The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1102: Dear Lord Qi, (Congratulations to the leader of Brother Haoxuan!) 7/11

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Under the leadership of a geisha woman, the two appeared in a room with a lot of space.

There is a pit deep in this room, which emits a hot breath and bright yellow light.

When several people came to this pit and there were ten or more meters, a giant devil snake in a blurred state protruded from the inside. The snake's eyes were very insightful and deterrent, and people were alert and frightened. Miao Jiu The child felt this way, but Chu You in a black robe beside her did not.

The geisha woman bowed her head in salute and said, "Master, these two honored guests want to make a deal with us."

"Master Master will definitely be interested."

After speaking, the geisha woman introduced to Chu You: "This is my host: Master Yuan Luzhi."

Chu You understands that each snake body of the Big Eight Snake represents a name. The guy in front of him is a projection identity. His name is Yuan Luzhi.

The magic snake Yuan Luzhi spoke at this time, but its voice appeared in the minds of the two, and the voice was full of hoarseness and evil.

"What did you bring?"

Chu You smiled at the corner of her mouth: "Bringing the raw materials that will make you a snake!"


At this time, the awakening dragon stone appeared in his hand, and the breath around the devil snake slightly solidified, and then returned to nature: "Well~~ really it is a good thing, how do you want to sell, Honorable Lord?"

Chu You did this kind of transaction with the Dragon Pavilion in the Central City of Huaxia last time, so knowing the value of this thing, said quietly at this moment: "Awake, one 220,000 gold coin."

The reason why 220,000 gold coins are sold is because they have obtained too many dragon crystals. It feels a bit random. The transaction price with Huaxia Dragon Pavilion is 190,000.

"220,000? Haha, how much do you have?" The devil's tone was mocking.

"How much do I have? How much can you eat?" Chu You asked back, the indigenous people could understand what he said, without Miao Jiu'er's translation.

"It's interesting, come...1000. How about it?" The Devil Snake's words were tentative. "If you have 1,000 coins, 210,000 gold coins will be acquired!"

"Yes! Come on."

Hearing Chu You's answer, Miao Jiuer jumped inwardly, with 1,000 awakening-grade dragon crystals, one with 210,000, and 1,000 with that: 210 million!

Will you eat black? !

In fact, there is no need to worry about this situation. The commercial stores opened in the Central City of any region are honest transactions. As a city of neutral neutral gods, there is zero tolerance for any frauds that occur. If it does happen, you can go to The official report will impose sanctions on the fraudulent party once it is true!

Serious deprivation of orthodox attributes!

But the difference is between players. The player's favorite thing is fraud. Once caught or knows which player did it, the player cannot enter Central City for a certain period of time, or even permanently cannot enter Central City. Lord God imposed: Doom!

But even so, Chu You said: "It's so good, let's trade 100 pieces at a time, until the end of 1000 transactions."

"Hahaha, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat you. If this is anywhere else, if you dare to say this, I might really do it..."

So the transaction began, and the object of the transaction was not the magic snake, but the geisha woman.

The opponent was given 100 awakening-level killing dragons and dragons. The geisha woman took out a money bag containing 21 million.

This was repeated, until after the sale of 1,000 awakening-grade dragon crystals, Chu You obtained 210 million. Now his gold coin column is: 5.1 gold coins.

How many arousal-grade dragon crystals do you have?

The answer is: 59,000!

According to the 190,000 gold coins bid by China Dragon Pavilion and the 210,000 gold coins bid by Dongying Baqi Serpent, the median value is 200,000 gold coins, then the valuation of 59,000 arousal-grade dragon crystals has reached: 10.5 billion gold coins.

This does not count as having more large secondary dragonstones, ordinary dragonstones, general dragonstones, etc. These dragonstones add up to a total of 140,000!

In fact, it is unrealistic to exchange all the materials for gold coins. The orthodox aborigines probably don’t have so many gold coins, so Chu You didn’t make any counter-offer at all, as long as the other party said, 210,000 gold coins would be 210,000 gold coins. All right.

"Master Baqi." Chu You looked very sincere and respectful. "I still have 1,000 awakening dragon crystals on my body. I wonder if Master Baqi will continue to trade?"

At this time, I saw the pupil of the magic snake shrinking slightly, staring at the black robe Chu You, "I really underestimated you, but I like it very much, how can you disappoint you if you are willing to cut love, then, continue to trade. "

Later, a transaction was made with a geisha woman, Chu You obtained another 210 million, and the gold coin holding amount reached: 720 million.

And now, his face is very subtle, and the blink of an eye is as embarrassed as the discharge.

"Dear Master Baqi, I still have some of this aragonite in my hand. Do you want to continue trading?"

Hearing this, the snake's body bent slightly, and extended more body from the hole, suddenly the snake became very large, and a powerful oppression suddenly came.

"You still have this thing?!" The magic snake's tone was unbelievable.

Chu You nodded quickly: "Of course there is~"

"Where did you get so many aragonite?"

"It's okay to tell the grown-ups that the dragon crystals I obtained in the land of Dragon Tombs are not to be concealed. This cost is a heavy loss!" Chu You said the last sentence was distressed.

"Dragon....Dragon tomb, it turns out...So, how many more can you sell now?"

"Can you not ask this question, can 1000 awakened ones still trade? If not, I have to leave."

"Hehe...well, everything is for the continue."

Then, Chu You got another 210 million gold coins, and the total gold coin holding reached 930 million.

As soon as the transaction was completed, Chu You looked up at the Devil Snake, her tone revealing joy: "Dear Lord Qi, ....."

But while talking about it, the devil opened his eyes violently, and it was filled with dignity and fear. It swinged its huge body and said loudly: "You, you will not tell me, you will sell it to me. This aragonite?!"

Nodded, with a smile on his face and harmless to humans and animals, "Adult Baqi is unparalleled in wisdom, and the junior students are very admired in their hearts. Yes, there are 1,000 such aragonite stones for junior students."

"Dear Master Qi,..."

"Wait a minute, I know what you are going to say, how about we do another transaction, I promise you will be more satisfied."

However, Chu You's expression changed slightly, and immediately realized that there might not be so many gold coins on the other party, otherwise the other party would not be able to speak like this, alas...

Shaking his head slightly, "I'm only interested in gold coins."

"Well, there are 150,000 aragonite gemstones. In addition, I become your guardian. You have to know that there are few existences in this world that can beat me. What do you think?"

One 150,000 gold coins, lying in a trough, this is very powerful.

"I don't need the protection of an adult, and the next son is down to 150,000 gold coins.... I can't accept it."

"No need to protect? Haha, okay, then another way, I have a thing here. See if you are interested. If you are interested, I will use this thing plus a proportion of 150,000 gold coins to buy your 1,000 native dragon crystals. stone."

"What is it?"

I saw a box appearing out of thin air in the hands of a geisha woman. After opening the box, the light of the green mango radiated from the inside, and at that moment Chu You's expression was stunned, because he saw that there was a magic species in the box.

"It's a forbidden thing over there in China, devil!"

"How many?"

"There are 10 in total."

"Well....Yes." The magic species is the source of the magic system skills. The way to obtain the magic species now can only be refined as the devil emperor, except for the sealed magic species. It takes a lot of time and a lot of magic energy.

As a result, the two parties conducted another transaction and obtained 150 million gold coins plus 10 magic species. Now the gold coin holdings have exceeded 1 billion and reached 1.08 billion gold coins.

At this time, it is already known that the other party may no longer be able to take out gold coins and trade with themselves.

I thought about it for a while and said: "Dear Honored Lord Baqi..."

However, at this time, the body of the magic snake rolled violently, as if mad, and the eyes of the magic snake stared at the black robe Chu You.

"How many coins do you have to tell the deity directly, how about our deadline, I will give you the gold coins you want..."

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