The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1099: Global deterioration

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Zhou Zhijun smiled unnaturally and shook his head slightly, "Brush... refreshed my three views."

"Huh, what about Bao'er?" It stands to reason that Bao'er should also come out, but did not see her.

"I told Baoer that after you got in the car, she would go to the game."

"Chu Shao, Bao'er seems a little abnormal."

Chu You blinked, and she remembered what happened that night.

It seems that since that night, there has been a change in Boer's heart.

Maybe it's time to talk to Baoer and establish a good and correct idea? !

Zhou Zhijun turned around in his mind, but still decided not to tell the scene when he saw that Baoer had just been offline. After all, the process was very short. Baoer was still a child. Maybe he was playing in the game very happy or the key point. It was forced to press the launch button, and it would be difficult for anyone to change his face.

It is the first time Baoer's face is seen for the first time, and at the same time there is a look different from his age.

And this expression made adults feel a sense of shock when they saw it, which left Zhou Zhijun a very deep impression, but she did not say this to Chu You, because I don’t know where to start, it is at most like before That said, some are not normal...

"Well, the child's mind is growing, this change is... understandable, I will take the time to communicate with her."

"Chu Shao, Bao'er cares a lot about you. Although she behaves introverted, her character is not introverted. In daily life when you are not there, I can only talk about you and she will always be energetic. "

"It's up to you to guide her. In fact, it's the best person. What will Bao'er look like in the future, your attitude towards her is very important." Zhou Zhijun still didn't make it clear. After all, Chu You and Bao'er are not in a biological relationship , She did not know the true attitude of Chu You.

Judging from some details found so far, Chu You's attitude towards Bao'er is'fuzzy'. This kind of blur can even be described as'ambiguity'. Perhaps these are not appropriate. In short, Chu You is sometimes a kind of 'Contradictions! ’

At this time, the RV came to the service area. In the early morning environment, the service area was brightly lit, and the large venue was full of people and densely packed!

To know that the current temperature is minus -7 degrees!

At the same time, Chu You also found that the road ahead was completely blocked, and there was a torrent of automobile steel in front of it.

But the other highway was empty, and no car appeared.

At this time, many people found a touring car that stumbled all the way. This car looks like a domineering feeling at the moment.

Afterwards, many people opened their eyes wide, because the RV hit the guardrail, and it was very barbaric. Although this car looks gorgeous and gorgeous at first glance, it is now very barbaric...

They saw that the RV was actually transferred to another high-speed, and you know that the driving direction of that high-speed is the opposite direction of this high-speed!

At this time some people reacted and ran towards the RV that was making amazing moves, yelling while running.

"Come back, come back!!"

"Take us together, we have money!!"

"What are they doing?" Zhou Zhijun asked.

"Rush the car." Chu You responded briefly. At this time, the RV came to another high speed and continued to drive towards the original road!

At the same time, the speed of the RV accelerates with maximum horsepower, and the flash light is turned on and all lights are turned on.

In such a dark environment, the RV is like a moving bright planet. If there is a rescue aircraft in the sky, it will be discovered at the first time.


The South Asian Viet Kay country is also on the highway.

At this moment, with the help of street lights, we can see that on this highway, all people are running...

These people run very fast and seem to have been accelerating all the time. The strange thing is that everyone is so...

Closer the distance, as if you can hear it, the closer you get to these people, the more strange sound you can hear. The sound is so dense that everyone is screaming, this sound is familiar, if you think of the zombies in the blockbuster Then you will be extremely surprised to find that the two sounds are exactly the same!

That's right! These people who are running fast on the road without stopping are all infected with viruses!

They screamed, horrible looks and some weird running postures, which all made people feel numb.

It's just that if they are like this, why should they run? Doesn't it mean that zombies will act unconsciously when they can't see the target? !

Obviously, what is happening now seems to be more terrifying than those on the screen...

Taking this as the center, you will see when you look away to a certain distance. At the end of this highway is a bustling metropolis!

In fact, not only that, but in the town ravaged by the mad virus, many people could be seen not only joining the army of death on the road, but some of them even rushed into the surrounding mountains. According to the route of these virus infected people, Their'ends' will eventually encounter human settlements, and the distance is not too far!

It seems that those infected with the virus know where there are humans.

In the neighborhood of this town, you can see human limbs, and even human bodies, but that can’t be called a corpse anymore, because it’s not like that, there are actually many situations...

In a high-rise commercial house, four viral men are madly hitting a locked door!

Soon the door of the room was broken by four viral men. They scrambled and screamed into the room. Their fingerprints on the door were blood marks.

Enter the room and slam into the master bedroom again, you can see there are two game cabins.

The eyes of the virus man are completely black, which is indeed not the human pupil and the eye structure that is not human.

At this time, one of the virus men held down the forced push button. When the game cabin was opened, the two men did not wait for the people inside to react, and they rushed in and madly bite...

Very strange, these crazy virus carriers actually know something, in other words, they seem to retain some kind of ‘human memory. ’

Soon there were tragic calls from both game cabins.

Similarly, the strange scene appeared again.

When the man on the left was bitten by madness, his body twitched with blood and his body was twitching, and there was no expression in his eyes. The two men who bit him gave up the bite and his face was still cruel. There was an unconscious hoarse voice in the mouth, and they let go of the bitter man who was bitten.

Then the two viral men joined the bite on the other side.

The man in the game cabin on the right is not so lucky. He also stopped screaming, because he was already bitten to death, but the four viral men still scrambled to continue to bite.

Take a bite of the meat and swallow it...

It seems that this man is the real food.

At this time, the bitten man on the left had his eyes completely darkened, and then his head swayed violently. As the blood in the swaying mouth splashed in the game cabin, the whole body twitched again. This phenomenon only continued. Three seconds later, after three seconds, the man stood up suddenly, his mouth also screaming with a high frequency.

This scene is actually repeated many times in this bustling town. Many people are forced to push the button by the virus zombie while playing the game, and then a horrible scene occurred.

Of course, more people are wearing game helmets to play games, so when the virus carriers come in, they pounce on it...

Strangely, with such an urgent biochemical invasion, why did the current country not take any emergency measures? !

For example, on that highway, if a report of the incident was received, it was said that the fighter had already been dispatched, but it is unimaginable that the authorities did not seem to know...

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