The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1089: False Lord!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

At a certain moment, Chu You even saw towering dragon crystal like the Fourth Dragon Emperor!

Seeing his eyes hot, it was all money!

Of course, with the deepening, the experience monsters encountered are also very powerful, but the experience monsters are all of the same breed, that is, the Dragon Soul Monster; the Dragon Soul Monster is not a human form, but is in the form of a dragon body and is full-level.

At this moment, 8 people finally stopped, because the Dragon Soul that manifested is the middle of 12 stars!

It's a super boss if you put it outside.

At the same time, there seems to be only the fighting consciousness of the Dragon Soul Monster here, because if there are spiritual creatures, when they see the eight great consummations combined together, they will not be able to have a war intention at all, and they will not even appear at all. As long as you feel the powerful breath of Dzogchen, you will even automatically retreat and give way.

But there is not here, just like the little monster in front, even if the eight great circles are together, it still rushes past...

This 12-star Dragon Soul Monster is in the form of a dragon body, the form of a Western dragon, which is very large, but its body is not a flesh, nor is it as corrosive as the undead. It is like an energy burning form composed of breath energy.

"Boom Boom!!!" There was no nonsense, the battle started, and the eight Dahwan Shuo skills bombarded each other.

In this battle, Chu You saw racial superiority!

The energy stored by the dragon is inherently much deeper than other races of the same level, and the blood volume is huge.

It is also obvious that under the bombardment of eight great consummations, a 12-star mid-term was killed in 1 minute!

The Dragon Souls here are all non-explosive, and no soul will leave corpses. This kind of monsters is the most annoying type for players.

At the same time, Chu You also saw the cooperation of the Forbidden Taoist Masters. In this cooperative battle, each person maximizes the damage with the smallest energy value. There are also combined skills among the 7 people. In this skill, everyone only needs to It consumes very little energy to pour into it, but the damage skill it displays is very powerful, and this skill also has a variety of characteristic effects.

"Patriarch, now we have entered the central area!" Han Youxi said cautiously.


The central area is indeed very dangerous. The appearance of suction black holes, no matter the abruptness without warning, the suction strength and suction range, and the size of the black hole itself, are very terrifying!

On one occasion, a huge black hole suddenly formed around 8 people, and the powerful suction even made Chu You both feel a little frightened.

Staring at the black hole is even more frightening than staring at the abyss.

Chu Youcai flew out of the suction field quite hard with the help of consuming 400,000 Yuan of complete energy and others.

Then he looked at the deeper center area, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Because he vaguely saw that in the deep gray fog, there was a huge shadow of a terrifying body lying on the floor, and this body gave him a feeling of similarity.

Why can't you see clearly is suppressed by the environmental laws there, even if you consume the energy of Dzogchen, you can't see it thoroughly.

The body was motionless and there was no response to the approach of several people.

As you approached, Chu You looked more clearly. It was a dead object like a "snake" twirling on the ground, but even so, its body still seemed very large. I didn’t know that when it stood upright, it seemed to be able to Take off the planets in the sky? !

At this time, the inner feeling also became clear, that thing is very similar to the Chinese God, it seems that it was the body before the transformation of the Chinese Dragon God.

As a player, Chu You is certainly very sure that the predecessor of the Chinese God, must be BOSS, and will definitely fight it!

Seemingly feeling, Xiahou Dunji said: "Patriarch, the disciples felt that the huge body contained almost endless resentment, forming an imperial aura, and it was a terrible emperor-level enemy." Xiahou Dunji's meaning was clear and clear , Directly define the huge body as an enemy, and the enemy means that it will wake up, but it is not a statue.

No wonder it wasn’t true before, because there were emperor-level laws that were interfering.

"But it is a false emperor, because it is the same as the evil we encountered before, it is the root here, it has no spiritual consciousness, it only destroy everything."

"It has no spiritual consciousness, although it has imperial-level combat power, but it is weaker than the existence of imperial-level imperial-level power. The power is the same, the difference is that it is similar to a puppet!"

When Han Youxi answered the call, Chu You noticed that the other six people had condensed the Great Consummation breath and entered a silent state, which slowed down a lot.

"Patriarch, please try to converge your breath, not to use mana, so as not to disturb it, it looks like a deep sleep, but the sleep is very shallow."

"I and other disciples have already discussed a tactic, so I hope the ancestor will understand."

"Oh? Okay..."

In this way, in a relatively speaking environment, the speed of several people slowed down a lot, and at this time, several people had flown over the edge of each other’s body, but the body was too large, and there was still a period of time to reach the center. The distance is also suppressed by imperial power.

Chu You, the pseudo-lord's head, didn't see it because it was buried in Panqu's body.

System: Suppressed by the power of the Pseudo Lord, your realm divine divinity drops by 4%, and natural recovery drops by 9%.

The above information was prompted before, and now it is prompted again, the content is more serious than before.

After that, 8 people came to the sky above the huge body, and Han Youxi said, "It is said that this body is the body before the transformation of the Chinese Dragon God, and it has become like this through the evolution of the special environment here. The disciples have tasted it in person. Its power is very overbearing and very powerful, and the treasure is under it!"

"That should still be Chaos Dragon Ball. It is said that when Chaos Dragon Ball evolved into the Great Dragon Ball, if you absorb it, you will be able to get a flying fairy!"

"However, Chaos Dragon Ball is also an extremely rare treasure. For me and others, absorbing it can even increase self-perfection and even add new Dao Dan. How powerful its divinity depends on how much it grows up, disciple The last time I came here was 20,000 years ago, and that time we failed to fight it, and we lost some companions."

"If the middle of the treasure below has not been changed, the disciple guesses that after obtaining it, it is used to fuse the magic weapon of life, it can make one of us possess imperial power!"

Chu You smiled on his face: "How about your chances of winning this time?"

Hearing what the patriarch said, there was a faint smile on everyone's face, Han Youxi said clearly: "I can take it down!"

"Patriarch, the tactics that my disciple and I just discussed also need the patron's cooperation!"

"Oh? How can I cooperate?"

"It's very simple, the Patriarch only needs to inject the power of cultivation!"

"When the patriarch sees the infusion magic circle appear, as long as the infusion energy of the magic circle is enough!"

Lying trough, is this just standing without brain output!

Brother, is this a help? !

Well, Chu You nodded: "No problem!"

Han Youxi looked at the young patriarch, then she nodded slightly, looked at the others, and said, "Let's get started!"


A shocking sound of dull thunder suddenly sounded, and a wave of nothingness spread out from the feet of several people instantly.

At the same time, Chu You was in a strange space, and the scenery he saw changed completely.


I arrived home tonight and added more tomorrow.

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