her!

It's so hot...

Bao'er's cheek was attached to the man's naked chest, and he could feel the other person's temperature was very hot, and his heartbeat was also very fast. Chu You has been warming up from the previous illness, just...

Bao'er looked up at the man's face.

Chu You, still with her eyes closed, looked like she was asleep, at this time his behavior was unconscious...

No, what makes this kind of behavior consciousness must be closely related to daily life, and feedback from the subconscious in the dream! Of course, the person who triggered this condition is in an abnormal state of mind.

It is only in this state that Chu You is now ‘waking up’, and it is the subconscious mind that controls his body!

A man, in the state of deep sleep, it is impossible to have such behavior for the girl in the same bed for no reason! And the age of Bao'er...

Abnormal things must be demon! Bao'er suddenly remembered this sentence.

"Baoer..." Chu You said like a murmur at the moment.

The tenderness of the voice, Baoer heard it for the first time!

The tenderness of the voice caused a germinating seed in Baoer to tremble deeply.

Speaking of which, the man's big hand actually touched Bao'er's small hip...

"miss you...."

Big hands massaged **** the tight thermal pants.

"Hmm..." Bao'er lightly subconsciously, and then squeezed her mouth tightly in shock, and her bright eyes were bright in the darkness and panicked.

Without pushing the man away, let alone the man's big hands, Bao'er was like a jade rabbit lying in the man's arms uneasy and arbitrarily arbitrarily....

"His..." Bao'er showed his teeth faintly, making a cold breath, because, inside the bedding, a corner of his own pants had been ripped off by a man.

Tonight, for Bao'er, it is destined to be sleepless, because not only is he experiencing a bizarre experience of men and women, but Bao'er also discovered a very shocking thing.

That is...Baoer discovered the fact that Lin Luoer was an evolver!

Lin Luoer could not have imagined that Bao'er's concern for Chu You exceeded her imagination!

For a certain period of time, Lin Luoer thought that Bao'er had fallen asleep, so he secretly cast a healing power on Chu You.

But Bao'er, in fact, has been waiting for Lin Luoer to fall asleep. In her careful thought, after Sister Luo Er can't keep falling asleep, she will replace Sister Luo Er to put on a cold towel for Chu You.

Therefore, in this process, Baoer discovered the fact that Sister Luoer turned out to be an evolver!

Don't mention how shocked Baoer was at the time.

The excessive consumption of abilities made Lin Luoer unable to carry it, and fell asleep; soon afterwards Chu You's body appeared warm, and then she leaned over to hug Bao'er's body tightly.

Then the above-mentioned process happened, which made Baoer extremely restless.

In the bed, the big hand has pulled off the corner of the trousers, most of the right hip is exposed, and Chu You's big hand is kneading there...

"Ah..." Chu You exhaled and brushed the cheeks of Bao'er Hot Soup.

"Huh..." Bao'er couldn't help it. The most difficult thing for her was to hold her back, or the incomparably hard thing in the other's lower body was supporting her absolute zone.

That thing, Bao'er dare not touch it, but even so can still feel the incomparable hardness.

'What happened to you? ! How can you have sexual fantasies about me? ! ’

Thinking of this, Bao'er's mind flashed in a strange and blushing state, and a fragment appeared. That was the experience of the two in heaven. When asked by a strange woman about their relationship, it was heaven. Chu Liye's Chu You said in person: "Well, she is my girlfriend..."

"When did you have such thoughts on me..."

What puzzled Bao'er was that in daily life, Chu You did not reveal any further intimacy to her, nor did she imply that.

At this time, the big hand left from being rubbed into a small hot hip, and Baoer clearly felt that the big hand got into the waist coat corner, touched the soft skin and went all the way up. With this action, Thermal underwear has also been lifted, and all this happened in the bed.

Finally, the big hand touched the part that had developed into a small bun and made the same movement on it.

"Huh..." Bao'er also exhaled a hot breath, staring blankly at Chu You's face, still letting that big hand rest on her!

The other party still didn't open his eyes.

It was also at this time that Bao'er noticed that Chu You's incomparably hard things were rubbing back and forth under her bare waist through her underwear...

Bao'er doesn't know what to do at this time...

Then the light flashed, and she remembered that she had joined a chat group before, and that group were all girls who were about the same size as her, and they all shared a peculiar sadomasochistic plot.

What impresses Baoer most is that a girl once published an article in a chat group, the article is the author's personal experience.

Thinking of the content of the article, Baoer reached out his hand under the blanket, and then touched what was rubbing on her.

The heat felt hotter than the hot soup cheeks.

Then Bao'er frowned slightly, his expression strange.

‘It seems to be wet...’

Bao'er's little hand touched the top of the thing, and it was already wet and slippery.

The next moment Baoer grabbed that thing, but immediately realized that his behavior was different from the content of the article, so he let go again, and then his small hand shook into Chu You's underwear.

Really touched the man's restricted area.

Bao'er's heart was about to mention his throat, and his eyes were fixed on Chu You's face, fearing that the other party would open his eyes next moment.

Then, the warm little hand gently grasped the rubbing thing.

At this moment, Bao'er clearly felt the frequency of the thing under Chu You speed up.

"Huh..." Baoer exhaled a breath, and sweat also appeared on her head. The green silk with sideburns and bangs were stuck on the skin. At this time, Baoer no longer looked at Chu You, and her eyes were fixed on a dark one. Office...

After a while, the man's body ceased to be agitated, but nothing happened.

Bao'er can feel that the other party is really calming down, and the breath is gradually moving towards a regular rhythm.

Because at this moment, Chu You is no longer dreaming.

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