The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 203: Put grain

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

At this time, Chu You's war halberd was behind his back, and the weapon's head glowed with red brilliance, which looked extremely extraordinary. This is the weapon effect produced by Shenshi.

Then open your own player's personal skill interface. At this time, Chu You has skills that no player can match. No matter the number of skills or the powerful skills, Chu You is the first person in "The World"!

Now that he has 9 skill points left, after thinking about it, Chu You looked at his swipe and squinted her eyes. At this time, this skill is already at the second level, and it is still 12000 away from the third level. Proficiency, the higher the skill level, the harder it is to practice.

The number of skill points you have is different, you can directly upgrade the skills to a level, which is very precious.

A swipe is only a fourth-order triggering skill, but its frequency of use is extremely frequent. Normal attacks trigger a half-moon chopping group attack skill three times. It is reasonable to say which skill is easy to reach the first level. It is this skill.

Chu You knows that, like this triggering skill, its full-level cap is likely to be... Level 10!

Would you like to fill it all at once now? As soon as this thought surfaced, Chu You couldn't help but pounding, and her mouth was dry.

do not care! Full!

When the fierce light flashed in his eyes, Chu You immediately upgraded his swipe skills!

System: Your swipe has reached the third level, please take the time to view the information!

After the upgrade, this skill can still be improved in the past, unlike the survival attitude, only three levels can be reached.

System: Your swipe has reached the fourth level, please take the time to view the information!


After Chu You spent 8 skill points, this swipe skill was finally full! Especially when the ninth level becomes full, the damage of this skill has changed qualitatively. Looking at the last skill point left, I decided to use this point in the "War Halberd" state skill.

The ‘War Halberd Warrior’ skill passed the 2 skill points obtained before completing the level, and it was used on its body and survival posture, so this state skill is the second level, and now it is upgraded again to reach the third level!

'War Halberd's Warriors' is a perfect score obtained from the trial site. According to my memory, the full level of this skill is 5, and the reason why it is not raised to the full level is considered. .

The war is coming, the third-level "War Halberd Warriors" skill is enough to deal with those scum players, and there are eight-level passive skills "Battle Slaughter Dance" blessings during the fight, so the presence of "War Halberd Warriors" will be great Reduced, become a little tasteless.

Sweeping blow (fourth-level skill) full-level status: After three ordinary attacks, triggering a sweeping blow, swinging a weapon instantly sends a wide half-moon cut to the front, all enemies within 10 meters of the front cause 3102 basic physical damage. Opening time: instant launch, requires occupation: warrior system.

Very good, saves the mana value, and the damage reaches 3102, which is still basic damage, and does not add the player's own attack damage. If you count your own attack crit and fatal crit damage, Nima will be against the sky!

Chu You licked her tongue, her mind couldn't help but imagine the scene. How many people would kneel in an instant if they swept across with a sweep? Oops, the more itchy you want, the more you want to experiment as soon as possible!

At that time, no matter who it is, even if it is a special transformation of some professions, he will definitely die in a sweeping blow.

After looking around and looking at the end time of Hongyun Island, and then carefully recalling some previous game content, I opened the backpack and looked at the space storage capacity, Chu You looked flashed, and then directly used the return to city skills, as for the stay In the blast of the Clippers in the port, it is clear that the local tyrants are gone...

There are too many harvests on Hongyun Island, especially the time acceleration card, which will be of great benefit to the ruling Yan Guo Gong in the future.

Before leaving, Chu You bound the return point to Camel Hill City. This is the instinct of any old player. Whenever he decides to return to this place, many old players will consciously exchange the return point. In the current town.

As soon as he appeared here, Chu You hurriedly entered the city's main palace, and the shadow guards behind him also came here and stopped at the door. They could not enter unless Chu You was hostile to the NPC relationship here. . Soon Chu You met Lord Xue Cheng.

"This is the 50,000 stone grain I brought, Master Xue Cheng, here you are!" After the big hand, he put 50 compressed grains in the backpack on the ground, each with the amount of 1,000 stone grains.

"I didn't expect you to finish it in just a few hours. You really let me take a look at it." After Xue Chengzhu finished speaking, the system appeared a prompt and rewarded him with 300,000 experience points.

System: Master Xue's favorability with you has increased to 77%.

Master Xue Cheng stood up and flicked his cuffs. The 50,000 stone grains on the ground were taken away by him. His face was ruddy and he looked very happy. He smiled and said to Chu You, "You also brought your 100,000 stone grains from the court. ?"

"That's of course, all in my backpack!"

'Cappa' Master Xue applauded, "Very well, so go and send warmth to the victims, I have secretly told the relevant personnel, you will now ride the carriage specially prepared for you by the city master, and then go to the disaster situation Send food somewhere!"

At this time, with the completion of the words of Xue Xuezhu, his task content changed, which means cooking grain at 10 locations in the Weihe River, and storing 10,000 stone grains at each location.

Chu You immediately got up and said goodbye. When she came to the door, there was a luxurious carriage parked there. The carriage consisted of four tall black horses. Their expression was very extraordinary, and they felt like a thousand horses.

"Sir, please also get in the car, we should leave!" The coachman reminded Chu You at this time.

Soon Chu You and the two shadow guards were seated in the carriage. At this moment, the four horses made a loud hissing sound, their front hooves were raised, and then the carriage was flying at a speed Galloping outside the city gate.

The huge and heavy city gate opened immediately, and Chu You's carriage left Tuoshan City.

Sitting in this carriage, Chu You was relieved, and originally worried that you might encounter resistance from monsters on the road, but now it seems that this worry is superfluous, and the safety factor is very high. These all benefit from the care of Xue Chengzhu Ah, if it is a general player, how can it be treated with such high specifications?

It's a skill book, a shadow guard, a blast clipper, and now the luxury carriage...

Haha, this task is progressing fast! Chu You is very satisfied with the current situation.

The next thing was very simple. The carriage automatically came to the first grain discharge place. There was a big pot here, but although the fire was filled with firewood, it did not burn.

System: You open a stone grain and pour it into it, then store ten thousand stone grain in the warehouse.

Chu You immediately did the same. When the food was poured into it, the officers and men around them came to the cauldron with the burning firewood, and then lit the firewood. The fuel seemed to be sprinkled on it, and the fire was burning.

The warehouse is not far from the cauldron, and it is easy to recognize, because there is a word written in it, and when you came to the empty warehouse, Chu You put all the 10,000 stone grain here, no need to sort it out, follow The officers and soldiers will help deal with such tedious things, and soon neatly packed food bags will fill the warehouse.

At this time, a dense noise came from a distance. When Chu You came out, she saw many clothes and sloppy clothes. The hungry victims came here.

At the same time, the county magistrate and officials here thanked Dade for themselves; for a while, there were words of praise everywhere.

Without a smile, Chu You turned back and walked towards the carriage. In a few moments, the luxurious carriage left here and galloped toward the second food point.

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