The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1113: Tianya City and In Vivo Abnormalities (Congratulations to the leader of "Huo Xua

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Take off your clothes, you will be shouting hot after a while." Bao You looked at Chu You still wearing warm clothes and said with a smile.

Chu You's feeling is exactly the same, the temperature of the inner body is heating up, even if the room has already turned on the cold air.

A smile on his face, "Okay." Stand up and walk to the master bedroom.

As I walked through the dormitory, I saw Dantai Jingning, who had closed his eyes and was sleeping. Dantai Jingning was wearing shorts at this moment, revealing a nearly pale slender thigh. Her white was darker than others, although pale. , But still saw the'red' that was revealed inside.

Dantai Jingning's physical condition is changing from a pathological state—sub-health—health, which is a good thing.

Well, it's more eye-catching.

Moreover, Chu You discovered that Dantai Jingning's shorts and short sleeves were Lin Luoer's, and did not have her own summer clothes.

The whole process was almost a glance to get the above information, and then diameter entered the master bedroom, in the master bedroom Lin Luoer and Zhao Feifei had fallen asleep, but the snow-white thighs and skin interfered with Chu You Mood.

Especially Zhao Feifei, her sleeping posture can be said to tease Chu You's optic nerve.

Zhao Feifei's figure is soft and boneless, but not fat, and there is a sharp contrast between the waist and the hips. This sleeping position exposes the wearing denim shorts to expose a tender buttocks, which is really coveted.

She is very close-fitting, and her figure is so perfect. It can be seen that the two women's skin color is very white, which is fresh and white, which is in stark contrast with Dantai Jingning.

The scene is very eye-catching, Lin Luoer is wearing cotton short short pants, very close and cute!

Open the closet and take out the box, take out the summer underwear from the box, and then in front of the sleeping two women, Chu You took off all her warm underwear, and then slowly began to wear shorts and shorts.

When I changed my clothes, I felt refreshed all over my body. Summer is still good!

After looking at the sleeping two girls again, they glanced towards the door again, and then an ambiguous smile floated on their faces. They walked over to the bed and leaned down, reaching out to touch Lin Luoer's buttocks.

When the hand touched the other person's body, unexpected things happened. Chu You only felt a shock in her mind, her heart beat faster, the fire expanded uncontrollably, and the things in her lower body quickly raised their heads to form a small tent.

This kind of change made Chu Youdu unexpectedly. I had just thought about hand addiction to satisfy myself, but where did I think that when I touched the other party's body, the flesh on Lin Luoer's body uploaded from the big hand would actually make me produce it? Such a strong pleasure and inner fire.

It's as if it hasn't touched a woman for eight hundred years.

The hand is still on the other person's body, but the movement is big, and at the same time, he does not want to take it away and close his hand, stroking the other person's body all the time, the pleasure comes from this kind of pleasure, which makes Chu You difficult to extricate himself.

The eyes in the eyes have changed, and there is a strong desire for friendship in the body.

At this time, his eyes flashed decisively, and the meter was counted as poison to attack the poison. The other big hand reached Zhao Feifei's snowy thigh. When he touched the opponent's body, the inner pleasure became stronger.

Whether it is tactile or visual, it is strongly stimulating the heart!

I really want to kill two birds with one stone! !

But at this moment, the eyes of Yuhuo appeared a clear color, because they felt the two women under the palm were about to wake up!

Suffering from torment, Chu You withdrew her hand and stood up, then opened the main bedroom without looking back and walked outside.

Five seconds after Chu You left, Lin Luoer woke up, and immediately after 2 seconds, Zhao Feifei woke up. They opened their hazy eyes and revealed a charming color under their sleepy eyes.

Lin Luoer and Zhao Feifei knew what caused them to wake up. Someone was stroking them while they were sleeping.

This can be felt during sleep, and the subconscious mind conveys this message clearly and accurately.

After waking up, the two put their hands on the part that Chu You touched at almost the same time. At first, they were puzzled in the eyes but soon became enlightened, then both sides found that the person on the opposite side also woke up.

After two seconds of relative separation, the eyes quickly separated again. Lin Luoer blushed and lay down again with his back to Zhao Feifei.

Zhao Feifei stared at the ceiling with his eyes wide open, lying flat on his body.

A slight voice came from Zhao Feifei in the half-sound master bedroom: "It's really bold!"

Bao'er and Zhou Zhijun didn't find the abnormality of Chu You's lower body, because he had been hung up by his hand, and the tight part of the pants was as hard as iron, so it was not conspicuous from the outside.

At this time, I can feel the speed of the car slowing down. "Finally, I got off the highway!" Zhou Zhijun said through the window, looking at the scene in front of her. The tone revealed joy, and she actually wanted to see Chu You's residence in Tianya. Is it the same as the pictures of some luxurious sea-view villas?

The fact is that as Zhou Zhijun said, the RV is now entering the toll station, and the lower part of the RV's head is somewhat damaged, which greatly affects the appearance of the face and is full of wind and frost.

There is no one at the toll booth. No one is needed in this era. If the identity of the other person appears, it can only be the police and the police, intercepting the suspected vehicle.

And now there is no one to prove that the RV is not seen on the high speed.

After getting off the high speed, the speed of the RV slowed down, driving on a clean asphalt road, you can see the RV is nearly silent during driving, the sound of such a large RV is so small, it can also be seen How advanced the performance is!

Tianya City is one of the most affluent cities in China. It cannot even be called by the city because it does not have so many people! But its area is comparable to the area of ​​first- and second-tier cities.

The small number of people is because all the villa areas and villa estates are built here, and no high-rise buildings can be seen, except for those five-star to seven-star hotels.

Tianya City is a quiet city, it is not noisy; entering here is like entering an unmanned and beautiful city outside the world. Most people on Tianya City basically see no people on the roads, and there are few streets.

The people who live here are'successful people' who are either rich or expensive.

It is said that any city has slums, but I am sorry that Tianya does not.

The infrastructure and basic market are all replaced by artificial intelligence and operated by robots. Tianya City is a city with a very developed level of intelligence.

For example, Chu You renovated his manor. Most of the entire process was completed by artificial intelligence machinery. It is very efficient and safe. What is what is there will not be a little water.

What's more, there is also a red queen under supervision.

Why Tianya City is such a situation, this has a major relationship with its geographical location.

It is close to the sea, and the seascape is extremely beautiful. The seawater has never been muddy. The place is infinitely close to the original nature. The sky is always so blue, the clouds are always so colorful, and the sunshine is always so bright.

There is no pollution inside, and the safety level of Tianya City is one of the best. People outside the region can't get in at all.

To a certain extent, Tianya is a city that is not open to the outside world!

It does not welcome travelers, it does not like to be disturbed, and even to obtain a pass to enter Tianya City.

In short, this is a special top-tier affluent city built by people who are either rich or expensive!

The RV is driving in such a city. Of course, the RV passes through a number of unmanned and manned security checkpoints. The owner of the RV is Chu You, and Chu You is the owner of the place of residence, so of course you can come in without a certificate.

The entire city can be described by the suburbs. There is no one ring or two rings. It is the so-called one ring by the sea, and the most expensive location!

After driving for another hour, the RV has entered the ‘artificial virgin forest’ area, and even the deer and subtropical tropical herbivorous wild animals can be seen on the highway, which makes Baoer and Zhou Zhijun and Lin Luoer and Zhao Feifei look fascinated.

The second floor of the RV is fully windowed, and of course the view is extremely wide.

When the RV enters a bifurcated road and enters a relatively narrow road, everyone in the RV except Chu You found a phenomenon, that is, all the street lights on this highway have a similar small billboard, advertising The cards are very close to tall street lamps.

But all the small billboards have a portrait, and this portrait is exactly: Chu You at the age of 14!

14-year-old Chu You smiled very sunny. There was an illustrated caption on the advertising gesture, which read: Welcome to my manor!

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