The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 208: Exclusive live broadcast

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"You tell her to ask her to add my friend, and I set the friend on." Chu thought back to the commander. The footsteps still followed the old **** in front, and then canceled the questions set by friends.

Because it was closed for too long, no one applied for friend information from the world's first player for a while, quietly.

Seeing this, Chu You unknowingly showed a smile. He knew he had escaped the period when many players frantically applied for friends.

"What do you say? Can you say that I can add You Ye as a friend?" After hearing the content of the killing commander, Qin Suwan was very surprised, which was too unexpected for her. When she wanted to come in contact with the man, It’s not easy. It takes a lot of effort. You can’t hide yourself too deep, and Ye Ye is not interested in fame and fortune? !

With some excitement, Qin Suwan entered the word You Ye in his friend's application bar with his thoughts, and finally chose OK...

Sure enough, the required question setting is gone.

System: Player Qin Suwan applies to you as a friend, is it approved?

With the confirmation of Chu You, Qin Suwan joined her circle of friends.

"Hi Youye, I am very happy to be your friend." After seeing that he was approved by the other party, Qin Suwan sent his heartfelt greetings to the other party for the first time.

"Don't be too happy, I will blacken you if you talk about collapse." Chu You looked at the surrounding scenery with a casual tone.

"Oh, you are too honest, but thank you for giving me a chance."

"What do you think of the live broadcast platform?" Chu You entered the topic directly.

"If they agree to the conditions, I won't appear in your friends."

"What do you mean? Come on, I'm going to do business right away."

Hearing the other person's tone, Qin Suwan's heart tightened, and You Ye's character was unpredictable. Since he said this, he would definitely shield himself from the time, and then he was sadly reminded, so he quickly said: "They rejected the condition, So, I want to go it alone!"

Lying trough, the person in charge of your platform is sick! Reminiscent of the grand occasion of the live broadcast of the previous life, Chu You was sullen. However, Chu You was relieved when I thought about it. It is still in the early stage of the game. Who knows that he and the Super God Guild will always maintain the world's leading momentum? Who knows the appalling amount of resources in himself?

"Do you mean to explain the live broadcast to us alone?"

"That's it!" Qin Suwan said affirmatively, his lips twitched, and there was tension in his eyes.

If you want to come to the other party, you can't cheat yourself on this matter. This kind of thing is very easy to find out. Chu You immediately said: "So how many gold coins can you take out now? If it is too low, I won't agree, although you praise it as Hua Xia's first commentary, but I want to say that I don't care. "Most of the time it's the situation that creates the hero, not the hero that creates the situation. "Tianshi" is the case. It is clear to the heart that as long as you want to, it is easy to hold a goddess-level commentary. With her predictability in the heavenly world, the first female commentary in China will also be won in the future.

Live broadcast for us, it's hard to think about it or not!

Hearing the other person's wayward words, Qin Suwan only said to Chu You "Please wait a moment." Immediately afterwards, the backbone of the Fairytale Kingdom Guild was launched.

"You both know about my sister's trouble with the East family, now I tell you, I got the exclusive agency right of the Super God Guild's live broadcast, but I need gold coins, my sister is only one level, where are the gold coins, so, the profit Calculated according to the 1:5 gold exchange. And I will advertise your name when I start the live broadcast!" Qin Suwan immediately sent the same voice to dozens of his guild friends, meaning how much gold you put in after the profit comes out. I will give you how much soft sister currency according to the ratio of 1:5, and during the live broadcast will say the names of you sponsors.

"How many gold coins does the other party require?" A friend immediately responded to Qin Suwan.

"You don't care, how many gold coins do you put in!" Qin Suwan didn't ask Chu You's quotation, but it wouldn't be too low. After all, 2 million gold coins were reported before.

"Well, I have 100,000 gold coins here, you take it!" After the other party took a screenshot, he sent 100,000 gold coins to Qin Suwan.

"I have 70,000 coins here, is it enough?" said another.

"Everything, come quickly!" Qin Suwan gradually feels confident. Although there are too few gold coins, the live broadcast rights of the Super Gods Guild who want to come to this war should be able to get...

When Chu You walked through the super-long court corridor and saw the hall not far away in front, the old **** reminded that there was the Emperor Yan, Qin Suwan's voice came.

"Big brother, Suwan is here. I have just collected 400,000 gold coins. I know this is not enough, but I really want to be your commentary. Can you give Suwan a chance?" If there is enough time Qin Suwan can also gather more money, but Chu You is a busy person and has no time to wait for you to gather money.

"400,000 gold coins? Well, it will be live broadcast by you during this war." Qin Suwan was pleased when she heard this sentence. "1.6 million gold coins must be collected within one week after the war, otherwise we will not have cooperation, and then you will get the right to live broadcast for one year, and..."

Speaking here, Chu You's eyes narrowed: "During the live broadcast, you must lean towards us, rather than stand in the middle of the angle to explain, do you understand what I mean? Otherwise, not only the cooperation is invalid, the gold coins will not be refunded!"

Many anchors in the live broadcast industry usually like to live in a competitive game team. They like to talk about each other from the perspective of God. This is a very annoying behavior of Chu You. Although this situation enters a climax with the two teams meeting, but This kind of climax is actually very flat in the eyes of Chu You...

Oops, A is good at killing 3 players in team B, and B is fighting back against the worms for five consecutive killings. This kind of explanation of the middle position is actually not passionate at all. Especially, the position of "The World" is clear. The confrontation between the camps and the explanation of the neutral attitude have been messed up in the previous life!

"Hee hee, thank you guys for giving the little girl a chance. As for my position, of course it is to cheer you up, rest assured, people will do it all for you! Exclusive to your commentator!"

"That's all right, money to kill the commander, you can discuss the specific situation with the killer commander!" The old **** turned back and said, "You stay here, I will go in and tell the Holy One!"

"Yeah!!" On the playground in Xinshou Village, Qin Suwan in a novice outfit made a victory gesture, and then immediately said to his partner: "Super God Guild agreed, you quit the fairy tale kingdom and join the super god!" Then Happy announcement to the fairy tale kingdom guild channel: "haha, my sister won the exclusive agent of the super **** guild live broadcast!!"

"Ah? Is this true? The PVP battle has a live broadcast from a super-god perspective?"

"God, sister Goddess, please tell the room number quickly, the seeds bench, the watermelon air conditioning WiFi are ready!"

"Haha, I'll go downstairs to buy a box of spicy sticks!" The guild channel was full of happy words for a while. You should know that the fairy tale kingdom is almost all untransferred players except the management team. PVP battle They only have points to send, and they are fans of Ye Ye. They are very happy to see such a live broadcast.

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