The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 201: My pursuit!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

System: Your fighting **** body is awakened, the power of the ancient gods has unblocked part of the state, congratulations, you have the two-star transformation skills!

Two Stars Transfiguration: Turn the eyebrow totem of ancient gods into the power of broken stars, and powerful energy activates the **** body to gain the blessing of the power of two stars of ancient totems!

Skill description: After using the transformation, the character body soars 5 meters, the fighting **** body posture appears, after the transformation, its health value +109600, magic value +109600, is syncoped, knocked down, knocked back, air restraint resistance value +1600, change In the state of body, the natural recovery speed of your vitality and magic power is increased by 20%, the recovery amount is increased by 50%, the physical strength value is +300, the huge body flexibility is +50%, the movement speed is +50%, the attack speed is +50%, and the duration is 30. Minutes, skill cooldown: 4 hours, transformation time: 10 seconds!

Chu You stood up, her soft white hair fluttered naturally, and the two-star pattern Yu Yu in her eyebrows was brilliant and inexplicable, coupled with the powerful aura displayed at this time, like a **** son descending on the earth.

Don't forget, the game's main character is 2 meters tall, with a slender and straight posture, a cold look, and a natural invincible contempt in his eyes!

"It's really extraordinary!" Jiu Li, the gray-robed man, said appreciatively.

"You can continue to bear the blood of the two ancient gods in a row, which is amazing!" The black robe also congratulated heartily.

"You can have this kind of divine blood, so should the SR level of awakening blood also be there?" Chu You returned to the original state without any discomfort. On the contrary, she only felt a sense of etherealness and her mind was very clear. .

"Young man, what's your name?"

"Under the night!"

"I remember you, You Ye is a good name. Of course you have the SR-level awakening blood, a total of 20, a total of 1 million is needed!" The black robe directly omitted the number of each, but reported it The total price, he also saw that Chu You is not ordinary rich.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the young man with extraordinary temperament and radiant expression readily said what satisfied him!

When he said that he bought all of them, Chu You glanced unconsciously on the way, and then took out the money bag and handed it to the other party.

When Chu You glanced back, the Dongying girl who had been watching in secret suddenly jumped violently. At this moment, the face of the other party was completely imprinted in the girl's heart. For a moment, the Dongying girl was completely dumbfounded. Too.

After obtaining 20 SR-level awakening blood, Chu You, Jiu Li and the two shadow guards behind him left here.

"Ah, this is a great place!" Chu You said with emotion.

"Oh, for you, that's true!"

"Is there any magical thing to improve the cultivation method? Or is there any cultivation method for sale?" Chu You said in front of skill points, for the latter, Chu You did not hope.

"You know quite a lot, there are indeed that kind of magical thing. I will take you there. As for the cultivation method you said, there is none."

I didn't have any hope at all, and just smiled slightly after hearing it.

Soon, the two went to another businessman.

Among the merchants who sold skill points, Chu You gained 10 skill points for a total of 1.7 million.

At the moment when you got it, Chu You immediately upgraded her survival gesture skills, but Chu You soon found that this skill could not be upgraded when you reached level 3, if you can still upgrade, this skill is a divine skill Too.

Now the survival posture can instantly restore 50% of your health. When you turn on this skill, its maximum health has reached 50%. That is to say, the total health of 120,000 after Chu You became a further increase of 50%. At that moment, Chu You's health value was more than 180,000, approaching the 200,000 blood mark! This is quite scary, you know, this is the beginning of the game!

Rebirth + Shenhao, unparalleled!

If not a rebirth, God knows how much money will be spent in vain? !

"You told me that there are copies for sale here. Is that the existence of the secret realm?" Chu You knows that some copies in the heavenly world are not public and have a unique nature. Like this copy, you can only enter it once. Whether it is unsuccessful, it is only one time. Even if there are copies to reset the props, these unique copies will not work! The only advantage is that it can produce good equipment.

"Haha, it seems that you have a tendency to put all the goods here in your pockets, well... of course there is, and I also know that there is information on the whereabouts of the magical things sold here."

"Haha, just as I like it, take me to see it!"

So, Chu You bought ten SSS-level copies of the entrance scroll in the hands of another businessman. The nightmare mode of the SSS-level copy, but there is a big chance of dropping the holy equipment! In Chu You's eyes, the only thing that can be seen is the SSS level. As for the other SS-level copy scrolls, Chu You didn't buy it. This cost a total of 1 million gold coins, and a SSS-level copy scroll of 100,000 gold coins!

In the hands of another businessman, Chu You bought 10 pieces of information about the location of the magical equipment, especially one of the information of the magical equipment caught the attention of Chu You. The name of that magical thing is: Reincarnation's Demon Eye! Information about this supernatural thing only shows a few simple sentences, but it is extremely representative of its excellent character.

Seeing all the illusions and illusions in the world, invisible things have nowhere to escape, so that all beings cannot extricate themselves until they are wiped out in the real illusion!

And the location above shows: The Devil's Underground Palace under the Kunlun Mountains!

Kunyun Mountains? It seems that the clue that I was looking for the source stone Shengjing is also in the Kundang Mountains. It seems that this place is very necessary.

Here again spent 500,000 gold coins, and then the two left again.

"Boy, you don't seem to find that your mask has disappeared." At this time, the gray robe reminded Chu You.

When I heard the words, I was shocked and quickly touched my face with my hand. Sure enough, there was no mask on my face at this time. It was my true face that was exposed in the air.

Chu You hurriedly opened the character's equipment bar to check it. When you saw that the mask was still there, Chu You first felt at ease and then checked why it happened.

When watching the latest content appearing under the mask, Chu You smiled dumbly.

No object can block the birth of the ancient **** totem, so it hides automatically; but the position of the mask is still there, which means that the mask magic skill can be activated at any time, and it can be taken out when it needs to be upgraded. In short, it is not taken out. The magical mask is invisible!

After thinking about it, Chu You thinks this is also very good. Anyway, his game face has been mastered by others. It is not a secret. Let it appear when needed.

"Looking like you still want to find something that strengthens yourself?!" Jiuli, the gray-robed man, quipped.

"Yeah, my pursuit is, a second!" Chu You said with a confident smile.

"In any case, you can be the same in a second, this is my pursuit!" Chu You said the hope of all players!

"Haha, your character makes me like it more and more, it's very good, let's go, the deity takes you to a powerful thing that you can use now!" Behind the back, the halberd weapon of Panlong Splitting Sky!

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